Tony Meets Nan by mollycactus

Tony Meets Nan by MollyCactusMollyCactus: An Unforgettable Encounter

Nanette (Nan to her friends) was calmly enjoying being shackled to the tree… until she heard the snap of a twig nearby. Her heart rate accelerated as she peered this way and that into the darkened forest. The first quarter moon shed a little light downward from the night sky, but the leaves of the trees blocked most of it. Since Nan’s eyes weren’t doing much in her search for the source and location of the sound, she shut her eyes and focused on her hearing. Her breathing rate had accelerated to keep pace with her heart, and even though the rise and fall of her chest made her bare breasts bounce, she tried to keep her inhalations and exhalations as silent as possible.

Earlier that evening, as dusk was turning into night, she’d emerged from her house and walked naked toward the woods behind it, carrying only a backpack with the equipment she’d need for this planned evening of self-bondage. First, as was her habit, she proceeded to the meadow. There, she set down the backpack and began dancing ‘sky clad’ — that feeling was always marvelous! She was training to be a dancer, and loved the feel of the muscles of her lithe body working as she abandoned herself to movement.

The dancing was a good warm-up and release of tension. She knew that she was going to shackle herself in place for several hours, so her muscles needed this activity before they’d be rather still after the shackling took place. She’d already selected the tree where she’d do it. Days ago, during the daylight, she’d scouted the nearby woods and found a venerable beech tree which had three benefits. The tree’s bark was still very smooth, so if she had to lean against it, her bare skin wouldn’t be abraded. It also had a circumference that the shackles chains would fit easily around — ever cautious, she’d measured it carefully. And finally, on one side there was a branch that was low enough that she could hang a string that held the key to the shackles. The setup was perfect.

When she felt she’d danced enough, she pulled a towel out of the backpack and rubbed the sweat off her body. Truth be told, she might have danced longer, but she was too excited to begin her ‘ordeal’ of self-imposed confinement. The night was mild, so she wasn’t worried about catching a chill. The path from her house to the meadow was a well-worn, grassy meandering animal trail, so she’d walked barefoot along that. But now she was going to pick her way through the woods to her chosen tree, so she put on shoes to protect her feet for this part of the evening. Very few people wandered through these woods, but she still moved as quietly as possible.

She’d memorized the tree’s location, so she didn’t need to use any lights as she made her way into the forest. Reaching the tree, she pulled from her backpack the string that held the key to the handcuffs that were located on either end of the chains of the shackles. She was going to leave her ankles free this time, and only handcuff her wrists. She tied the string to the tree branch, making sure she could reach it easily. Nan also had a backup key for emergencies located in her backpack, but it was in a small jar of motor oil. Getting it out of there would be a messy task, so she’d only consider using it in a crisis.

With the key in place, she grabbed the chain of the shackles and drew them out of her backpack. She found the center, and placed it on the ground, under the key, against the base of the tree. Placing her backpack and shoes there beneath the key, she then put the free ends of the chain around the tree base, one on either side. Walking around to the point farthest from the key, she positioned the right handcuff on a small fork in a twig, with its open side upward. Next she carefully closed the left handcuff around her left wrist. Kneeling with her shoulder against the tree, she stretched out her right hand to the still open handcuff. This was the moment. Once she settled her wrist into the embrace of that handcuff and made its open jaw ratchet close by pressing it against the ground, she’d be bound. This moment always thrilled her, and she savored it, before finally securing the right handcuff. She then pressed her body more firmly against the tree, awkwardly levering herself up to a standing position. Satisfied, she lowered herself back down to kneeling.

If anyone could have seen her at this moment, they’d observe a petite woman, perhaps five feet tall, with green eyes and shoulder length sandy blond hair, shackled to the tree as if embracing it. Naked as the day she was born, her bare breasts were pressed against the smooth bark. As much as she loved her breasts, they were a bit of a worry to her, since they still seemed to be growing. They’d been 34B only a year ago, but those bras were straining, and soon she’d have to try 36C bras. Very large breasts were not convenient in the dance moves she enjoyed so much. If she got too endowed, dancing would have to become a pastime, and not a profession. But she was smart, and she knew she could succeed at whatever she tried.

Nan planned this to be a three hour experience. She didn’t need a watch since the first quarter moon was highest in the sky when she’d set out for the meadow, and she planned to stay chained until the moon set at midnight. During self bondage a person can quickly become ‘in the moment’ rather than thinking about things that needed to be done like dishes, laundry or shopping. All that business of life was set aside since it could not be dealt with in the near future. Therefore, once she’d secured herself in place, her imagination went into overdrive. This was, after all, the chief thrill of self-bondage.

She was truly restrained, chained to that tree, and her body reacted viscerally. It was easy to imagine being grabbed by some captor or captors, stripped naked and bound. She could not help but imagine the things they might do to her body, helpless and vulnerable as she was. Maybe it wasn’t ruffians that did this. Maybe a powerful wizard or witch conjured these chains on her and was about to launch a horde of imps to torment her. On the other hand, perhaps a group of people was assembling for an auction to bid on her — the highest bidder winning and hauling her away. Since she was in charge of these imaginings, the scenarios were always exciting, even if they involved mild humiliation and chastisement. These were her fantasies, after all.

The shackle chain had enough slack that she could work the far side up or down the tree. So she’d started out kneeling, but had also lowered the chains and sat sideways on the soft ground to rest her legs. She could also raise the chains up and stand up fully when she wished. She’d been enjoying herself for quite a while when she’d suddenly heard that shocking sound of a twig snapping, seemingly very loud in the relatively silent forest. At that moment she was kneeling, and, as has been said, first stared into the darkness futilely, then closed her eyes to focus on her hearing. That effort was not futile. She could make out the sound of leaves being almost silently disturbed as something brushed against them. The weight of feet, paws, or hooves apparently compressed brush or debris against the ground — not continuously, but in a stealthy start and stop fashion. There were no dangerous animals in these woods, but Nan had heard or sensed enough that she decided she’d better act.

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