Tony Meets Nan by mollycactus

Tony sat where he was, processing what he’d just witnessed. “Unless I’m very mistaken, that kinky woman is planning to shackle herself to the tree,” he mused quietly when she was well out of earshot. “I’ve read stories about people that get very aroused while performing self-bondage like that. The string obviously will hold her key to the shackles — that’s why she was making certain she could reach that point.” Excited, he began to formulate his plan.

During daylight, when he was certain Nan was nowhere around, Tony determined the quickest route from his house to the tree Nan had chosen. He’d seen how she’d carefully reached around the tree to touch the string, so he concluded she’d be shackled on the other side. That told him from what angle he should approach. He carefully cleared most of the major brush and obstacles along the route. He then practiced moving speedily but as silently as possible along that route, memorizing it so he’d be able to follow it in darkness. He was amazed at how thrilling it was to make these preparations.

In the evenings, he intensified watching his trail cams, not wanting to miss the moment that Nan headed for that tree. Each time she appeared on the trail to the meadow, his heart accelerated and his palms got sweaty. But she made no inclination of leaving the meadow yet. He felt a strange mixture of disappointment and arousal. The disappointment was due to the fact that his plan would have to wait yet another day. The arousal was from watching Nan seemingly getting more kinky in her dancing. For instance, one time she danced with her arms shackled together with the chain, as before, but this time she also had a chain running between her ankles. He was fascinated that she could move so well, bound in such a manner. Another time, she danced with her wrists handcuffed together behind her back. How she was able to keep her balance like that mystified him. He was also astonished at how seemingly easily she was able to unlock the handcuffs with them behind her back like that. She must’ve practiced doing that a lot!

But finally, the night he’d been waiting for arrived. Nan danced naked for a while, but not as long as she usually did. The light of the first quarter moon bathed the meadow in a soft glow as she danced. When she finished, she pulled a towel from her backpack and was obviously rubbing the sweat off her skin. More importantly, Nan kept glancing in the direction of her tree. Tony’s body prepared itself for action — heart rate and breathing rate accelerating. His cock also stirred inside his pants, starting to engorge as if it had a mind of its own. He had to adjust its position and angle to stop it from binding painfully inside his clothing. His eyes were riveted to the screen, since he didn’t want to set out toward her tree until he was certain she was heading there.

“There! She’s on the move!” he practically shouted as he saw her pick up her backpack and head for her tree. He set out at a leisurely pace, realizing it would take her a while to reach that tree and secure herself in place. “It’s a good thing I cleared my path and learned it,” he thought. “The light of this first quarter moon is not penetrating very well into the dense forest. My phone has a flashlight app, but I hope I don’t have to use it — it would give away my position.” He stepped carefully, not putting his weight onto his leading foot until he was sure it was stable. He was straining his ears, listening for any indication of Nan’s whereabouts. All he could hear was the sound of crickets and the occasional croak from a frog. But as he got closer to the tree, he could also hear the soft clink of metal on metal as the shackle chain links bumped together from Nan’s movements. She was probably shifting her body around, trying to get comfortable.

Tony was now close enough — the tree was in sight. In the dim light, the lighter toned flesh of Nan’s hand was visible near the left edge of the tree. The shackle chain stretched from that wrist to the right, until its other end disappeared around the tree’s right edge. “She’s really chained in place!” Tony thought, triumphantly. “Now I need to find and grab that key!”

In his eagerness to secure the key, Tony took a hasty step forward, and his foot came down on an errant twig, snapping it! “Dammit!” he thought as he froze in place. He tensed up, listening closely, eyes wide open. There was a palpable feeling that Nan had heard that sound and was also tensed up, straining her ears. Tony must’ve stayed immobile, holding his breath, for over a minute. Even after he allowed himself to take shallow breaths, he stayed stationary. But his whole plan depended on reaching Nan’s key before she did.

Sweating now, for fear that his planning might be in vain, Tony started moving straight for the tree, straining to try to spot the string and key. He couldn’t move as stealthily as earlier, so his feet displaced leaves that were pushed aside with a soft scratching sound. His feet also flattened small twigs and leaves causing muffled crushing sounds as he stepped and stopped, stepped and stopped. But he saw the key… at the same time he saw the shackle chain starting to be pulled upward slowly. “She’s getting up, probably getting ready to reach for the key!” he knew. But now the key was within his reach, and he noiselessly removed it from the string. His foot had nudged her backpack and shoes, so he reached down and took hold of them as well.

As he saw a little more of Nan’s arm starting to appear around the curve of the trunk, he sidestepped around the curve of the tree trunk in the opposite direction. Gleefully, he watched her hand coming closer and closer to the string. As her hand reached it, he heard a muffled gasp as her hand searched up and down the end of the now empty string. He set her backpack and shoes on the ground behind him, well away from the tree. Reaching round the tree with his hand a little above where her face must be, he spoke at the same time. “Are you looking for this?” He knew it was safe to show her the key, because her shackled wrists prevented her hands from moving fast in any direction. He grinned as he saw her bare foot appear, feeling for her backpack.

“Is that you. Anthony?” she asked with a quavering voice.

“No need to be so formal, hun,” he replied. “You can call me Tony for now.” He stepped to where she could see him.

“Tony, you have my key! Please unlock these shackles and free me.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll do that just yet. This is a rare opportunity, finding a beautiful naked woman bound to a tree. I don’t suppose someone did this to you, did they? I heard no one in these woods but you. I should document this unique occurrence.” Using his phone, he took a side view picture of her. The flash from the phone was inordinately bright under the dark canopy of the forest.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Nan asked.

“I’m documenting, as I said,” he answered.

Tony walked around behind her, and took a couple of pictures from that angle.

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