Tracy's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 02

An adult stories – Tracy's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 02 by Croodle,Croodle “Alright…” he says, “t-time for your clothes.”

“Of course!” I shoot back with a cutesy smile.

At this point, my tits had been out in the open for several minutes, so I was already halfway there. Still, I was admittedly a little nervous about committing entirely to this…giving up all of my clothes for four years…but my excitement far outweighed my inhibitions! I was ready!

I wrap my thumbs around the hem of my skirt, and yank it to the floor. As I stood there in just my panties, the boy’s face grew red. We both noticed that my underwear was SOAKED. God, I was so horny and excited that I hadn’t even noticed how wet I was getting. Oh well!

With nothing to fear, I grabbed my panties and flicked them down off my hips, watching them fall down my legs and into the ground.

Here I am, standing in front of this boy (and my friends peeking around the corner) wearing nothing but flip-flops. Not to mention the fact that my pussy was fully shaved and visibly wet!

For the most part, I’d stay this way until I graduated in nearly four years, no matter where I go or who sees me! But I can’t get caught up in the future right now! There’s a boy that needs teasing!

My Program Advisor’s face is somehow even redder than before, now with him forcing himself to look away. This is going to be fun.

“Hey!” I yelled to him, “Don’t you know it’s rude not to look at a lady when you’re talking to her!”

“Ah! S-sorry!”

God he’s cute. He turns right at me, nervously, as he scans me up and down… I can barely take the thrill of seeing his eyes dart all over my nude body…

“There ya go!” I say as I grab my shirt, skirt, and bra off the floor, and hand them over in one big pile. I leave my panties on the floor though. I have a little plan…

He nervously accepts the pile into his arms.

“Now”, I continue, putting my hands on my hips. “I’m gonna keep these flip-flops, ok?”

“That’s fine, miss, but, ah, I’m uh, supposed to collect those too…” he says, as he points at my sodden panties on the floor.

He took my bait

“Oh, these? Well how’s this sound?” I step closer to him, probably less than a foot away from my naked body touching his clothed one. He’s more embarrassed and nervous than I’ve seen anyone in my life, it’s fucking adorable.

I point towards the pile of clothes in his arms. “I want you to mail those back home for me. The program said I could do that, right?”

“Yeah, yeah that should be fine. But what about th-”

“And these,” I say as I shove my panties in his jacket pocket. I lean into his ear and softly say “I want you to hold on to these…”

He looks like he’s about to pass out, and if I’m not mistaken, I think I’m starting to see a bulge in his sweatpants.

“You want me to…huh?” he manages to spit out.

I’m still right next to his face, whispering in his ear. “I want you to keep these as a little momento. Just something you can hold on to, and use to remember this moment ok? You can even show it to people as you tell the story, mhm?” I shoot him a wink.

He can’t believe what he’s hearing. “O-ok.”

This is so fun. And so easy.

I back off and take a step away. “And don’t even think of trying to get rid of them! If I ever see you again, I’m gonna ask to see them, and if I find out you threw them away, I might cry!”

“I-it-it’s ok! I’ll keep g-good care of them.”

Holy shit, I have him in the palm of my hand. How am I not going to do this to every guy?

“Aww, you’re so sweet! Thanks!” I perk up and smile!

He tried to ignore the comment and push forward. “So um, just to make sure. These are all your clothes? I’m supposed to get everything.”

“Wellll, I have some smaller stuff in my room, like socks, and shoes, and scarfs, and hats, but that stuffs ok, right? Can you explain that rule to me again?” I ask, keeping up my super sweet girl bit. I wanna hear him describe what I’m gonna have to do.

The boy pulls out a paper of his own, probably some sort of rule sheet for if I have questions. “Yeah um, thats right. It says here that anything like that is ok as long as you wear it correctly, and um, don’t cover up y-your breasts, b-butt, and, I, um, g-g-genitals.” I looks like he went through a mental war to get those words out.

God, I’m so glad they slammed this job on this guy, and not some dickhead perv. Make no mistake, I’m gonna love teasing those guys too, but this guy is so much more fun to mess with.

“Now why would I wanna cover up like that?” say, striking a pose with my legs skylight spread. “Oh, and um, I don’t think I ever got your name! Silly me!”

“It’s, um, it’s David. David O’Neill.”

“Well very nice to meet you David! I hope I get to see you again!” I walk to the door and open it up to let him out.

He’s shaken even further by my sheer confidence of opening the door naked, but he manages to step outside.

“Oh, ah, one more thing,” he turns back to say. “Uh, two things actually. I’m supposed to come back here in a week to um, let you know about some rewards you can earn, I think. Also, here’s my number. If you have any questions, you’re supposed to ask me.”

He hands me a piece of paper with his number on it. I pretend to act all flustered and excited. I clasp my hands and reach down, bending slightly, like a schoolgirl. My arms are squishing my tits together.

“Oh wow! My first day at college and such a cute boy already gave me his number! I’m honored!”

He turns away. “Um, I’ll uh, see you soon.” He quickly closes the door behind me.


I stand up tall, feeling pretty proud of myself for how confident I am and how much fun I had with that guy.

“Ok girls, you can come out!” I yell to my roommates.

Suddenly, all three of them run out from around the corner separating the entrance of the house from the living room. They’re all various forms of excited.

I look over my shoulder at them, not quite turning my body around yet. “You guys watched everything, didn’t you?” I already know they did, I just wanted them to admit it.

Kate shyly steps forward. “Maybe…but we only saw you from the back!” she says almost apologetically, as if she’s not about to see me naked constantly.

“Yeah, what she said.” Alex responds bluntly.

These girls…I can’t help snicker to myself.

“Well then, why not get introduced to the newly naked Tracy Sullivan!” I say as I quickly spin around on one foot, throwing my arms in the air, showing my body to my friends.

All three girls make some form of 18 year-old-girl squeal. They’re just frozen there, staring at me.

I take in their reactions. This is what I want after all. Plus, comparative nudity is making me far more aware of their clothed status.

Kate is standing there in her pink skirt-overalls and white blouse. She’s covering her face, but I can see her peeking between her fingers, and her eyes are pointed straight at my pussy. I bet she’s just in awe that anyone could show off everything like this.

Alex is wearing ripped jeans, and a rough-cut crop top with a long sleeve fish-net shirt underneath. Right now her eyes are locked in on my tits, and she’s looking at me with total amusement and intrigue.

Natalie’s dressed in a nerdy white button up and sweater vest combo, with a plaid skirt to round out the total geek look. She has a big grin on her face, and is scanning me all over.

I walk over to the living room. “Well girls, don’t just stand there staring! Tell me what you think!” I say, playfully grabbing my boobs.

Alex is the first to speak up. “I think you’re doin great! You had that guy in the palm of your hand. You’ll be the talk of the town, and you know I can’t complain about the view…not with those features.” She gestures to my tits, pussy, and ass.

Alex is a total lesbian, but we’ve known that forever and we’ve always been chill about it. I can tell she’s trying to be her usual cool, vulgar self, while avoiding saying anything too far or specific that may make our friendship weird. But she doesn’t have to worry about that. I’ll make that clear soon enough…

“Thanks Alex!” I wink at her, eliciting a quick blush. “Natalie? Got any smarty pants stuff to say about this?”

Natalie turns to us and says “Well, I can’t say I’m not excited for all the research possibilities! This is such a unique experiment, and I can’t wait to see what kinds of reactions come out of all this! Social taboos have always held back scientific research more than anything else, so this will be very very interesting!”

What a Natalie response. Love that girl. I think she’s more attracted to science than any gender. But hey, if she wants to watch me all the time and take notes, I’m here for it.

“Thanks Natty! I’m down to answer any questions or let you follow me around when we you like. Now…you have anything to add, Kate?” She’s always been the shy one, the perfect little church girl at our private school…but I can tell she wants to participate in all this.

“Well,” she starts off, “I can’t lie, it feels pretty embarrassing to watch you show off like this. It just feels kinda…wrong. But, um, it’s also kinda exciting, but I almost feel ashamed for saying that! I’m sorry! I’m just confused! But I’ll support you all the way as your bestie!”

She’s so precious. “Aww, Katie. I’m so glad you’re supporting me even though it’s hard for you! Hopefully we’ll all get used to it and things will feel normal soon! Do you want a hug?”

I can see her scan my body up and town, her face shifting red. “Um, not right now. I’m sorry!”

Damn it. I was hoping she’d bite. Would’ve been really fun to see her reaction to that. Maybe some other day…

“That’s A-OK! Maybe later!” I say.


Satisfied with the girl’s answers, I walk over to the couch. “Say, we’ve all had a long day moving in, and it’s getting kinda late, do why don’t we all just relax for a bit?” I say.

“Sounds good me, Godiva!” Alex quips.

“Great!” I say as I slide over to the couch, kick off my sandals, and casually plop myself down. Feeling the fabric of the couch against my naked body sent a wave of excitement over me. It made me hyper aware of how utterly uncovered I was.

The three girls look at me with their jaws dropped. There I am, my nude body collapsed on our living room couch, my legs spread wide, and my pussy is still soaking wet.

“Come on, besties! Get on this couch!” I yell over.

“No way!” Alex laughs. “You’re getting your pussy juice all over it!”

“It’s fine!” I retort. “I’ll clean it up later! Promise!” tap the cushions next to me. “Now get on this couch!”

Alex runs over, saying, “Well if you insist!”

She jumps onto the couch, slamming down right next to me. She acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary, giving me a smile, and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, as I return the favor.

Natalie nods her head. “Well I don’t see why we can’t relax like this. We should get used to it anyway.” she says in a completely neutral tone.

Nat sits down on the opposite side of me, also wrapping her arm around me, as I do the same to her, just like with Alex.

Kate is still standing in the middle of the room, still looking pretty nervous.

Nat calls out. “Come on Katelyn! There’s a spot right next to me! You won’t even have to touch Tracy!”

Kate looks around. “Well…alright. I suppose that’s ok!” She walks over to the couch, and near the edge sits next to Natalie.

“Now, let’s watch some TV and just act like nothing’s weird!” I say.

The girls laugh, and we do just that.


After around fifteen minutes, we all seem pretty relaxed. Natalie is staring right at the TV, seemingly not caring much to look at me. Kate is giving me occasional glances, as much as she tries not to. And Alex is really leaning on me, occasionally giving me lustful looks. She looks pretty damn horny, and I’d have to say the same for myself.

In fact, I never stopped being horny since I first read that pamphlet. My pussy has been damp the entire time, and even when I was talking to the girls, my body was asking me for release. I guess I’m just good at keeping a straight face. But now that my naked body is being kinda squished on a couch between three fully clothed girls, on of which was a hardcore lesbian eyeing my up without any shame, my exhibitionism kink was starting to kick in at full force.

I needed release soon. Normally, if I got horny while I was with the girls, I’d sneak into my room or the nearest bathroom to rub one out…but the program rules state that someone needs to be watching whenever I masturbate. That, or I need to be in a really public place with a significant risk of someone walking in. But it’s pretty late, so I’m not even sure if the street count as a really risky place anymore…So that really only leaves me with one option…

I look at the girls…I can’t just do this, can I?

Going nude in front of them is one thing. They all said they were ok with it when I signed up months ago, and they seem to be taking it super well so far. But getting off in front of them? I didn’t even know that was a requirement until I read the pamphlet. If I started rubbing one out right now, they might get super weirded out.

Part of my can’t stop thinking about how hot it’d be. Me in my birthday suit, rubbing one out in front of three of my lifelong friends…

But the other part of me is scared it might even fuck up our friendship… What if they think I’m just some pervert…

Well, I don’t think Alex would mind…I’m sure Natalie would watch…but no doubt Kate goes a little crazy over it…

Maybe I should ask permission first? Or maybe I should go for it. Maybe I should do it in front of just one of them? Maybe I shouldn’t do it at all? My mind is racing…

Shit, I guess even a girl as confident as me gets a little scared sometimes. Now what am I gonna do?

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