Around two weeks later Mama informed us, “All nine females in the modified water tank are pregnant. When their offspring reach the age of sixty days, they will be removed and placed in another water tank I have modified. To maximize incubation capacity, Boy, Girl, and Liberty will be placed in the original water tank with the others. With four incubation chambers and four modified water tanks the maximum capacity will be eighty-four infants, or up to eighty-eight if twins occur. There are currently a total of twenty-six humans, twelve of them in natural wombs. It will require a total of 199,290 days or 546 years for 26 embryos to reach the required age of 21. At that point, the incubation chambers and tanks will be emptied.”
At least six of us simultaneously shouted, “MAMA! NO!”
We tried reasoning with the computer. We tried begging. A few of us even jokingly offered the malfunctioning machine sexual favors, but she wouldn’t listen. We came to realize our fate. We needed to produce about sixty more incestuous babies to win our freedom. Luckily, I love sex and ‘Freedom’ is my name.