Two Brothers and a Frozen Cabin by bocaman561,bocaman561

The family cabin in Colorado was destination. For years, our family took a Winter Break Ski Trip. But this year Mom and Dad weren’t up to it and our sister has a “Jan Plan” semester at her college. Only my older brother, Andy, and I were in the car, headed for the remote ski cabin in the mountains of Vail. Andy was almost 24 and working in Denver as an engineer. I was in my senior year of college. We had always been close, there being only 15 months separating us…we were almost like twins. We could finish each other’s sentences and always knew was the other was thinking. We used to say that if either of us was ever going to get married, we would have to find a female version of our brother.

As we drove through the Rockies, the weather deteriorated. Snow was falling heavily and the roads were becoming dangerous. We finally got to our cabin, exhausted and a bit terrified from our drive through the icy, snow-covered mountain roads. By this point, the snow and wind were howling. Opening the door to our family cabin, we realized that the pilot light had gone out in the furnace. Even worse, the electricity was out. It was as cold inside the cabin as it was outside! Andy and I brought in our bag and stomped our feet trying to get warm. We were both exhausted and drained…and freezing.

“Look” Andy said. “It’s pointless to try and fix this in the darkness. Let’s just get some sleep and stay warm under the blankets and when the sun is up we can re-light the pilot light and fix the breakers”.

I agreed and we headed into our freezing cold bedrooms. Former Boy Scouts with lots of experience camping in the cold weather, we knew we had to strip out of our clothes and let our body warmth fill the space between our bodies and the blankets.

After a few minutes, there was a soft knock on my door and Andy asked if he could come in. “Jim”, he said quietly. “I’m freezing…can we share the bed at least until we warm up”? I shivered and nodded for him to join me. My brother slid under blankets and the two of us laid in the darkness, our teeth chattering.

I whispered: “Andy…I love you. If I’m going to freeze, I’m glad I’m freezing with you”.

We pulled the covers over ourselves and held each other, trying to get warm. We rubbed each other’s backs vigorously, creating some warmth. As the seconds ticked by, I felt something warm and soft on my neck. My eyes were closed….but there was no mistaking it. Andy was kissing my neck. My brother was softly kissing my neck. My mind screeched to a halt…but my body and emotions said otherwise…

His lips continued kissing my neck with soft, tender kisses. I whispered in the dark: “Andy…what are you doing”.

He said nothing…but kept kissing my neck…his lips rising up a bit. My heart was racing….I lowered my face a bit…and our lips touched. It was just a brief touch…not even really a “kiss”. But it was a magical, electric moment. My conscience thought kicked in…and I whispered: “Andy…we’re brothers for God’s sake. And…I’m not gay”!

He looked into my eyes and quietly replied: “Jim, I’m not gay either. But I feel so alive right now. Whatever happens to us…I want to have this moment of love with my brother”.

I leaned in and this time, when our lips touched…it WAS a kiss. A passionate kiss. Our lips melted together as our hands held one another in each other’s arms. This kiss lasted for long moments….it changed our lives forever. I felt my brother’s lips part and his tongue brush against my own lips. Again, that “thinking” part of my braid screamed at me to stop. My body, my lips my entire being was on fire. I opened my lips and took his tongue into my mouth. My brother and I began a French kiss that rocked us to the core. We kissed and kissed…made out like teenagers on a first date.

It was inevitable…we are men after all. I felt something stiffen and press up against my body. I new Andy was getting an erection! The kiss was turning him on. I knew this…because my body was having the same reaction. I could not believe that my own cock was stiffening…harder than it had ever been before.

My hands held Andy’s face tenderly…our lips still locked when I felt his hand reach down to caress my hard on. I wanted him to stop…this was crossing the line. But all I could do was moan.

“Oh God..yes…please touch my cock”.

His hand softly grasped my cock and began stroking it. Up and down his hand moved…so gently….so lovingly. My body was screaming for release. It was as if my body has taken leave of thought. I felt one hand leave Andy’s face…and reach for his own cock. For the first time in my life, another man’s hard, erect penis was in my hand. It was soft and yet firm. It felt spongy…and full of life and energy. I stroked it…not to “get it off” or “make it cum”…but to feel the energy flowing through it from this man…this man I loved so dearly.

The two of us laid for what seemed hours kissing and stroking each other. The only sound in the darkness was our moans of sheer pleasure…sheer sexual pleasure…the pleasure of two men pleasing each other as only a man would know how. My body was trembling. Our kiss became even deeper.

I heard myself moan: “Andy…you need to stop…or I’m…I’m…oh God…I’m going to cum”.

At my words, he slid his tongue into my mouth and stroked my cock harder…faster… firmer…rubbing his thumb over the tip of my cock with each stroke. I couldn’t fight it any longer. I threw my head back and screamed as the orgasm ripped through me. My cock convulsed…as did my entire body. Ropes of cum exploded out of me as the most powerful orgasm of my life hit me like a tidal wave. Cum shot all over my brother’s hand…and torso. I was shaking…shaking from the power of this moment.

When the waves subsided, I felt my brother begin to pull back…reaching for a towel to wipe up my cum. I held him even more tightly…not letting go. He smiled in the darkness and brought his cum covered hand to his lips. I saw his tongue slip out of his mouth and taste the cum…again…and again…and then my brother licked his hand clean. I gasped, leaned in and kissed him deeply, tasting myself on his lips and tongue. It was a taste I had never known before. I wondered what my girlfriends thought when they sucked me….or why women made such a big deal about “swallowing”. It was salty…but thick and sweet…and I loved it.

I looked into his eyes…and we kissed again. This time, the tenderness returned. It was a sweet kiss, with the faint taste of my male cum on our lips. I could still feel his erection pressing up against my thighs. I wanted nothing more in life than to make my brother feel what I had just felt. But that desire was intensified by my first taste of cum. I wanted more.

I slid my body down and kissed the tip of my brother’s cock. He moaned out load and said: “Jim, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to”. But as he said those words, my brother caressed my head and gently held me in place. I licked the tip of his cock over and over again, tasting his pre-cum. Andy began panting…and moving his hips up and down…desperate to have his cock in my moist, warm mouth. I took his balls in my hand…and obliged. I slid my lips over his cock…the entire length of my brother’s penis was in my mouth…throbbing…pulsing…. vibrating with life….love and energy. I began bobbing up and down. I tried to remember the blow jobs I had enjoyed most in the past and duplicate those motions. My tongue worked the smooth sensitive underside. I would let my tongue lick his balls when I had his entire cock in my mouth.

All “memories’ ceased. And all that existed was my brother…his cock…and my desire to feel him throb in my mouth. Pleasuring him was the greatest pleasure (sexual or otherwise) I had ever felt. This was not about “being gay”….or “incest”….or “right and wrong”. It was the base human desire for pleasure…and the need for intimacy by pleasuring another.

Andy began to moan loudly. He cried out “Jim, be careful. I’m going to cum…and I don’t want you to be disgusted by me cumming in your mouth”.

I clamped my lips around his cock even more tightly and then…”it”” happened. Andy screamed. His body went straight and taut as a board. And his cock erupted in my mouth. I felt the first blast of cum hit my throat…and then another…and another. It was wonderful. I wanted it to last forever. After five or six convulsions, Andy laid…panting….trembling. My mouth was still wrapped around his cock. We were joined. We were one.

I released his cock from my mouth and lips and came up again. Face to face…in the quiet of the night, we held each other…and kissed. It was a kiss like no other before or since. It was a kiss of pure union. I still had Andy’s cum in my mouth. And when our lips touched, I parted mine…and let the cum flow into my brother’s mouth. He took it eagerly…and then shared it back with me. We passed his cum back and forth as we held each other in the dark. In time, we both swallowed. And then held each other again. And kissed one last time before sleep and exhaustion took their toll and we dropped off into a deep sleep, holding each other in our arms.

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