Two Plus One Equals Fun by libidinal,libidinal

They’d met one day and quickly developed an easy, open rapport. Yvette was attached, she confessed to Jade, but that didn’t stop her from constantly fantasizing about sex with others, dreaming up all sorts of intensely erotic scenarios for herself.

“I don’t know why, I just feel horny all the time. I must be a nympho, or something,” she chuckled, taking a sip from her glass of wine as the two women laughed knowingly. For that old-fashioned word, ‘nympho,’ could also have been applied to Jade, a lust-driven vixen if there ever was one. Luckily Jade had an arrangement with a lover these days which allowed many of her sexual fantasies to be explored and enacted, some of her most extreme desires to be expressed and satisfied. So she told Yvette about Steve and how the two of them enjoyed their lustful liaisons, those liaisons sometimes including others. This certainly piqued Yvette’s interest.

“Does he have a nice, big cock?” Yvette asked with a giggle, but a meaningful one, “I just have this thing for cocks. I love ’em all nice and big and hard.”

“Oh Steve’s got himself a nice one alright,” Jade said with a coy smile, reaching into her purse for something, “take a look at this.”

What Jade handed over to Yvette was a Polaroid of Steve she had taken a few weeks earlier and liked to carry around with her in her purse, sneaking a look whenever she felt a hankering for him, which was often. Yvette’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped as she gazed at the image.

In it he stood stark naked, hands on his hips, a sexy, knowing smile on his face, his steely, thick eight inch cock vividly erect and rising at a steep, forty-five degree angle, a sentinel of virility.

“Oh, shit! Look at that thing! It’s gorgeous, and it looks absolutely yummy.”

“It’s yummy, okay,” Jade said with a sexy smile, leaning forward, lowering her voice provocatively, “but even better is when he’s got it buried in my cunt…. or deep in my ass.”

“You take it up the ass?” Yvette said, looking up from the photo at Jade, a little startled, pleasantly so, ” So do I. Doing it like that is so hot and nasty, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is, and Steve sure knows how to plow mine with that dick of his.”

Now Yvette leaned closer, gazing right into Jade’s eyes.

“I love big cocks, that’s true,” she said, “but another thing I love is pussy!

“I’m glad to hear it,” Jade said with a sexy, knowing smile, taking hold of Yvette’s hand, “I’m a big fan of pussy myself.

Their gaze lingered a moment, then both broke out into a lusty laugh, a laugh which acknowledged the fluid, easy grace with which they shared these intimate disclosures.

“Why don’t you come over to my place sometime,” Jade suggested, “I’ll make sure Steve is there, and you can see that cock of his with your own two eyes. He loves showing it off nice and hard. And then we’ll put on a hot, sexy show for you.”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Yvette said, delighted by this proposal.

“And if you’d like,” Jade said, leaning close again, “you can join in and take part in the fun and games.’

“I just may do that,” Yvette said, her eyes ablaze with the promise of shared intimacies.

After they were done with their lunch, the two women went to the ladies’ room to put on make-up and freshen up. They were alone in there, at adjoining basins. Jade finished up while Yvette was still applying lipstick and now she stepped behind Yvette, who was wearing a rather provocatively short skirt. From behind she slid her hand under that skirt and went right for the crotch of Yvette’s panties. They were damp and warm.

“Mmmmmmh,” Jade purred, “could it be I detect a little arousal?”

“Oh more than a little, much more,” Yvette said, turning to Jade and pressing her lips to hers, the two women kissing, the kiss lingering, passionate as their heated bodies pressed close until the sound of footsteps leading to the ladies room forced them to break off their spontaneous burst of intimacy.

A week later Yvette showed up at Jade’s door step. Jade had Yvette arrive first, wanting her to be there when Steve showed up. And Jade’s instinct was correct, Yvette waiting a touch anxiously, eagerly anticipating Steve’s arrival.

“Can I see that Polaroid again?” Yvette asked and Jade gladly retrieved it.

“Damn, I can’t wait to see it in the flesh!” Yvette said unabashedly.

At first Jade thought the the two of them might undress and start up a little girl-girl play, having Steve see them in that state when he arrived, naked and already intimate. But then she decided to wait, to keep up the teasing, the anticipation. Also, she wasn’t quite yet sure how far Yvette would go. She had invited Yvette over so she could watch Jade and Steve have sex, could lay her eyes on his big cock. Whether Yvette herself would join in on the fun and games was yet to be seen.

Finally the doorbell rang, and there was Steve. Everyone was in on what was in store, but now Jade made the introductions, and both Steve and Yvette seemed quite pleased to finally lay eyes on one another. Steve was wearing a pair of old, worn jeans which were especially threadbare in the crotch area, the fabric there thin and frayed. Show off that he was, Steve liked wearing these jeans, knowing the worn crotch drew attention to the bulge. And even when he wasn’t erect Steve carried a substantial package down below, a nice, thick meaty cock, a formidable pair of balls, and that package was vivid indeed housed in the worn crotch of these jeans.

Something Yvette did not fail to notice, as her eyes immediately drifted down below his belt, to the region in the question, her gaze frank and unabashed. And all of this Jade, of course, observed, smiling to herself, expecting no less.

“So I was just showing Yvette that Polaroid, Steve, the one with you standing naked, your cock sticking up all stiff and thick. She asked to see it again.”

Yvette actually blushed a little at Jade’s wickedly brash disclosure.

“Like to have a look at the real thing?” Steve asked with a teasing smile,

“She sure would,” Jade said, sensually rubbing the crotch of Steve’s jeans, feeling him quickly stiffening under her touch, “she wants to see it in the flesh.”

“Yeah, that’s right, I do,” Yvette said, panting a little.

So very slowly and teasingly Jade unbuckled Steve’s belt and unzipped him, digging a hand under the elastic of his shorts, fondling him as Yvette watched, spellbound.

“God, he’s hard!” Jade said, stroking the shaft, its stiffness now already vividly apparent to Yvette under the cotton of his boxers. But she teased Yvette, stroking Steve’s cock under the fabric, keeping it out of view, Yvette staring intently, her eyes wide and unblinking. Then, suddenly, Jade lowered the elastic and pulled out Steve’s cock.

“Oh wow, holy shit!” Yvette groaned, suddenly getting an eyeful of the fully erect organ, sticking up stiff and straight at that same steep, sharp angle that had impressed her in the photo. She took in the sight with eyes as keen as a set of lasers, gazing at it, its shape and proportions, its details. Yvette considered herself something of a connoisseur of cock, and this was a prime specimen.


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