Uncle Harry

We all have family dark secrets this is about

My Uncle Harry

I must apologies to you for his actions that influenced many people’s lives.

My name is Shane like most families we have our own lovable Uncle Harry that I feel I must apologies to you for; this is my story.

We all became re-acquainted at a family wedding, my family wasn’t there, they were all on holiday in Majorca. I was forced to attend in their stead, actually they paid me to go as I was somewhat short of cash at that time.

The legal marriage service was completed in 15 minutes at the city Registry Office, very dry as the Registrar read out their legal undertakings, I doubt if either my cousin or his husband to be, understood what they were agreeing to.

Once completed the wedding party retired to a hotel across the road for drinks and something to eat, wasn’t a big wedding party about 30 or so. The before and after dinner speeches were colourful and hopefully for the couple of newlyweds not true.

Initially 6 of us were sitting at my table, we were the singleton or odd one’s out (left overs) and didn’t know each other bar one who had their partner with them, although technically uninvited as there was a no show vacant seat went unnoticed.

Where I was sitting I had Alan on my right and Mary and Beth on the left who were engrossed in each other.

Although Alan and I did have something in common we had both been recently paid off as a consequence of our companies going bust when their post pandemic funding ended.

Tim a local photographer came round the tables photographing anyone who wanted a memento of the day.

Mary and Beth wanted to be photographed together as they hugged and kissed each other, possibly a bit too intimately but entertaining.

Tim invited Alan and me to make up a photographic foursome with them we were hugged and kissed as Tim snapped away.

I think we both thought we might get lucky tonight with a foursome, back at my place flashed through my mind with inner dick twinges too.

They insisted that both Alan and I hug each other intimately to enhance later opportunities with Mary and Beth we did and walked right into their trap as Mary said.

“Now kiss each other; go on we did!”

I turned and looked at Alan as he leaned over and kissed me as Tim’s camera clicked away. What took me by surprise was I let him at least I didn’t react adversely to it.

The girls giggled at what they had done, Beth capped it off when she said.

“Didn’t you know we are Leslies meaning you’d must be Gayies!”

Alan took up the challenge.

“Maybe we are, are you two still up for it?”

“Naw we only bang each other.”

You could see Tim saw a business opportunity develop with Mary and Beth as he offered them.

“Later if you want I have a room upstairs for taking private and intimate photographs, maybe even be able to get you some payment for them?”

Mary looked at Beth who took the lead yet again.

“Yes that would be cool never been paid for doing it before.”

By now they were heading off to the bar hand in hand it was now happy hour.

Tim sat down beside us and offered Alan and I a business opportunity.

“From the way you guys kissed each other I can see you both have something going between yourselves. I can offer you guys the same maybe even a better arrangement to that I offered Beth and Mary, if you like?”

Before I could tell him where to stick his camera and telephoto lens he left and descended upon the next table up as Alan said.

“Let’s see what he has to offer.”

“I am not a Gayies; are you?”

“Sort off.”

“Care to explain?”

“Like you I’m flat broke. When I signed on they messed up my claim meaning I have to wait another two weeks before I can get any money. I am in a B&B with a nice old dear at the moment and I am already two weeks money behind.

I had managed to borrow some money to carry me over, I also asked my father’s friend Jimmy ‘the fixer’ if he could help me out, he couldn’t as he was just getting by on his dole money.

He was a coal miner and had been unemployed for over 30 years not much demand for coal miners these days.

But he knew someone who could help me out with a bit of ‘off the books’ work. He borrowed my phone which I was just about to run of credit for and made three calls.

I overheard him saying ‘he would be a first timer a newbie doing that, would that be ok?’

He wrote down an address and said to me.

Go to that address and go smart dressed say Jimmy from the Miners club sent you.

It wasn’t that far away, anyway I wasn’t doing anything so I went along, it was one of those nice bungalows.

Rang the doorbell, it opened standing there was someone in their fifties in a Paisley patterned dressing gown, before I said anything he said.

“You must be Alan one of Jimmy’s friends he told me you were coming to see me, come in I will show you what it’s all about.

I also hear you are short of funds these days, well I and some of my friends may be able to help you out with that; if you are interested?”

I was totally confused but the implied money got my undivided attention as he ushered me to follow him.

We went into his back bedroom although it had closed blacked-out curtains the room was blindingly lit. Their was a camera on one of those three legged stands and a couch up against the far wall.

It all started to fall in place when he said holding an envelope in his hand.

“There is £400 in this envelope for you if you do what I say as I film you, which I will edit and it will be streamed on-line later.”

Like a tailor’s dummy I stood there, £400 meant I wouldn’t be kicked out of my digs and would have some money until my gyro’s came through; so I said.


I still didn’t know what his name was as he stood behind the camera and said as he turned on some music, the theme tune from ‘The Full Monty’ a male stripper film, which sort of set expectations.

“Strip off, slowly, until you are standing their dangling free.”

That’s what I did as he filmed me until I stood their starker’s then pointed at me to sit on the couch and instructed me to give myself a slow hand job until I let rip.

By now I was committed and did it until I unloaded quite entheausticly.

Then he said.

“That’s your audition and promotion video finished after I enhance it and if it’s up to scratch we will contact you, if not you still gets to keep the £400.

If it sells you well, which I think it will, then you will be earning that each time, three or four times a week.”

Two days later a text arrived saying ‘same arrangement’ with a name, address and time nothing more.

Anyway I went to a fancy apartment up in the city, buzzed up, the door opened, up I went the apartment door was opened so I went in.

Seated on a very expensive couch was a guy in his sixties with salt and pepper hair, he looked up at me and said.

“Get ready in the bedroom I will be with you shortly.”

Didn’t really know what he wanted so stripped off, as before, and sat on the bed until he came in, he was starker’s with a hard-on.

“The way he smiled I knew what he wanted and it wasn’t for me to give myself a hand job.

He fucked me stupid again and again all-night, I left about seven in the morning, brown envelope in hand and got a taxi here.”

Tim conveniently reappeared and said.

“Ok Shane, Alan I am ready for you two guys upstairs.”

We followed him upstairs to a bedroom with a double bed and lights with silver umbrellas on them.

“Ok guys you want to slowly and erotically strip each other off as I film you.”

Without hesitation Alan unbuttoned my shirt, let it hang open and loose, I unbuttoned his shirt then he unfastened my trousers letting them drop. We both eventually stood their in our skimpy underwear looking at each other as Tim pitched in.

“Kiss each other as though you mean it then slip each other’s underwear slowly off together.”

We needed three or four takes before we got it right for him then he told me.

“Shane now lie on your back on the bed, give yourself a hard-on, when he is ready for you Alan you kneel over him and sit on him cowboy style.”

I was now on my back with Alan sitting on my dick which was now really, really rock hard. It was then I learned to like fucking a guy rather being fucked by a guy as he rode me with arms swinging cowboy style.

I was surprised how quickly I came and how messy it was and how much I enjoyed it.

Tim was in his element as he trotted round the bed clicking away encouraging us to quicken or slow our pace and a few ‘freeze it their’ commands.

Tim declared success when he announced.

“That’s great I have about 60 stills and three videos of the both of you so far, I am certain I will get buyer’s for them, just give me a couple of days to edit them and find a buyer.”

We thought that was it then he said.

“How about the two of you change positions and do it up against the wall this time?”

I was still exhausted and put my hands against the wall ‘assuming the position’ as they say in the films with Alan close-in behind me.

I was so tight but in he went slowly I really enjoyed being fucked like this too I didn’t think I would but I did, so tantalising to feel it slide in and out and in and out again.

We could hear Tim shuffle round us giving words of artistic encouragement that we had no idea what he meant but we jiggled around until he said ‘good, good.’

Finished Tim was packing up his gear as we showered together, it was my first fun shower with a guy.

We went back down stairs the wedding party was in its closing stages and were all having one for the road when Alan asked me.

“You have been guy fucked before, I can tell?”

“Yes I had an Uncle Harry, actually he was more a friend of a friend, one night I visited him with my cousin Alexander to watch some erotic videos he had invited us to see; he had quite a collection.

Alexander was a tall, blond, pettily built, after a push bike accident in which he badly damaged his hip, now walked effeminately with a sort of rolling fuck me gay hip movement.

It had quite an impact on his life everyone thought he was always gay, maybe he was, only job he could get was working in a clothes shop in town that sold and did mail order, male cross dressing clothes; seriously.

The owner sometimes had him dress up as an in-shop walking manikin which only added to his reputation, particularly when he played up the camp bit for customers who came from all walks of life.

They did a roaring trade on-line and from walk-ins.

We both had just turned 19 at the time and still a bit naive, Uncle Harry gave us a large mugful of Indonesian green tea and red, blue and black gummies to chew on that a friend in Indonesia had sent him.

A special below the counter delivery, I also think he sold them on for a profit.

Within 20 minutes we both were very relaxed, horny and totally engrossed as we watched his streaming of gay’s and lesbian’s making-out films; which he also rented out.

As he had to go out for an hour or so on business suggested that we both dress down to watch the videos to get the extra ambiance out of them.

After he left Alexander striped off in front of me and pulled on a pair of red knickers, matching suspender belt, stockings, fake bra and a long blond wig that he had borrowed from his shop.

Kinky or not he really got me turned-on watching him wear them, at that time I didn’t know about the aphrodisiac properties of the Indonesian green tea or the sexual highs you get from gummies or poppers.

He handed me a paper bag with a pair of white knickers, matching suspender belt, stockings, fake bra and a short jet black wig that he had also brought from his shop for me and asked me to put them on.

I was so horny by then I did it without hesitation.

We were now both sitting intimately together with arms around each other watching erotic romps and banging on a wide screen television screen with only lingerie on.

Don’t know what got into me but I turned round looked at Alexander and kissed him, he instantly reciprocated entheausticly and said.

“Call me Alexandria and I will call you Natasha.”

Before long we both had our hands down each other’s knickers fondling each other until we were rock hard.

Alexandria went into his man bag pulled out a bottle of oil and said.

“Let’s do it for real?”

He had me kneel on the floor leaning on the couch as I felt him apply oil to me. I could feel his oily hands slide on my hips as he started to tap then prod me, I felt him push and slide in until he was fully engaged then start to undulate ever so slowly.

It was my first time, well second time, ok maybe third, and I was having my best erotic high ever being fucked by my cousin it was unbelievable.

I could hear him moan as he vocally built-up into a climax.

Then it happened, he kept it pressed in like a cork as he unloaded, I enjoyed my first warm totally fulfilling experience, then felt it slowly drain away.

What a wonderful feeling.

I was on a euphoric high and breathing intermittently and slowly until I regained my composure.

We parted, Alexander took my position on the couch, I readied myself to engage with him, it was my first time openly fucking a dressed guy.

Made a bit of a mess of it to start with but soon it all came together until my very, very entheaustic climax.

What a feeling of success, I had done it, my first time fully unloading inside someone.

We were not finished as we banged each other again and again to the music the erotic videos played.

We finished, dressed just before Uncle Harry reappeared asking.

“Did you guys enjoy my collection of videos?”


“Then why don’t you two guys have a go at fucking each other?”

“Maybe another time.”

We both went home that night wearing erotic underwear under our vanilla clothing, what a thrill watching someone looking at you now knowing what you were wearing underneath.

Next night I got a call from Harry saying he had an entertainment gig for me and Alexander at a hotel in town if we were interested.

Trying to be innocent I said.

“Doing what?”

“What the both of you were doing on my couch last night, I videoed the both of you. The money is very good, Alexander said he is up for it.

“Ok who, where and when?”

“I will text details to you both.”

I met Alexander outside we both went in together a bit nervous they were waiting for us at the bar, as arranged.

We introduced ourselves it was to be a one on one rather than the foursome we were told.

I felt intimidated at the thought of doing it alone with a stranger.

I went up with what I thought was the nicer of the two guys, did the double strip thing with him. He really got a thrill out of removing my kinky bra, knickers and stockings I was wearing.

I got well and truly fucked that night, got paid, never asked him his name, wasn’t long before Alexander and I had a steady stream of clients courtesy of our Uncle Harry.

Uncle Harry did quite nicely out of it too.

Along came the Pandemic. Then nothing, but I managed to get a really dirty job fitting car tyre and batteries, the company went bust week before last. No job.

Alan’s phone rang, he chatted to someone as a text came in on his phone.

Looked at me and said.

“That was Jimmy my arranger this time he put one of Tim’s unedited video’s up on his site we have an all-night gig tonight, if you are up for it.

A taxi will pick us up shortly.

Looks like we are both back in business, it’s at some business conference in the Sheraton, an all-nighter £400 each.”

We said our good bye’s and left.

This time I wasn’t as nervous as I was with Alexander we went upstairs to a small function room. Our two new host’s Arnold and Ian introduced themselves and said.

“Change of plans guys we want you to entertain some of our fledging customer representatives, just give them what they want and where they want it.

Their task is to see how far they will go to win orders we will sort out your remunerations at the end.”

We followed them into an annex room where a group of business men who were intoxicated with loud voices bragging to each other about their sexual conquests.

It all kicked off when I was approached then Alan, we were to go to their hotel rooms upstairs.

My first of the night was very nervous and hesitant, I took the lead so not giving him time to chicken out we quickly ended up naked in bed together banging away.

What he didn’t realise but I did we were being filmed by their prospective employers, why or for what reason we never found out, or cared.

What we were paid that night was almost five times what we initially expected, it was reasonable to say we were both well and truly fucked that night.

Who got selected, we didn’t know or care, but that type of team building work became very lucrative to us.

On a couple of occasions Alexandria joined us in his drag role I bet that was a big surprise for the budding employee. Who did get the job selling double glazing.

I had a job interview and a job offer at a few days later working for another grotty tyre fitting company. I turned it down.

I didn’t relish going back to that again and went full time working for my Uncle Harry and Alan’s arranger Jimmy.

What would you have done?



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