Venus is a Star

“Hey Dom, Janet’s son just called. Janet is away on business and the kitchen sink is blocked. Any chance you can go take a look?”

I rolled my eyes, looked at the clock and put down my book.

“OK Charlene, tell him I’ll be over shortly. I thought he had moved to San Francisco for a job?”

“No, not yet, he’s going next week I think.”

I liked Janet, and she always made a fuss of me when I went over, but since her divorce, I seemed to have become her regular handyman and her house seemed like it was doing its best to fall down. My wife joked that I did more around there than I did in our place. She wasn’t wrong. As she was best friends with Charlene I felt obliged to help out, but sometimes I did think her ex could pull his weight a bit more.

It was just after nine in the evening, but fortunately, her place was only a ten minute drive away. I grabbed an old tee shirt and jogging bottoms and jumped into my pickup, checking my tool box was in the back. I was restoring a log cabin down by the lake so I always had my tools ready.

The house was quite old, and Janet’s ex-husband was an accountant with no practical skills whatsoever. Even the front door was a little warped and the paint was flaking in one or two places. I made a mental note to definitely not mention that or I would probably be down there sanding and painting!

“Hi, you must be Dom,” a cheery girl said on opening the door. Music was playing quite loudly and there was some laughter coming from the living room.

“Yeah, that’s me. Where’s Nick?” I asked, peering over her shoulder to see if Janet’s son was coming. I had not seen this girl before, but she did have a family resemblance. I tried to picture Nick, but I had not seen him for months. “Haven’t seen you about before, are you a relative?”

“Uh huh, I’m Ella, Nick’s cousin. Thanks for coming over! It’s a really disgusting mess, all this yucky black stuff! Shall I show you?”

“It’s OK I know where the kitchen is.”

She followed me in and watched as I put down his tool box and opened the door under the sink.

“Do you want a drink?” She asked.

“No thanks, this shouldn’t take too long. Can you get Nick though.” I was not comfortable that I had not seen Nick and that there seemed to be some sort of party going on. If he was leaving next week that made sense, but I wanted to make sure that Janet was aware, or at least that Nick was being responsible.

“Oh, he’s gone to the gas station to get some drinks and chips, he’ll be back soon I’m sure.”

“OK. Can you get me a bucket, there should be one in the utility.”

Ella came back with the large orange bucket.

“Will this do?”

“Yeah, perfect.”

Dom looked her over. She was an attractive girl. Really nice blonde hair that came down to her shoulders and with a sweet set of bangs that framed her face in a really cute way. There was clearly some sort of party going down as she had big lashes and had put on a lot of eyeshadow in a classic smoky eye look. Her lips were a perfect cupid shape and bright, glossy pink. She was wearing a dangerously short black dress and sneakers, with the most amazing pair of legs in between. Dom couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a party and momentarily his mind drifted back to his younger days.

What is it about these simple jobs that mean something always goes wrong? I think it’s because you think it’s simple and then don’t take enough care. It also doesn’t help having an audience, especially one whose legs were so completely awesome and a real distraction. I had removed the trap and cleaned it out, getting a little splashed by the mucky water. It was full of sand and fat.

“You really shouldn’t clean your boots in the sink, and definitely not be pouring hot fat down the drain,” I mumbled to the knees behind me, then I showed her the mess to make the point. She pulled an icky face.

I put the trap back on and realised too late that I was cross-threading it. I asked Ella to run the tap and, as I feared, it was leaking. Fortunately, I’d done this sort of thing before and knew that some silicone tape and putty could fix the problem with a little effort, but I would still have to replace it at some point as I did not like a bodged job. Finally, it was watertight and I turned to stand up but Ella was standing right on top of me. My cheek brushed against her lower thigh and I caught a tantalising glimpse of what seemed to be cute pink panties under her dress. The feeling of her warm skin, her perfume, those sexy panties, and the fact I was getting up quickly after being crouched down for so long made me feel a little unsteady and I grabbed hold of the cupboard door.

“Are you OK Dom?” she asked in a worried tone.

“Yeah, fine, just getting up too quickly,” I sighed. “Is Nick back yet?”

“No, not yet.” She said.

“What the hell is he getting? I need to ask him if Janet is aware of this party as I know she’s not a fan of him inviting people around. Maybe I’ll catch him at the gas station, I need to fill up and they’re the only people near here who’ll sell alcohol without ID.”

“Sorry, I lied,” Ella said. “He isn’t there. He told me to say he was.”

“Where is he then?”

“Upstairs with a girl.”

I rolled my eyes. The young! Always after one thing. Mind you, so was I back then, and still was if I was honest, but I had been on a severe sexual diet for the last few years and somehow gotten used to celibacy.

“OK, well tell him I won’t say anything, but he’d better clean everything up good. I’ll come back with a new trap later in the week.”

Ella giggled and blushed. Her eyes flashed in their dark pools of makeup. She was so adorable that for the first time that evening, I felt a twinge in my pants and immediately felt bad. She literally was young enough to be my daughter.

“How’s that funny?” I asked with a puzzled expression.

“Oh, no reason.”

“There’s a reason. Why is coming back with a trap so funny? I guess it’s some urban slang. What’s a trap?”

“A sexy young transgender girl.”

“Right!” I laughed. “I guess that is pretty funny. Not sure where I’d find one of those around here though.”

“What would you do if you did find one?” I felt another twinge. This girl was flirting with me. I couldn’t help flirting back.

“Not sure. I’m only flesh and blood so I guess it would depend on whether I fancied her.” I laughed, making a joke out of it, but only partially. I was no priest and had seen some pretty hot transgender girls online.

“So it wouldn’t bother you that she had a cock?”

My face reddened. This was quite an intense conversation and I was unsure how to respond, but I knew youngsters were all politically correct and not as hung up about gender as older folk.

“Well I doubt that I would have any idea, but it wouldn’t bother me.”

“Really? My Dad would completely freak out!”

“Well everyone’s different, but the way I see it is that if she behaves and looks like a girl, she is a girl.”

“And it wouldn’t bother you that she was younger than you?”

“No, why should it? If the attraction is mutual, why does that matter?”

“People talk.”

“Yeah, true, but why let yourself be controlled by what others think?”

She looked up at the ceiling, slowly musing. I looked at my watch.

“Sorry Ella, but I really need to get going.”

“Can I get you a drink?” She offered, ignoring what I had said.

“You’re OK darling, I’ll let you get back to the party, but thanks.”

“I’d like it if you stayed for a bit, those boys are so immature. I like talking to you. Do you fancy a smoke in the garden, I’ve got some.”

I could not believe this sweet little thing was entertaining the idea of spending some time with me. I told her I didn’t smoke, well not any more. I picked up my tools.

“Please,” she said quietly.

I looked at her. She looked so fragile, anxious and sublimely sexy that I melted.

“OK, a drink!” I conceded. “A beer will be just fine.”

She grabbed a glass, some wine, and a pouch and gave me a four-pack.

“Let’s go out to the summer house, we can smoke out there and watch the sun go down.”

“You can smoke.” I corrected her.

“We’ll see.” She said.

There really was something special about her. I was feeling pretty excited by now and fully aware that the jogging pants and old boxers I had on were not going to conceal anything so I ended up walking rather oddly.”

“Have you hurt yourself? You seem to be limping.” She asked, her voice showing genuine concern.

“No sweetheart, I’m fine, I’m not limp… Err, I mean, I’m fine.” I stood up straight to prove the point. I felt my erection reposition itself. It was too late. The tenting in the soft joggers was extreme. She looked down and then up at me. Her face was full of the broadest smile and her eyes sparkled. I felt my face burning and instantly got even harder.

“We reached the summer house and went inside. She lit a big citronella candle and sat right next to me on the cushioned seat. I took a sip of my beer and she poured herself some wine.

“I didn’t know Janet had a niece,” I said, realising that my words were as boring as they were pointless.

“That’s Venus,” Ella said, ignoring my platitude and pointing out a bright star on the darkening horizon. The reddening sun was fading to the right below some low clouds.

“Right,” I said. “The first star to show up, except it’s not a star of course.”

“If it looks like a star, it is a star,” Ella said, lighting her joint and taking a long drag. She looked at me and offered the badly rolled cigarette. I shouldn’t have, but I took it.

“Venus is the god of love and I love the stars. Sometimes at night I just go out in the yard at night and lay on a blanket looking up at them.”

We talked about stars, planets and the dreadful state our planet was in. We watched the sun sink below the horizon while Venus got brighter and brighter.

“Do you think I’m attractive?” She suddenly said.

I coughed loudly and took a swig from my second can. She reached between my legs.

“You don’t have to say anything because I know you do,” she continued, gently stroking my throbbing cock.

I should have made my excuses and gone. Instead, I looked at her legs, her dress had ridden so far up I could see those pink panties again. My cock throbbed. She watched me devouring her with my eyes, all the time squeezing me gently. I looked up and our eyes met. She took in a deep smoky breath, blew it to one side, and then, turning back to me, her beautiful face began to fill my vision as she moved ever closer.

Closer and closer she came until I put my hands on either side of her head and pulled her towards me. Our lips met and the passion was so strong and so natural that our tongues effortlessly entwined while our lips moistened and caressed each other’s, our breathing ragged and harsh. All the time she played with my erection, somehow managing to free it. The cool evening air felt so good and I felt so horny and liberated, but that was nothing compared to the feeling as she bent down and took me in her sweet mouth, swirling her tongue and sucking me hard.

Blowjobs had always been a big disappointment. A couple of girls at college had used their mouths on me, but they saw it as a precursor to get out of the way quickly, not the main event. Charlene had never sucked me off properly. She took me in her mouth once because I had made such a thing about it and she gagged so badly that was the end of that. After we had our kids the sex had just gradually faded away. A chore for her that she seemingly begrudged.

Now I was here and this girl I had never met before was giving me the most amazing blow job of my life. She was young, but I now felt so young too. The feelings she was creating were beyond description. She was either a natural or very well-practised, and I preferred to think the former. The real difference between her and the others was I could tell how much she was enjoying it. Her little moans and sighs were not forced or uttered to try to make me cum, she clearly loved having a cock filling her mouth.

Soon I was gasping and could feel my balls on fire. She applied her hands, one grasping me tight around the base and the other exploring my balls and the valley behind them. No one had ever touched me like that before. I groaned and tried to warn her, but it was all too much and with an unearthly grunt I filled her pretty mouth with my seed.

I was mesmerised by her blond hair waving as she licked and scooped up every last bit of my cum that she could find, and I sighed when her dishevelled, but beautiful face reappeared, her cheeks rosy and her lips glossy. I kissed her deeply. She pushed me away. I felt like crying. I held back my tears as I could hear her saying goodbye, and confirming that this special moment was about to end and would never be repeated.

I was wrong, so wrong. She gently put me away and then ran her delicate fingers through my wiry hair.

“I’d like to see you again,” she said, a glint in her eye revealing the pleasures that such a meeting might bring forth.

“When, how?” I uttered rather pathetically, angry with myself for being so needy and weak.

“I’ll be here tomorrow afternoon, just me, Nick’s going out. Bring that trappy thingy with you, and this too!” She rubbed my flagging cock through my joggers. “I’ll tell Nick what you said about the cleaning up and all that.”

I did not go back in the house, but straight to my pick-up. I kissed my angel goodbye. A slow lingering kiss that felt appropriately heavenly, but set my mind spinning to what might happen tomorrow. Fortunately, it was pretty late and I could count on Charlene being in bed already. I put my dope stinking clothes to soak in the garage in some heavily scented soap powder and had a shower, relieved to hear her gentle snores as I crept into bed.


I got Nick’s number off Charlene in the morning having explained it was a long and messy job and I had to install a new part later that day. She gave me a hug and kiss for being such a good neighbour and I felt a little pang of guilt.

I texted Nick saying, “Hope the house is tidy! Tell Ella I’ll be over at one to finish the job.”

He replied a few minutes later: “OK, I’ll be out, she says she can’t wait :-)”

I read the message a dozen times. Was it sarcasm? Had Ella said something to Nick? I could not work it out. I assumed it was sarcasm and went to find the parts I needed.

I considered what to wear. I never did that. I wore a black polo shirt, beige shorts with no underwear and loafers. Why not? I turned up on time, in fact, a bit early. Nick’s car was still on the drive and I felt a bit deflated, but part of me was relieved. Ella opened the door and I almost had a heart attack. She was wearing this white backless swimsuit with a cut-out centre and looked absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was shining and a pair of matching white sunglasses were perched on her head. Her arms and legs glistened with sunscreen and her face was beautifully made up. She was perched on a pair of white high-heeled sandals.

“Err, hi Ella, is it still OK, you know, to…”

“Come in Dom, and of course.”

“OK, thanks. I see Nick’s still here, how did the clean-up go?”

“Oh! Umm. Right, yes clean-up, good! Nick’s not here though.”

“Ah, just saw his car, guess he got a lift.”

“Yeah, a lift. He got a lift,” Ella said, reaching for my free hand and pulling me into the hall before quietly shutting the door.

“Do you like it?” She asked, turning to face me and using her hands to draw an invisible frame around her costume.

“You look amazing!”

“You’re not acting like I look amazing.” She pouted. I wanted to kiss her, but there was something about her attitude that I felt I needed to show I was in charge.

“Fix me a drink Ella, coke and ice. Let me sort the sink out and then we can chill.”

“OK Dom, you’re the boss,” she replied a bit sheepishly, but a bit defiantly too.

She wiggled her ass as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her admiring her small tight booty. I grabbed the bucket, knelt down in front of the sink and began to remove the old trap. The new one fitted perfectly.

“Here’s your coke, Dom.”

Ella was standing so close to me that I could feel the warmth from her legs.

“Can you take it out to the deck? Lots of ice, please. I’ll join you in a moment, almost done here.” She silently walked away. I sneaked a look at her hot wiggling ass filling out the white Lycra to perfection and immediately grew hard. When she had left I got up, ran the tap and nodded to myself confirming that the job was done. I packed up my tools and put them back in the pick-up before heading back in and then out to the deck. Ella was lying on her front on a sun lounger, her beautiful face propped up on her elbows.

“All done?” She asked, a big smile forming on those gorgeous lips of hers.

I smiled back and took a quick look around. The deck was in a nice secluded part of the yard, not overlooked at all, but still capturing plenty of sun.

“Yes, your plumbing is fixed, just need someone to look at mine.” It was a bad joke but seemed appropriate considering the situation and obvious agenda. Ella giggled and rather seductively ran her tongue around her lips. I walked over to her completely aware that my arousal was clearly outlined in my shorts. I crouched down and gave her a lingering kiss before picking my drink off the table and standing up, positioning myself to make it completely clear what I was expecting.

Her head was at the perfect height and she twisted slightly onto her side so she was resting on one arm and could use her free hand to tug at my loose-fitting shorts, pulling them down and causing my prominent erection to flick up and brush her chin. I took a gulp of my drink and almost spilt it as she grasped the base of my cock, pulling me towards her mouth. The electric touch of her lips on my sensitive tip sent a jolt through my body and I sighed as I slowly pushed my way into her. She got to work immediately, her tongue working hard to pleasure me. She was so good, so very good!

As my excitement rose I began to rock my hips back and forth, realising that her position meant she was unable to move and I would have to fuck her face. She began to moan in time with my thrusts, and, encouraged by her apparent enjoyment and the amazing vibrating feeling, I began to probe deeper. It was hardly any time at all before I passed that point at which my need to come became overpowering and I pushed so hard and so deep that I felt a new tight sensation on the head of my cock and I heard Ella gag. I was ashamed I might have hurt her with my wanton lust, but she immediately reached out and pulled my cock back towards her.

“Mmmm. I love it. Fuck my face, Dom, fuck it!” She mewed, her eyes looking up at me, slightly watering, but still sparkling with lust. Her lips so moist and inviting, shone as the tip of my lipstick-smeared cock rested just in front of them. I pushed back into her and she moaned so loudly I was almost concerned that the neighbours would hear, but the pleasure as I entered her throat was overwhelming and I began to do exactly what she had requested.

I can’t recall how long I fucked that beautiful girl’s face. I doubt it was long, but it felt like forever. The feeling of her lips, tongue and throat was so erotic and made even more special by her rhythmic groans and occasional gasps for air. At some point, she had begun to fondle my balls with her fingers, and then she had gently rubbed an area behind them that completely tipped me over the edge and I groaned deeply as I pumped my seed into her waiting mouth.

I watched as she licked me clean, each touch of her tongue on my sensitised cock causing it to throb. I watched her tongue wander round her lips enjoying my taste. I watched her eyes from under those big black lashes and felt that I would do anything for this beautiful creature.

She stood up and undressed me completely. She then began covering me in sunblock, something I had not expected to feel as sensual as it did. Although it should have felt strange standing there completely naked on the deck, her young manicured hands roaming across every inch of me, it did not. She beckoned for me to lie on a foam mat and towel that was on the decking next to her which I did, very aware of the fact that despite just coming I was hard again. Not only hard, harder than I had ever been, no small part due to the amount of lotion she had rubbed on it.

She stood over me and I no longer felt as dominant as I had. Although Dom by name, I was not ‘dom’ by nature, and much as I enjoyed what had just taken place, I now wanted to satisfy her. She knelt down across my chest and I hoped that she would pull aside her costume and let me lick her, rub herself all over my lips, drown me in her own orgasm. She brought her face close to mine, her coconut-scented hair forming a screen around us.

“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered, “but I want you to fuck my ass as I don’t want to get pregnant, oh, and I want to be on top.”

As her soft mouth pressed against mine I could taste my salty seed lingering on her lips, and that, together with the thought of my first-ever experience of anal sex meant my cock had become almost painfully hard. This girl was truly like some angel sent to reward me, but for what I had no idea.

I felt her shuffle back and heard a snapping as she pulled her costume aside. Her lips touched mine again and her tongue explored my mouth. I felt her pendulous chest pressing against me and then I moaned as she slid my well-oiled cock between her thighs. Her heat and the feeling was so intense. I felt her position my cock against her hole and then began to squeeze me inside her.

She was so tight it felt amazing. I had always wondered if anal sex would be good and I was not disappointed. She began to take me in deeper and deeper until I felt her thighs resting on mine. All the time she kissed me and her breasts rubbed me. I felt her shift position slightly and then she began to fuck me. It was so unbelievably pleasurable that I hoped she was enjoying it too. I was comforted by her gasps and sighs, and pleased as she took control, using my cock to give her the satisfaction she so deserved.

Once again I was lost in time and had no idea how long this girl used me, but much as I wanted to delay my own climax, the intensity of feeling her hot ass was creating was not something I could do anything about. I felt a sudden surge rush through me and groaned. She responded by pounding down on me faster and harder. For a second time, I poured my seed into her as my cock juddered and a protracted moan passed my lips. I felt her shriek and tremble uncontrollably.

We lay there. The connection between us was still physical, but there was a much deeper mental connection following the mutual pleasure we had both enjoyed so much. I felt something warm and damp on my stomach and she kissed me as if her life depended on it. Then she stood up and ran inside. I lay there, basking in the heat of the sun and the moment, aware of my nudity, but uncaring. She returned in a loose-fitting summer dress with two more cokes and a wipe. I wiped myself, pulled on my shorts and we sat at the table with our drinks, talking about what a lovely day it was until there was a silence.

“Is Venus a star?” She asked out of the blue and somewhat mischievously.

“If it looks like a star, then it is a star,” I replied, remembering what she had said last night.

“Smart guy!” She teased, “but you don’t really believe that do you?”

I thought for a while and watched a solitary cloud wandering across the sky.

“On one level I do. If I Google ‘Venus’ then I will be told it is a burning hell-like planet. I have no reason to deny hundreds of years of human learning, so I accept that as a fact. Last night, when we were looking at her, Venus was just like another star in the sky, but the brightest and most beautiful star by far. Venus is a beautiful star, that was my experience and that is my reality.”

I was quite pleased with my eloquence and continued to watch the cloud as it gradually changed shape. Ella was unusually silent and I looked over at her. She was quietly weeping.

“Oh, I’m sorry! What’s the matter Ella,” I said hurriedly, “I do talk nonsense!”

She looked up at me.

“That was so beautiful,” she said. “You have no idea how beautiful or how much that means to me.”

I was puzzled, but gracious.

“I’m pleased,” I said, “but I don’t like to see you all tearful.”

“Sometimes tears are good. These are good tears.” She laughed. “You are so sweet.”

“I really like you, Ella. You have no idea how much. You make me feel complete. Like you’ve filled a huge hole that I didn’t know was there. I guess that sounds stupid from an old guy like me.”

“No Dom, you really are sweet. I’m glad you feel like that and I loved the way you filled my hole too.”

She was incorrigible! We both laughed loudly and for the next few minutes every time one of us went to say something, we just laughed. I had never felt this way before with someone. It was so beautiful.

“When can I see you again.” I finally asked. There was a pensive silence.

“I don’t think we should.” She said.

It was like a knife through my heart.

“Why?” It was my turn to plead.

“I’m complicated and you’re married.”

I reflected that the latter was certainly true, even if it was a sexless marriage, but I could not see why Ella was complicated. I realised that I could not know that. Perhaps she was. I barely knew her.

“I think you should go, Dom,” she said, her eyes watering.

I steeled myself to the reality of the situation. To deny it and argue would spoil everything that had gone before. I pulled on my shirt and loafers. She kissed me goodbye so tenderly!


I never did see Ella again. I didn’t even have a picture of her. I would ask Janet about Nick and, on rare occasions, throw Ella into the conversation with some contrived link. Janet never seemed surprised though which on reflection I thought was strange. She told me she was also in San Francisco and doing fine. I did end up having a fling with Janet after I ended up fixing up her front-door. It was a big job and meant I had to stay over one night because it would not lock. That went some way to filling my own personal hole again. She was quite passionate, she even did anal after a drink or two, but I always felt like there was an elephant in the room and I wondered if she knew about my time with Ella.

Eventually, Charlene became really suspicious and, fortunately, Janet had already decided to move house to be closer to her son. I felt very lonely again and one evening, when I was feeling especially low, I remembered Ella’s joke about the trap. I became a bit obsessed with the idea and wondered if there really were any hot transgender girls around the area. I found a transsexual club in a nearby town. The manager was so hot I could not believe she had a dick and I soon found that it really did not matter that she did. I became her boyfriend and got a contract as the club’s maintenance guy.

Her name was Venus. Venus was definitely a star.


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