We Rob Banks Pt. 04

An adult stories – We Rob Banks Pt. 04 by DevlinMea,DevlinMea Jen and Vince – We Rob Banks, Part 4

Vince paced the floor impatiently, wondering if Jen had remembered, wondering if her life had changed and that she no longer needed or wanted him. It had been five years since he’d last seen her, that fateful night when she was arrested and he had to break her out of jail. It was certainly a memorable drive away from that small town. She’d been drugged with some hyper sex-drive thing and they had to stop every half hour and fuck. In between she was able to please herself enough so that he could keep driving.

It wasn’t that he complained about her. It was rather exciting to see her so needy and open about what she wanted and needed. Even though it was drug-induced, it was certainly a huge change in behavior to how she was before she met him.

When they were finally within an hour of the border, they stopped at a little motel to rest and figure out what they were going to do. Dawn was just breaking and he knew it would be impossible to get across. Undoubtedly the police had reported the bank robbery and her escape from jail. At the motel, they rested for the day, preparing to set back out on the road at nightfall.

Plans changed, however. He had decided that things were too hot right now. That they’d be better off splitting up, laying low, and meeting up some other time. It was an emotional day, making love all day long. This time, not the drug-induced frenzy. This was real… and emotion-driven. He’d fallen hard for her. Harder than anyone before. Harder than even he wanted to admit. This wasn’t going to be easy.

They split the money, checked out of the hotel, and bought separate bus tickets. The plan was to meet up again in Las Vegas in five years. Meet at the bookstore at the airport. Hopefully by then, things with the cops will have died down and they’d be able to have some kind of real relationship. Maybe then they could go to some tropical resort and live out their lives together.

It was getting late at the airport as the flights kept arriving. Vacationers crowded the area making it difficult to scan for her. But Vince had been there all day long, not wanting to miss this moment. He’d had several short, failed relationships over the years. Failed because they weren’t Jen. None of them were the woman he wanted in the long run. They were there to pass the time.

He paced as the time wore on, as arriving flights were called and she didn’t show. He started to become more and more nervous and disappointed. Maybe they should’ve gone to Mexico after all. Maybe they’d have been ok, might have been able to lay in the sun together, visit the beaches together, just be together… instead of being apart as it turned out.

He eyed the crowd, looking for cops or bounty hunters, but finding nothing suspicious. Perhaps he had eluded everyone, fooled them all. He checked his watch… only an hour left in the day… only a few more flights left.


Cheryl sat in the coffee shop just down the hall from the bookstore, coffee in hand, scanning a book. She wasn’t really reading it, more just putting on the act of reading. She was watching her meal ticket just down the way. She idly checked the FBI picture again to be sure. Yeah, that was definitely the guy, the guy she’d been tracking these last six months. He kept losing her before she could close in. This time, she would have him.


“American Flight 1471, now arriving from Kansas City, gate seventeen,” the announcement said, echoing through the concourse.

Yet another flight, Vince thought. So many had come and gone with disappointment. It had been a long day. Maybe he should just go to a Casino, have a little fun and not bother any more. But he knew that she would have no way to get a hold of him ever again. They made sure of that, so that if one got caught there was no way the other would get caught.

The passengers from the flight started moving into the concourse on their way to claim their luggage. He scanned each one, not knowing what she’d look like now. She’d probably changed how she looked, how she dressed. He wondered if he’d even recognize her. The crowd dwindled to a trickle and then stopped, dashing his hopes once again. ‘Only a couple more flights,’ he sighed.

And then he saw her. He don’t know how he recognized her. Her hair was a different color and a different style. Her clothing was a lot more normal than when they last saw each other. But he was sure that was her. More sure than anything else in his life. He stood, looking expectantly for any sign that she saw him. He didn’t want to raise too much attention, so didn’t make too big of a show.

Her eyes scanned the concourse, locking on the bookstore… searching. Her face lit up into a huge smile when she saw him. She let go of her carry-on luggage as if unable to hold it any longer. She started walking towards him, slowly at first, but then picking up speed. He did the same, meeting her in the concourse itself, their arms wrapping around each other in a huge hug.

He felt so good with her in his arms. They could barely say a word. Their cheeks touched and then rubbed together as they pulled back, their lips coming together in a quick kiss. They pulled back looking into the others eyes, seeing the need obviously there, seeing the love rekindling. In a rush, their lips pressed together more insistently, their mouths opening and closing, their tongues searching for the other in a passionate display of longing. They were so enraptured, they forgot where they were. Forgot the world around them.

He lifted her off her feet and slowly spun her around him, holding her tightly. It had been far too long.

When they finally stopped their kiss, both lightheaded, they gathered up her carry-on and headed to retrieve the luggage. As they stood around the carrousel, Vince couldn’t help but touch her, hold her hand, stroke her back, hug her tightly to him. He turned her towards him and looked into her eyes.

“I missed you,” he said smiling.

“Me too.”

He stood close behind her, their bodies touching, his hand softly stroking her ass through her slacks. She pushed back into him, wanting to encourage him. Her own hand moved down between them, her fingers stroking his erection, eliciting moans from him.


The short redhead stood at the next carrousel down as if waiting for her own bags. ‘Hmmm,’ she wondered to herself. ‘A nice stroke of luck. I think I’ve managed to find both of them.’ She didn’t recognize Jenn, offhand, but this was just too coincidental.

She saw the public display from them and while she felt a pang of jealousy for not having that kind of relationship herself, she knew this catch would net her a lot of money. Maybe enough to retire with and then settle down and have an awesome relationship. But she had to catch them both.

When the two picked up their bags and headed for the taxi stand, she followed quickly, making sure to listen for clues to their destination. Luckily, they called it out to the driver just before the cab door closed. She slipped into her own taxi, telling the driver the hotel, and slid into traffic not far behind them.


They sat in the taxi barely able to contain their hunger for each other. They sat side by side, their legs touching, Vince’s arm around her shoulders holding her to him. Jen looked up into his eyes as her hand grazed his cock through his slacks again, slowly stroking him. His eyes flashed their desire for her, encouraging her. She smiled as she slowly pulled the zipper down, sliding her fingers inside to stroke him with only the thin material of his boxers between them.

“I missed this,” she whispered to him. It was dark out, hiding her actions at least until they neared the strip. Her fingers snaked into his underwear and slipped his engorged rod through the slit, exposing it. “Mmmm,” she hummed appreciatively, her hand starting to move up and down it.

“Oh god,” he moaned, knowing it wouldn’t take much to make him cum. He breathed heavily as she continued stroking him, licking and kissing his neck at the same time. His hand moved to her breast, his fingers teasing her nipples to return the favor.

She surprised him by suddenly bending over and taking him into her mouth. He looked up and saw the cab driver watching them through the mirror. He angled it down slightly to get a better view. It was dark, but the passing streetlights provided enough light to show what was happening. Vince smiled at him before closing his eyes to feel her light sucking, her tongue swirling on him.

They pulled up in front of the hotel with her head still buried in his lap, her lips still wrapped around his cock. The driver could definitely see what she was doing when he turned around and announced the fare. Jen pulled away with a smack of her lips, smiling as she saw the evidence of her amazing work. His cock stood proudly, her lipstick smearing it.

“It’s been too damn long. I’ve certainly missed you,” she said giggling and leaned over and kissed the head of his cock.

“Grrr… get your ass upstairs and we’ll see who’s been missed,” he countered, smacking her on the thigh.

He zipped up his fly and the pair moved into the hotel, quickly moving to the elevator where Jen pressed him against the wall to wait for it. They held each other tightly as if they never wanted to be apart again. She pushed her hips into his, wanting so much more contact than they could have right now.

“I can’t say that I saved myself for you,” she said softly. “But I know you’re the one I’ve always wanted to be with.”

He kissed her softly. “I know that, babe. You’ve always been the one for me, too.”

The elevator door opened with a chime and the two got into the small cab, quickly moving to the back and cuddling once again. The ride seemed to go much faster than ever before. It seemed that they had just started kissing when the chime rang out and the elevator stopped on the eleventh floor. They moved down the hall, hand in hand, barely able to contain themselves. They were laughing as the door opened and Vince pulled her inside, quickly closing the door behind him. He pushed the suitcase in and out of the way, and pushed Jen up against the wall, locking his lips to hers once again. His hands quickly moved over her body, touching, caressing, trying to remove her clothing.

Jen tried to reciprocate, but he pushed her hands aside, pinning them above her head with one of his. Their faces were inches apart and he looked in her eyes. “It’s my turn now. You’ll get yours later,” he said continuing to unfasten her pants.

Jen panted below him, excited by his boldness. She loved it when he took charge like this.

He roughly pushed her pants down below her hips and slipped his hand into the front of her thong panties. He looked onto her eyes, barely in front of her, as his hand quickly and expertly circled her clit and slid lower to become coated with her juices. He let her clit slide between his fingers and pinched is slightly while stroking up and down the little shaft.

Her knees grew weak and she spread her legs wider to accommodate him. His touch was electric to her, so damn exciting.

“It’s been too long since you’ve cum with my name on your lips,” he said, kissing her.


Cheryl waited patiently in the lobby of the hotel, idly reading the newspaper and glancing at the all news channel on the TV. She knew the lovebirds would have to leave eventually. She arrived too late to see what room or even what floor they were on, but they’d have to show themselves eventually. She idly thought of all the fun things she’d do with the reward money. A good portion of her life had been devoted to this life, this job. It was tough running around chasing bad guys all the time. She couldn’t have a relationship, she couldn’t settle down.

But she knew the end was finally near. This would be her last job.


Jen lay against him, her head on his chest, her hand idly stroking his stomach. His arm lay around her shoulders, holding her tightly. They were both breathing heavily after making love so many times in the past few hours. Both knew that it was only the beginning, too. Their attraction was far too strong to deny.

She looked down as his semi-erect cock throbbed just a foot or two away, glistening in the low light. She couldn’t remember if it was her pussy or her mouth that last covered it. They’d done so much in the last hour alone that she totally lost track.

“Why don’t we go play at the casino while we recuperate,” she suggested. “I know we’re going to have to have round five soon and I want you ready.”

“You plan on killing me, is that it?” Vince laughed.

“What a way to die, though, with your hard cock buried my pussy. You’d die happy.”

He playfully smacked her on the ass. “Yep, very happy.” He pushed away from her and got up, maneuvering to the bathroom. “Ok, I’ll grab a shower.”

She admired his body as he walked away from her and shook her head. Everything about him excited her. When the water turned on, she gathered her clothing for the evening, setting it aside but keeping it hidden from him. She had plans and didn’t want to spoil them so easily.

When he emerged ten minutes later, she slipped in for her own shower, and finished dressing in the bathroom. She felt so sexy in this outfit and knew it would translate in her behavior. She’d act sexy. This was one of the first things that totally transformed who she was. She went from a frumpy, boring woman who dressed in boring outfits five years ago, to a hot, sexy woman who dressed in revealing, exciting clothing. And she loved the new her.

They opened the door together and worked their way down to the lobby and to the attached casino, unknowingly followed at a distance.


“You are certainly an attractive woman,” a woman said from behind her. Vince had excused himself to go to the restroom and she was just standing around playing slots. She turned and saw the young woman addressing her, wearing a sexy dress herself, subtly hiding and revealing. The woman smiled. “I’m Olivia.”

“I’m Jen,” she said, shaking the woman’s hand.

The woman walked forward, getting very close to Jen, leaning in to her, to talk in a low voice. “I have a question to ask you. How would you like to earn a lot of money? And I promise it’ll be fun.”

Jen thought about it for a moment. “And what do I have to do.”

“My boyfriend over there is a very wealthy man. He’s in town for a few nights and wants to have sex with both of us upstairs. And he’s willing to pay very big money to do it.” Olivia stroked Jen’s arm sending shivers through her. “Just one night. No questions and no strings.”

“A very tempting offer.”

“One you have to make now, I’m afraid.”

“Then I’ll have to say yes,” she said. “I’ll just tell my friend and we can be off.”

Olivia leaned in and kissed Jen on the lips, her hand stroking Jen’s neck. “You’ll certainly be perfect and tasty.”

When Vince came back, he needed a little convincing, but Jen’s mind was made up. It was unique, dangerous, and profitable. Everything that excited her. He quickly relented, knowing that she’d come back to the room soon. He’d be certain of that.

She kissed him on the cheek so as not to arouse suspicion with the man and then made her way over to his table. She introduced herself to the man, Nathaniel, who appeared to be in his early sixties. He seemed nice and quiet and certainly carried himself like he had a ton of cash. She noticed the gorgeous wedding ring on his finger and figured he was out having fun without the misses knowing.

He took each of the girls by the waist and ushered them out of the casino and over to the elevators. Jen’s mind was racing over the possibilities. She felt his hand slowly drop to caress her ass and pushed back into it encouragingly. When the elevator doors closed, she leaned towards him. “It feels much better beneath the dress,” she said, licking his ear. She used one hand to help raise her dress up higher, giving him lots of room to stroke her naked flesh. His hand slid beneath, cupping her ass, feeling the fishnet nylons she was wearing.

He groaned and Olivia moved to ensure he was fully aroused, stroking him through his pants while she kissed him.


Vince watched the elevator door close and stared at it, watching the floor numbers rise. When it finally stopped, he noted the destination and entered to go to his own floor.


They slipped into the room with the girls going in first, quickly moving to the bed. Jen started undressing Olivia, sliding the zipper of her dress down and pulling down the front of it to expose her naked flesh. The woman wasn’t wearing a bra and Jen admired her full breasts… obviously enhanced. But the surgeon had done a wonderful job. She leaned in and kissed her nipple, her tongue sliding around it as they lay back on the bed, the man following behind them.

Jen continued undressing the woman, moving up and whispering in her ear. “I want to tie him down then we both can tease him as we please…” Her hand moved between the woman’s legs and noticed that she hadn’t worn panties, either. She was obviously dressed for sex tonight. Her hand pushed against Olivia’s sex, slowly moving as Olivia ground her hips against her..

“Oh god, yes,” Olivia groaned enthusiastically. “Let’s do it!”

Both of the women removed their clothes, then helped Nathaniel remove his. Jen watched as Olivia pulled down his boxers, exposing his erection briefly, before her mouth engulfed him, taking it from view once more. Olivia seemed good at her job, too. Nathaniel was moaning, holding her head with both hands, pushing himself in and out of her lovely mouth. Her slurping echoed through the room.

Jen cut the ties from the window shade blinds and started looping them around his wrists as he stood there, his legs shaking. He was close to cumming when Olivia finally pulled back, her hand slowly stroking him.

“Don’t cum too fast, lover. We have all night.”

They moved him over to the bed and lay him down, face up, his cock standing high into the air.

“Sixty nine him,” Jen said softly. “I have one hell of a hot idea.”

Olivia smiled, loving how kinky Jen was. She was going to have so much fun tonight. Olivia slipped onto the bed, settling her hips over Nathaniel’s mouth. He lovingly attached his mouth to her pussy and began to softly lick it. To reciprocate, Candy licked his long shaft, keeping him hard and moaning before occasionally engulfing it.

Jen, spurred on, tied each of his wrists to her ankles and each of her wrists to his ankles, locking them into a permanent sixty-nine position. Excitedly the duo attacked the other with gusto. Loud groans filled the room as Jen moved back, quickly scanning the room.

It took her only seconds to notice the large gym bag in the corner. Only seconds more to grab it and dash from the room. She smiled as she heard Olivia groan and she came just as Jenn closed the door, entering the hallway dress in hand. She ran down to the elevator and pressed the button for her floor as she slipped her dress on quickly. When the elevator doors closed, she checked inside the bag, noting the huge amount of cash inside.


Jen jumped on the bed, laughing, spilling the bag of cash all over it. “That was too much fun,” she said smiling. “Two million in fun to be exact.” She tossed a handful of the $100 bills and let them rain down on top of her.

“You’re too much,” Vince smiled, sitting on the bed and holding her hand. “We finally meet back up and the next thing I know you’re robbing someone. Have I told you how much I love you?”

“You just want me for my body,” she joked.

He smiled, grabbing her arm, and pulling her down onto him. “That’s definitely part of what I want.” His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly into him. Their lips touched in a searing, passionate kiss, her body going limp from it.

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