What Should I Have Done

An adult stories – What Should I Have Done by reggmo,reggmo I Should Have Done What


My steady girlfriend and I were in attendance at a school dance called the senior farewell. A dance indicating the final year farewell to the graduating seniors. She was a senior and I was her exclusive escort. Exclusive in the 50’s meant going steady which I had been doing since about her mid junior year at the school we both attended the steady tradition usually entailed a neck chain being worn by the girlfriend with the boyfriend’s ring or athletic token attached. We were about midway into the affair, and the dance number being played was a slow one which made for a pretty intimate hold on my partner. Just as a side note Dorothea had warn four or more of the traditional neck chains & token. Then, not long after the dance started, a guy by the name of Rick tapped me on the shoulder and asked if he could cut in. This was not really an accepted practice on a steady couple. He was a distant friend and a pretty nice guy. Catching me off guard, I half-heartedly agreed. Apparently, he was without a date, as there was no partner exchange. I thought that queer as he was two classes years ahead of Dorothea and a year ahead of me. He was in the class of 56. Dort’s class is 58. I was in the class of 57, and we all graduated from the same school. He was also a former steady of my girl in her sophomore year.

Since it wasn’t an exchange partners type of cut in, I walked off the floor to the stand-around group of hopeful dancers at the outside edge of the dance floor. The band finished the slow dance and I expected and awaited their return to where I was positioned with the hopefuls. They could have easily seen me. It didn’t happen. The next number was another slow dance and I noticed Rick had drawn my girl in tight. Instead of her right hand in his extended left and her left hand on his shoulder, both her hands were around his neck and both his hands were resting just above the top of her but cheeks. Her head was nestled softly on his chest, and she was occasionally putting playful little kisses on his cheek.

A little background is needed before I go much further.

So back in time we go.

Mid class year 1957, I was talking to my good friend Tom in front of his hallway locker of a dilemma I was in. “Tom, who do I ask to the upcoming formal school dance.” After a litany of all the potential non steady gals, Tom grinned and exclaimed,

“I know just the right women.”

” OK Tom out with it”.

“I’ve known her all my life, he said. “She lives just a couple houses down from me and is the nicest, cutest, pleasing personality in the class of 58.”

“OK, OK, out with it,” I said.

“Dorothea Hingham.” Tom replied.

“Don’t know her,” I said.

“Come with me” he replied, “she’s on the school paper staff and they meet in Coswin’s classroom at the end of hall.” So, we trotted on down to the classroom which had a door with a glass window as all the classrooms did.

She had on a just below the knee skirt, which was style at the time, with a long sleeve loosely fitting, silk shirt that showed all the right curves. I was gob smacked with her great looks and waited outside the door until their meeting was over. I approached and asked, “Hi, I’m Roger Keys. Have you been asked to the upcoming Junior Prom dance?” A big smile and I think she knew what was coming next.

“No, I haven’t.” she said.

“I don’t suppose you would consider going with me?” I asked. I’m sure she almost hopped into my arms with a yes. And then said she had to clear it with her mom. By the way, did I mention I was kind of a hotshot, popular, bombastic, great personality, in my class.

Dorothea was a 5′ 4″, 120 lbs., 34-24-34 bundle of smiles, fun, and miles of personality. She was quite popular in her class, loved sports, and was a great dancer. As a result of that “yes,” on the prom, we started pairing off for a lot of school and not in school activities. That included Friday night teen dances, swimming at a couple spots in the nearby mountain canyons, even a couple midnight dips in the local community pool. I was not about to let this one get away. My favorite was to stop in at her home in the evening and watch TV. Her mom and dad would turn in early being of the farm community and left Dorth and I alone on her couch. Looking back, it was amazing that neither her mom nor her dad would ever come from their bedroom and visibly shoo me out. But often, from the hallway, behind the kitchen door, would tell Dorothea it was time for bed. I truly loved Dorth’s parents as they were the most genuine folks I had ever met. They had migrated west when the dust bowl hit in Oklahoma. Dad was just a little educated farm hand, and her mom was that slightly overweight home maker that could make turnips taste good.

I was not a Hollywood Sal Mineo looker but, damn close. 5′ 10″, 165 lbs., broad-shouldered, good-looking catch. I think? I was raised in a strong catholic family of seven and spent eight years in a parochial school and knew very little if anything about girls. I played a lot of the major high school sports, baseball, basketball; but, suffered a broken finger on my first football practice and decided chasing girls, singing, playing drums in a small band, was a lot more fun than the long distant runs, sprints, and calisthenics of sports.

The obvious question one would ask at this point; did I have intimate relations with my steady?

Dorth had a locker at the south end of the school hall. I spent many moments there before, in-between and after class. As time went on, I would often ask her if she loved me. She would always answer, “with all my heart.”

“Can you prove it?” I would respond. And her answer was always without hesitation, “Any way you want.” There were two questions I used after that, not on that day and not both on the same day, but not long after that time. The first was, “Would you kiss and make love to my dick?” The second was, “I want to be close.”

I have to tell you how the second question fulfillment came about as it turned into the most embarrassing evening of my life. This was the night of the formal dance. We danced every dance and I shared with no one. Dorth was scheduled for a sleep over at one of her girlfriends’ houses. I had borrowed my brother’s almost new 55 ford Fairlane Victoria, and my other brother’s, a little too big for me, blue suit. The Victoria had off white vinyl upholstery and was very roomy with no center council to prevent your date from cuddling up next to you while you were at the wheel. Dot had a way of pressing one of her 34 c’s up against my right arm immediately arming my sex tool.

My brother lived on a country dead-end road with a creek running by about a half mile off the main highway. His place was the second to the last with the last being at the end of a private dirt road that belonged to my brother. This led to what we called the Mexican Shack. It was agriculture off season, and the shack was deserted. Talk about a great inaccessible, secluded parking place. God couldn’t find us here.

Some passionate making out and petting and clothes started coming off. Interesting, as Dorth had on a formal. My pants were down but not off. We were in the front seat. She had laid down on her back, head toward the passenger side. I had the tool out and was approaching touchdown. In my ridiculous, backward, super excited, clueless, devoid of what I was doing, admitted my virginity and begged for help. Dorth took my tool, lined it up, brushing it up and down her lower lips and pulled me in. Was I going to go into a drug store and get a pack of condoms for the occasion? Are you kidding? A little catholic schoolboy going into the only drugstore in town. Not a chance. I wasn’t inside that soft pussy more than 5 seconds and felt the charge and quickly pulled out and shot all over her and myself including my pulled down, borrowed, blue dress pants. We cleaned up the best we could and headed for the slumber party to drop Dorothea off. It was about 1 AM and a couple of Dot’s mates came running out of the house announcing they had gotten worried and had called Dorth’s parents who in turn called my mom. Deep shit surrounded us. I asked Dorth just what our excuse was going to be? She came up with a thought that blew my mind. “Let’s tell them we were on our way to get married in Reno and halfway there changed our mind and headed home. “What!!?” “That will work?” Brainstorming was over and that was the excuse I laid on her mom and dad standing before us in robes covering their sleep wear. I’ll never forget the ole man’s response in his Oklahoma accent. “Did juns get hitched?”

“No, we thought better of it and decided to finish up our education before we tie the knot,” I said. Now that I think about that I think I had just got sucked into a marriage proposal. Some small talk and ass chewing followed, and I was glad to be out of there; but, not looking forward to facing my mom.

All my siblings had left the nest and it was just mom and I at home. She scolded me appropriately and I definitely was not going to use the Reno story. It was three AM and my journey into man hood finally came to an end.

So, did I have intimate relations with my steady? The short, but honest answer, is yes, subsequently a lot. Without boring you with the intimate mating’s details let me just say finding places to do the horizontal mambo was fun. My favorite was an almond orchard just off a road called Bellmont Avenue. It was in an almond orchard and visited frequently by me and well hidden from passer by vehicles. Others I mention probably for my own reminiscent, rather than the gist of this story.

I owned a Lambretta motor scooter with tandem seats and it was fun to ride with Dorth on the back pressing those wonderful 34c’s into my back with her arms tightly around my waste. On one such ride in the nearby Sierra Foothills I spotted a dirt trail leading to a grove of tall pines. I always kept a huge beach towel in the rear compartment for just such occasions. The towel went down behind a stand of mulberry brush and so did my girl.

The swimming holes in the nearby foothills, were two popular swim spots. The cliffs of the Sierra foothills lined the shores of the creek running through with numerous sanded caves. A great spot for that famous beach towel. The Big Town creek itself was an interesting place to join together in happy bliss. It ran into the local public swimming pools. They worked well also. The back seat of my forty-seven Chevy, which always carried clean white hand towels in the cubby hole, was probably the most used fun spot although we did manage the “back seats down” compartment of her folks chevy station wagon. Fun digresses, “no?”

I Graduated in the summer of 57 and enlisted in the Army under a program called “The Reserve Forces Act of 1955.” It required a six-month active duty, two years active reserve, and eight-year standby reserve to complete my enlistment requirement. It got me through a dodge of the draft with minimal time spent away from home and my girl. My unit was the 414th Infantry Corp which I honorably completed. A couple of problems; I never saw Europe, did not qualify for GI Bill of rights benefits, which included monetary college tuition support, and Veterans benefits. The two of those items have cost me thousands of dollars as it turned out. I got no help with my tuition or hearing aids. Do the math.

My first station was at Fort Ord CA, better known as the pneumonia hole, with the final stage infantry training at Fort Gordon, Georgia. In spite of the monetary misgiving, the Army turned me into a not real smart but street-smart young adult. I was away from home a total of five months ending close to the Christmas of 1957. Besides knowing how to become a soldier I learned self-confidence, self-reliance and a lot about (UCMJ). (Uniform Code of Military Justice). So, all was not wasted. Fort Ord was basic training all about fighting and killing the enemy… (what’s the spirit of the bayonet…KILL). There were two big happenings in the eight weeks at Ord. One weekend pass that got me to my sister’s place in San Leandro and a meeting with family. And a thirty-day delay in rout that got me back home for some rest and relaxation before traveling to Fort Gordon. The family visit to San Leandro was the surprise of surprises. My wedding’s best man brought my sweetheart to me for one glorious night. Whoa! Don’t misunderstand. I’m not married yet. Brother Gus went on to be my best man in 1960.

The infantry training was tough but thorough. But more than anything it was a very lonely time, and I missed my girl. I thought of her constantly which made the proverbial light go on in my head. I don’t think I was the first in the life of my steady. Coming from a highly religious family and schooling I was not wise to the human anatomy of women/girls. Through the casual talk of guys in the military and a few older friends back home, I got my birds & bees education. In those instructions I learned that a cherry had to be broken on a girls first time and there was usually a little blood. At the same time, I thought back to my first penetration and there was no such indication. My first and a few subsequent penetrations were shallow. I did find that by masturbating before the tryst gave me great satisfaction in the deeper, bolder penetrations that followed.

Being lonely as Tom Hanks in “Cast Away” I wrote Dorothea every day. And so, I asked the question. Actually, no, I stated the fact that I wasn’t the first guy to invade her vagina since there was not to my knowledge the opening of the hymen. Her response letter was vague and kind of related to maybe some horseback riding activity. I accepted and knew no better than to believe the feeble explanation.

The plane ride home was in a low fare DC3 and lasted twelve hours. After we landed in Oakland my bud, my longtime friend Richard and I caught a bus to my sister’s apartment in a nearby community and borrowed her car for the last leg of the journey. We had received an early release from Fort Gordon and our departure came a couple days early.

It was quite late when we drove into my hometown; but I had to see my girl and witness the shock on her and family. It was worth the effort. I only stayed a few minutes and told them I’d be back the next day to catch up on everything. Then on to mom’s and a solid 10-hour sleep. Catch up was amazing and the back seat of the 47-Ford welcomed both of us back where we belonged.

To say the next few months were absolutely astounding is a wild understatement. Long rides in the Chevy and Lambretta and long nights on the Bellmont Ave. orchard were so much more than amazing.

All this brings us up to Dorothea’s Senior Farewell sometime in early June. The dance was different than any school sponsored type dance as it was not in the school cafeteria. It was held in the downtown Elks Lodge building. It had a large ball room for all events with an attached kitchen and accommodated large crowds rather nicely. It had a stage were sat the ten-piece orchestra playing all the songs of the 50’s. It was not formal but dressy and my girl looked awesome. And this brings me to the end of this part of my deliberation. The song had just got started when I got a tap on the shoulder, and I was on the sidelines up to the beginning of the 3rd number since the cut in.

The End

What should my reaction have been. You do not have to contact me for permission just jump right in. There will be a follow up to this part of the excursion telling just how all went down from there.


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