When Winning Isn't Enough by PickFiction,PickFiction

Her eyes met his, and she had seconds to decide. A door had opened somewhere, and a gust of cold air ruffled her dress, nearly exposing her breasts. It was more than enough to remind her why she was there.

“How’s that?” she asked innocently, already knowing the answer.

“I’ll get a bottle of wine or two,” he said, winking at her, “and we can head to my room.” His eyes stayed on hers.

It was a chance to change direction, but she didn’t hesitate.

“Sure. Will we need two?” She laughed, caught up in what was happening. She could feel the heat building in her body.

“You never know till you get into it,” he said, “and I don’t want to,” she got a special little smile, “have to interrupt anything to run down here for a second bottle.”

Her heart had begun pounding a little harder, which was affecting her breathing as well. She wondered if Bryan would notice.

She felt his hand on the bare skin of her back once more, sliding across till it was under the edge of her dress, about an inch from her breast, as he helped her stand.

“Meet you in the hall,” he whispered, heading for the bartender.

In the hallway, she adjusted her dress, conscious of the people heading to the bar and wondering if any of them were watching her, knowing what she was up to.

She saw Bryan come out of the bar, search for her, then smile at her once more, his hand quickly on her bare back, directing her toward the elevator. Although it was unlikely someone would recognize her, she was happy when the elevator was empty.

At the eighth floor, they got off. She had expected Bryan to kiss her in the elevator, but he seemed content to wait. He did seem to enjoy touching the smooth skin of her back.

“Here we are.” He unlocked the door and ushered her in. “Have a seat, and I’ll pour the reason we’re here. I had the bartender open them so I wouldn’t make a mess.” He carefully poured two glasses of wine, handed one to Linda, and sat beside her on the couch.

“Cheers,” he said as they clinked their glasses. “I don’t feel too bad, cheating by two months. How about you?”

“I’m good with that,” she said, taking more than a sip of her wine. It was good.

“What you expected?” he asked.

“It’s good,” she said, taking another swallow.

“It’s special for you,” he said, giving her a pat on the arm. He certainly seemed to enjoy touching her.

She asked him questions about his business and travels, now well into her second glass of wine. As he poured her third, she noticed her eyes weren’t focusing as they should, and there was something about her head as well.

“Love the dress. It certainly flatters you, although you’re gorgeous, with or without the dress.”

She wondered how he knew what she looked like without the dress, but her brain was so frazzled she wasn’t sure of anything any longer.

He stood and offered his hand. “Stand up so I can get a good look at you.”

She took another sip of wine and stood unsteadily as he moved behind her.

“Your back,” he said. “Each time I touched it, I could hardly believe how soft and smooth it was.”

She felt his lips kissing one shoulder blade and then the other. He slowly repeated the process, then carefully slid the dress off her shoulders. It crumpled to her waist but stayed there. She glanced down at her bare breasts, the nipples beginning to harden.

“Beautiful,” he said, his hands caressing her back from waist to shoulders, then moving around her sides to gently caress and squeeze her breasts.

“Nice,” he whispered in her ear as he rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

She felt him lifting the dress and instinctively raised her arms as he slipped it off. She was sure her eyes were wide as only the lacy red thong and black stockings remained to cover her body.

He squeezed her butt. “Lady, what do you do to get buns like this?”

He’d called her “lady.” It was the right thing to say. She slowly turned to face him, barely able to keep her balance. “I exercise.”

“You just get better and better,” he said, giving each breast another squeeze and finally tugging on each nipple as he leaned forward and kissed her. “One more thing,” he said, and he slid the thong down her legs. “Just perfect,” he added. “And you must really work out because, honey, that’s one hell of a hard body you have there.” He carefully kissed each breast, then sucked on each nipple, finally back to kissing and licking each breast for long moments. Then he stepped back, viewing her naked body from top to bottom.

What he had said energized her. “Not quite perfect,” she said to a puzzled look from Bryan. “You still have clothes on.” She was anxious to see her second naked man, and he was quickly accommodating her.

He unbuttoned his shirt, slipped it off, and laid it on a chair. While Jack’s chest was smooth, Bryan’s was covered with thick, dark hair. When he turned to lay his shirt on the chair, she saw his back was the same. He quickly unfastened his belt, undid the button of his pants, and slid the zipper down, stepping out of them. They joined the shirt on the chair.

“Shall I, or would you like to?” he asked, obviously referring to the tented boxers he was still wearing. “Wait, though,” he said as he dropped to one knee and undid his shoes. He was quickly barefoot.

Linda started to do the same.

“No, no,” he said. “Leave the shoes and stockings on. They just enhance the beauty of your perfect body.”

Biting her lower lip, she had to decide. She knew he would like it if she lowered the boxers, but could she do it? It was simple, just reach out and pull them down…and expose the second cock she’d ever seen up close. Yes, simple. If she pulled them down to his ankles, the erection that was creating the large tent would be right in front of her face. What would she do next? If she wanted daring, and excitement, and whatever else, that would certainly do it.

She stepped forward, put her thumbs in the waistband, and pushed them down, his throbbing and bouncing cock rubbing against her cheek as she did. He stepped out of them and stood still, waiting. His was a touch longer than Jack’s and a whole lot thicker, but she had already decided.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could, enveloped it, and closed her lips on it. Her tongue went to work on the sensitive underside as she slowly, but decisively, took in more and more of it until it bumped her throat, and she made a quiet gagging sound. With it still against her throat, she raised her eyes to meet his.

“Oh, babe, do that again,” he groaned, taking hold of her hair with both hands.

Sucking hard, she pulled back off, stopping at his glans and using her tongue to caress it. He was gently pushing back against her, and she took in as much as she could one more time. There’d be no “nose in his pubes” with his size, but he’d taken control now, holding her head still and pumping his erection in and out of her mouth. As he moved faster and faster, only once did he bump her throat, and when she gagged, he stopped, his erection leaving her mouth with a popping sound.

Arms around her waist, he carried her the short distance to the bed and laid her down there, spreading her legs wide as he did.

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