Wife Joins In on the Prank Ch. 02 by spyralout,spyralout

Chapter One Recap: My wife Krista and I, along with three of her coworkers, are the only ones who made it down to the company retreat in Mexico. Krista learns about a prank her coworkers are playing on the intern, who is stuck back home in a blizzard with everyone else. They have convinced him that my conservative wife is a swinger and former stripper. Krista decides to go along with the gag, culminating in a very sexy and drunk night on the dance floor where she acted the part. Everyone got carried away and when we got back to our room, she treated me to the best sex we’ve ever had in our marriage.

* * *

My hangover was one for the record books. I spent the morning trying to survive and reintroduce liquids into my body.

Krista was far better off, mainly because she woke up still drunk. The late night tequila shot had pushed her into blackout territory. There were big holes in her memory of the dancing. She remembered only fleeting glimpses of our epic sex, although her soreness confirmed the places my dick had been.

She was mortified and concerned she made an ass out of herself in front of her coworkers. I caught her up on the night’s events but left some things out, trying to minimize her embarrassment. The last thing I wanted was to make her feel worse.

Around ten, we decided to meet the team by the pool cafe for some nourishment. Krista was starting to sober up and would face a crushing mid-day hangover if we didn’t get ahead of it.

When we arrived, I saw that everyone else was in similar shape. Tucker was doing the best. But it was unclear if he was less hungover, or just better practiced at functioning with one.

No one was saying much and there was a lot of avoiding eye contact. A waiter came around and we placed our orders. Krista opted for a bloody mary to go with her chilaquiles, but I wasn’t ready to stomach alcohol yet. Tucker whispered something to the waiter who nodded enthusiastically and headed to the kitchen.

Then Tucker spoke up. “Guys, we need to get our asses in gear and shake it off. Yes, everyone got super drunk last night. But, hey, we’re all in the same boat.” He looked around at each of us. “If you can’t cut loose and blow off some steam with friends, then what the fuck?”

The motivational speech did little to ease my aching head. But Krista seemed to appreciate his words. We started to ease into small talk. The weather back home was still a mess and reports were that no one was getting out today, either.

Soon the waiter returned with a tray of five tequila shots and everyone groaned. “No fucking way,” Joe mumbled.

“No!” Tucker commanded. “No one gets out of this. Not even you, dude,” he said, looking in my direction. “Hair of the dog that bit you. It’s the only way to turn this day around. You’ll all be feeling fucking awesome in no time.”

The shot glasses were handed out and Tucker raised his in the air. “To the nights we’ll never remember, with the friends we’ll never forget.” Krista smiled warmly at the sentiment and raised her glass before tossing it down.

Despite every ounce of rational thought in my head, I joined the others in downing the shot. It burned in my throat and I knew immediately it wasn’t going to stay down. I got up and hurried towards the restroom, but made it only as far as a potted plant along the path.

By the time I freshened up and returned, my wife and her coworkers were laughing and talking loudly. It sounded like they were howling about Theo’s responses to the pictures from last night.

“You all right, kid?” Joe asked with sincere sympathy as I sat back down. I nodded sheepishly. Krista put her hand on my leg and gave me a look of compassion.

“We were just showing Krista the group chat,” Tucker said. “Theo is losing his mind.”

“You got some great pictures last night,” Rob told me enthusiastically.

“Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed,” Krista said and buried her face in her hands.

Joe was quick to speak up. “Don’t be. You’re amazing.”

“Agreed,” Tucker joined in. “It’s all in good fun. You’ve handled it like a champ. Theo’s the one who should be embarrassed!”

Krista’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes still in her lap. “Look,” she said, handing me Joe’s phone. I scrolled up to the morning’s texts in the chat.

THEO: How was last night?


ROB: Dude, she is WILD!

THEO: What happened??

TUCKER: Show him, Rob

Rob had shared a photo in the group chat from the previous night’s dance floor. It showed Krista and Tucker dancing together. She was folded at the waist with her hands on the floor, showing off her impressive flexibility. Tucker stood behind her, grabbing her hips. His crotch was pressed into the crevice of her ass, which was barely covered by her short dress.

THEO: Woah, dude! She let you grind on her?

In response, Rob sent another photo which showed a perverse conga line. Tucker was in back with his crotch mashed into Krista’s ass, his arms around her torso. Her arms were around Joe. One hand was tweaking his nipple. The other reached down below his belt and was either on top of his package or right next to it. There was no way to tell. It was a detail that I had overlooked last night.

THEO: Holy shit, did she grab your junk, Joe?

JOE: A gentleman never tells.

Rob sent a third photo that showed Krista stepping out of her lacy black panties. Her dress rode up as she bent her leg, exposing a dangerous amount of her tan thigh and hip. The angle of the shot kept her modesty intact, barely.

THEO: You kidding me? She took off her panties??

TUCKER: Yep, sling-shotted them across the dance floor!

The fourth photo showed Krista straddling Tucker’s leg. His hands were under her dress, clutching her bare ass cheeks. This lifted her dress, exposing her entire naked hip up to her waist. Behind Krista was Rob. His arms were wrapped around her body and in each hand he squeezed one of her firm breasts. His expression was that of a predator about to devour his prey.


ROB: Buddy, you fucked up big time not being here. She let us do whatever we wanted. You probably could have fucked her right there on the dance floor.

The last picture showed Krista, Tucker, Rob and Joe together in a tangle of limbs. Someone’s fist pulled the hem of her dress above her waist. Tucker’s strong hand groped her bare ass. His fingers extended inside the cleft of her cheeks, possibly deep enough to reach her anus. Below his wrist, a red handprint was visible where she had been spanked.

One of her breasts, encased in a sheer bra, had come completely out of the top of her dress. Her dark nipple was clearly visible through the transparent fabric and Rob’s fingers were tightly clenched around it.

Joe was behind her, mostly blocked by the camera. His shadowy arm was lost in the darkness near her crotch. Krista’s head was tilted back, her earlobe in Rob’s mouth. My wife’s pink tongue extended from her lips and met Tucker’s tongue in a raunchy kiss. Her arm angled towards the intersection of Tucker’s legs, but the details were obscured. The picture was part Renaissance painting and part the glossy page of a Hustler magazine orgy.

Theo’s response was a stream of emojis with exploding heads, flames and eggplants.

Tucker responded in-kind with laughing emojis.

THEO: Holy FUCK.. how far did you guys go with her?

ROB: I fingered her on the dance floor and Joe sucked her titties. She basically gave Tucker an HJ.

When I read the words, my brain began to spin. I was almost positive he was just winding Theo up. There’s no way that could have happened right in front of me. I certainly would have seen it. Almost certainly. I was second guessing myself because there were a lot of details in the photos that I was seeing for the first time. The fog of the drinks, the flashing lights on the dance floor, and the speed of it all left me wondering if I missed more than I thought.

I clung to the claim that Joe had sucked Krista’s titties. I was pretty sure my wife’s breasts never left their bra. I told myself, if that was a false claim, the others must be as well. But still, it gave me a knot in the pit of my stomach and a tingle on the top of my head. I wondered if my feelings were obvious to the others.

Theo’s final message was “I’ll be in my bunk.”

“What does that even mean?” Krista asked.

“It means he’s jerking off right now thinking about you,” Rob explained.

“Oh my God!” Krista exclaimed. Her hand shot to her mouth to cover the gaping hole this revelation had brought.

I noticed there was one picture conspicuously missing from the group chat. After she’d removed her underwear, she flashed her ass to the guys. Because of where I was standing, she incidentally flashed her pussy at me. I had taken a picture of it on Rob’s phone, but he didn’t share it in the chat. I wondered if the shot didn’t come out. Or was Rob trying to save my wife’s modesty? Maybe he just wanted to keep it for himself.

I pondered all this and tried to sip on my bottle of water. We were preparing to lay out on some nearby lounge chairs. I was thankful that our immediate plans didn’t involve moving.

“Oh, Krista, I forgot!” Tucker exclaimed as he was pulling stuff out of his bag. “Rob and I found something at the resort boutique this morning.” He held up a tangle of string and small fabric patches.

“Your stripper-kini!” Rob declared and then doubled over with laughter.

Tucker tossed it to my wife, who caught it in her hands. “Just in case you want to up the ante on Theo,” he said, as he flashed his million dollar smile.

She laughed. “Oh yeah! Perfect.” She stood facing them and held the top up against her own bikini. I couldn’t see the suit from my angle, but she arched her back and thrust her tits forward. Then she gave a little shimmy and bent her knees, sinking to the ground to imitate some kind of stripper move.

Maybe it was the hangovers, but I was pleased to see the mood was decidedly more playful than erotic. They all shared a good natured chuckle. She tossed the bikini onto her lounge and went back to arranging a towel to lay on. I was relieved that she wasn’t putting it on.

I finished what food I could and joined them on the lounge chairs. Krista had been typing on Joe’s phone, pretending to be him, when I heard her let out an “awww”. I looked over and she passed me the phone.

JOE: Why are you so into Krista anyway?

THEO: I dunno.. Complete package. Smart, hot, funny, fit. Always cheerful.

JOE: But there are hotter girls at the office. Lisa from accounting?

THEO: Doesn’t hold a candle to Krista. Lisa’s too fake and high maintenance.

JOE: Hmm. Okay. So what’s your favorite body part of Krista’s?

THEO: This is gonna sound stupid but — her smile. It kills me! I’m jealous you guys get to hang out and get to know her. She seems so cool!!

I was glad Theo didn’t sound like a complete prick. It clearly made Krista happy. I handed the phone back to her.

My headache was taking over and I needed a nap. Applying sunscreen seemed like a monumental task, so I just used a towel as a blanket and pushed my hat over my face. Within minutes I had nodded off.

The sound of cheering startled me. I looked up to see Joe with his shorts down, his hard dick fully exposed for everyone to see. His fist pistoned up and down the length of his massive erection. My wife was topless on her knees in front of him. She was pushing her tits together, her mouth was open and her tongue was out, waiting for his load. Joe’s cock was bigger than any I had ever seen in my life, as he stroked it inches from her tits. Suddenly, the world came into focus and I realized I was dreaming. The cheering, however, was real.

I opened my eyes and turned to see my wife standing in front of her coworkers wearing the tiny bikini that Tucker had bought. It was shocking! She was posing with her hands on her hips and twirling to give everyone a good look. The suit was truly scandalous.

The top consisted of two tiny triangles of fabric connected by strings. Her areola couldn’t have been covered by more than an inch on any side. Ample underboob was on display beneath the small patch.

The matching bottoms consisted of only slightly more fabric. The front was extremely low cut. Maybe just a finger’s width above where I knew her landing strip started. The rear offered a bit more coverage than a thong, but still exposed more than two thirds of her ass cheeks.

I felt the blood rush to my groin as I stared at her firm, perky butt as it curved into the top of her thighs. She completed her spin and my eyes were drawn back to her bursting tits that were barely contained by the top. The fabric was very thin and I could make out the bumps of her hard nipples.

It really was a bikini that a stripper might wear. But here it was on my usually conservative wife, who was somehow not bashful about displaying her body like this in front of her coworkers and the rest of the gawking pool audience.

She noticed I was awake. “Morning sunshine!” she beamed at me. “Figured I’d try this on just for a picture. See if I can make Theo’s brain explode.”

“Make something of his explode,” Rob muttered.

“What do you think?” she asked me, posing to give me the full view. Truthfully, I wasn’t thrilled that she was wearing it. It was too risque for the public pool, especially in front of her coworkers. And yes, it also turned me on massively. My wife had never before displayed this much of her perfect body in public for everyone to see. Damn, she did look good. But that didn’t mean it was a good idea.

She caught me adjusting myself. Her eyebrows raised and she gave me a wink. “Hubby likes it!” she announced. “We’d better get a picture for Theo, then.”

Rob jumped up to volunteer like his seat was on fire. His phone was ready to go.

“Relax, let me get into position,” Krista scolded him. “It has to look like I don’t know you’re taking it.” She laid back on her chair and pulled out her bottle of suntan lotion.

After a nod to Rob, she began liberally rubbing the lotion over her flawless skin. She covered every inch of her exposed flesh, taking time to show off each part of her body as she coated it. Her skin glistened in the sunlight, accentuating her taut muscles and feminine curves.

Rob silently captured the scene, moving from position to position to take pictures of my wife. She moved sensually, seducing the camera and the entire group. Yesterday, Tucker had directed her during a similar photoshoot, but today my wife was taking the lead.

Krista’s fingers traced the curves of her cleavage and down into her abs. They dipped into her bottoms as she slowly rubbed the top of her pubic area, then returned to her breasts.

It was clear that she was aroused. She bit her lip. Her nipples were visibly hard and she was breathing heavier. She was the center of attention and had us wrapped around her finger.

She swallowed, then spoke slowly without looking up. “I think my front is covered.” She flipped over and laid down on her belly. The small suit made her look almost topless in this position.

She lifted her ass slightly in the air and gave it a wiggle. It was incredibly arousing and my stiff cock leaked precum. “Can someone do my back?” she asked.

“I’ll do it!” I sat up before anyone else had a chance to react. I was glad to have a chance to assert myself and remind them that she was my wife.

“Aww, babe. Sorry,” she said. “Theo thinks you’re stuck in the snow with everyone else. Joe, do you mind?” She gave me a devilish wink, as if this was what I wanted.

Joe stood from his chair. “Happy to oblige.” He sat down next to Krista on her lounge chair and picked up the lotion.

He warmed a squirt of lotion between his palms, then began to rub her back. He was cautious at first but became more comfortable as he went. He massaged her back and shoulders, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Krista.

With her back covered, Joe moved down and began to slide the slick lotion over her calves. As he worked up her legs he was thorough, but respectful. I was frozen to my chair, unable to take my eyes off Joe as he enjoyed the feel of my wife’s flesh in his hands.

“I’m showing a lot more cheek than normal and I don’t want to burn,” Krista said. “Don’t miss any spots.”

Joe hesitated with a quick glance in my direction before he complied. Then his hands spread the lotion from her upper hamstrings, over the crease of her butt and onto her lower cheeks. He exhaled slowly as he spread the silky lotion across the exposed skin of her ass.

My erection was painful in my shorts. When the job was done, Joe replaced the cap to the bottle and slowly stood up.

“Thanks, Joe,” cooed Krista.

“The pleasure was mine,” Joe replied.

As everyone sat back down, Krista moved over and sat on the edge of my lounge. “Did you like that?” she asked. She looked into my eyes, trying to get a read on my emotions. I was trying to get a read on my emotions, too, and struggling to put my feelings into words.

Krista discreetly slid her hand under my towel and found my throbbing erection. “Oh,” she said as she fluttered her eyelashes. “Say no more.” She grinned warmly at me while she squeezed my cock under the towel.

I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea – to think that I had no reservations about this. I felt I had to say something. “Krista, I’m just worried about where this goes. What if you cross a line with your coworkers? Maybe they won’t see you as a professional anymore.”

The smile faded from her face. “Listen,” she said. “I’m not naive. I don’t need you to protect me. My relationship with my coworkers is my issue to manage.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m not -” but she cut me off.

“We had a long talk this morning while you were napping. I said I’m having fun, but I’m in charge of how far things go.”

“But aren’t you worried about these pictures getting around?”

“I got everyone’s word. At the end of this trip, we tell Theo, and we erase the chat. Everyone deletes the pictures from their phone. The guys promised and I trust them.”

I nodded as I thought about it. I didn’t trust them as much as she did. I know how guys are. If I was in their shoes, there’s no way I would delete those photos. But I wouldn’t share them either. And maybe that was good enough.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” she said. “Don’t worry about protecting me. But please protect yourself. Tell me if something makes you unhappy.” She rubbed her thumb along the length of my still hard cock. “But it seems like you’re pretty happy so far.” She smiled again and I smiled back at her.

Just then, our waiter arrived and she withdrew her hand. We ordered another round of drinks. This time I ordered one, too. Then we caught up on the latest in the chat.

TUCKER: Dude, she let Joe put sunscreen on her

Rob shared a picture of Krista’s ass in close up with one of Joe’s hands on each glistening cheek.

THEO: Holy shit look at her ass! That bikini is fucking hot. I can’t believe she let you touch her.

ROB: Hope you can fly down. She said she’s gonna give us each a turn putting lotion on her.

Rob explained to Krista, “I figure anything that happens with you, we should each get a turn. That way, Theo knows he’d get the chance if he was here. It’s going to eat him alive.”

Theo’s response buzzed into the chat.

THEO: Fuck it. I’m coming.

Tucker quickly keyed a response.

TUCKER: Are you jerking off?

His response was immediate.

THEO: No, I’m driving. Coming down there. Can’t miss this shit.

“Oh my God, are you serious?” Krista gasped. “It’s like a two day drive.” She put her hands on her face. “I feel so bad. We need to tell him!”

“No, this is perfect!” Rob exclaimed. “It’s so much better this way. What a fucking chump!”

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