Wife wants Experiences Pt. 04

An adult stories – Wife wants Experiences Pt. 04 by chymera,chymera William “Just call me Liam” O’Connor sat back in his chair. “Now, this is our third session together, and you’ve each had three solo meetings with me.” He smiled benevolently at me. “Although the court ordered twelve total meetings, I think at this point we can instruct the judge that no more sessions are required.

“Of course, you’ll have to have your lawyers inform the court that you’re dropping the divorce action.” He beamed at the two of us, sure that his counseling had brought about a happy solution.

Scott also beamed at me, grabbing my hand, and bringing it to his lips, tenderly kissed it.

I just sat and stared at the floor. The therapist had just announced the outcome that I had prayed for and hoped against hope to achieve. Now I just felt empty. Drained and empty. I stared at a smudge on the floor, thinking it looked like something.

Scott bounced up to shake hands with Liam, thanking him for all his help and counsel. It took them a minute to realize I wasn’t sharing their joy.

Liam stepped towards me, concern on his face. “What’s wrong, Jean? Do you think we need to continue with our sessions? Is there something more that needs to be worked out?”

“No,” I shook my head, slowly from side to side. “No, I don’t think we need any more sessions.”

I took a drink from my water bottle, thinking over the past week. “A lot of things have changed in the last week. I think we need to at least review everything considering current events.

“Scott, you’ve explained how you’ve always satisfied your women, never had any complaints.” God’s gift to women, I thought, but didn’t give voice to that aside. “About how you should have been enough for me. You’ve explained why you lashed out at me as you did. Burn the bitch. You burned the bitch.”

I stared at the spot on the floor. The pattern looked like a dog’s face. Odd thought. I forced myself to focus. “I explained how painful sex could be, but how I’d try to endure the pain for your pleasure. How I never really knew what a real orgasm was, outside of those I got from oral sex. But I understood how important vaginal sex was to you and how disappointed you always were if I stopped us because of how sensitive my genitals became after even a small orgasm. Sometimes I’d even insist we skip foreplay so that you could have your go in my vagina without all the pain for me. I wouldn’t orgasm those times, but that was fine, you were happy. I’d give my life for you. So, what’s a little pain or a missed orgasm.

“I’d wished I’d told you. I just didn’t know how without hurting your pride. You were so sweet about not forcing me when I had to refuse you because of the pain. You felt like it was your fault I was so sensitive. I didn’t realize until these sessions that you thought you were so good at oral sex that you’d driven me to such all consuming orgasms, that my sensitivity was somehow your manly accomplishment. I’m sorry but no, it’s not a tribute to what I now know is a laughably bad oral sex technique. It’s just how my nerve endings are bundled. Leaning too long on a vibrating clothes dryer accomplishes the same sensitivity.”

I took another sip of water. “That’s neither here nor there. I loved you so much, I didn’t really care about sex except to please you. That was my life’s mission. I fell in with Monica not because she gave me orgasms – I’m not a lesbian. In fact, I really find it distasteful.” I had to laugh at the imagery. In fact, the taste wasn’t that bad, but the idea was. I just wasn’t attracted to women. “I enjoyed the climaxes I had with her – who doesn’t enjoy pleasure? But I wasn’t horny for her. I did get excited when she did things to me, things I hoped to teach you, Scott.

“The only reason I did oral on her was she insisted it was part of the training my body needed to achieve that third orgasm which would lower the floodgates and allow you to use my body for as long or as often as you wanted. I would have chewed glass to give you that joy and pleasure.

“But things have changed this week. You know Monica and Buckie have been arrested. Of course, you know. The story has been in all the news. The husband of one of the women they were blackmailing became suspicious and followed his wife on her Girls’ Night. She went to a hotel to meet a John. Turned out she had been indiscreet on a previous night and had been filmed, like Sheila’s friend Amy. To keep quiet, they were turning her out to be a prostitute.

“Monica was a procurer. She had two types of whores – those like the woman that got caught and was blackmailed and those who joined girls’ night to cut loose and cheat on their husbands in gangbangs and orgies. Buckie was the pimp – he’d bring guys to girls’ night, charging them for access. They’d end up in hotel rooms for the action. The girls were never aware that the guys were paying Buckie for their parties and their pussies.

“The blackmailed girls usually stopped coming to the club nights unless they were needed for the orgies, threesomes, or gangbangs. Instead, Buckie arranged for them to meet Johns all through the week, usually during the day while hubby was at work or at night under the cover of Girls’ Night. Sometimes, Monica would lend or sell outright the girls to other pimps. That’s why she was always recruiting.”

I shivered and hugged myself. “When they raided Monica’s and Buckie’s places, they found the pictures and films they’d used in their blackmail schemes. Among them were pictures Buckie had taken of Monica going down on me, before putting his cock in my hand. I know now that Monica was grooming me for her Girls’ Night orgies. She had to get me past my sensitivity before she could use me. That’s why she was working me so hard. She also needed more salacious films to blackmail me with.

“The police showed up at my house and took me down to the police station, where they showed me the pictures. They questioned me for three hours before releasing me. I’m still under investigation for prostitution. They have no evidence, but my husband has been all over town telling everyone his wife’s a diseased whore. They figure that if the husband thinks I am a prostitute, then I must be one.”

The spot on the ground really did look like a dog. Maybe a lab or a golden retriever. Focus, I thought. I realized I was trying to escape from my memories of the last week.

“When they finally released me, I stopped at Roberto’s bar. I needed a drink, and that’s always been our place. I felt safe at Roberto’s. But the story about Monica was already out there. And apparently so was the fact that the police had picked me up. Gossip goes fast in this town.

“Two assholes came over and asked me what I’d charge for a quickie in the can. One of them grabbed my ass. I swung my purse at him, hitting him good. They left me alone, until later when I went to the ladies’ room. Then they rushed me, pushing me into the men’s room. Apparently, whores aren’t allowed to say no.

“They ripped my blouse open and were groping me, one trying to pull down my pants. I screamed and screamed, and suddenly the bartender Matt was there, pulling them off. He kicked them out of the bar, banning them forever, he said. But then he turned to me and banned me as well. ‘This is a family bar. We don’t let pros work here’, he said as he shoved me out the door. I’ve known Matt for at least 3 years. I couldn’t believe he thought I was a prostitute.”

Tears started to fall from my eyes. “You did that to me, Scott. I was wrong to listen to Monica. I know that. But I thought of it like sex therapy. I thought of how good it would be for you. I would have done anything for you. I loved you that much.

“But you ‘loved’ me so much, that because I said something that hurt your pride you went scorched earth on me. Congratulations, Scott. You did that to me. You couldn’t even talk to me or try to understand before trying to put a salve to your pride by destroying me.

“I got a visit from Deacon Roberts, from the church. Apparently, some parents are objecting to my teaching Sunday school. They think I might pass some disease to their kids or make inappropriate advances to their husbands or even to their kids. Their kids! That’s what people think of me now.

‘But Deacon Roberts told me that he could counsel me and help me back on the path to salvation. I found it off putting that he was grabbing my ass while he made that offer. You did that to me, Scott. You burned the bitch good.

“My father won’t talk to me. You are telling everyone what a whore I was and Monica being arrested has convinced him and everyone else that Mrs. Madronne had spread your story to that I was one of Monica’s prostitutes. Especially after my mother had a stroke last night. A ‘friend’ had called her with Mrs. Madronne’s latest stories placing me as Monica’s #1 whore. I don’t know if Mom will survive, but my father blames me and won’t let me come to the hospital, won’t talk to me, and has told the doctors that I wasn’t part of the family and wasn’t to be told anything.” I looked at my husband through my tears. “You did that to me, Scott. You burned the bitch good. You should be proud.

“Liam, you should tell the judge we don’t need anymore sessions. There’s nothing left to salvage, nothing I want to revive.

“It may have been cheating, what I did with Monica. I’m repulsed by the memory of the things I did. It’s funny, I wasn’t disgusted by it at the time because I was doing it because of the love I had for Scott. Now that there’s no love left, I’m just disgusted by the memories. I’ll just have to live with that.

“Scott, I’m moving away. There’s nothing for me here – no parents, no friends, no family. Especially no husband. Everyone here is sure I’m a prostitute, thanks to you. There’s nothing for me here. My lawyer knows where to send the divorce decree when it’s finalized.

“You told everyone that your wife wanted experiences. Scott, I didn’t want them. I had thought I needed them for your benefit. Yes, I was stupid and naïve. But I really believed you loved me, and I would have done anything for you.

“Now I really do want those experiences. I’m going to find that third orgasm if it kills me. I’m going to find it for me and for whomever I take to my bed in the future.”

I took one last sip, said goodbye to the dog on the floor and walked out of my former life.


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