Wimp, A Haunting Word by loveofmyLife75,loveofmyLife75

The next step was round to the church or the register office. I asked Pat where do you want to get married in.

” Church if we can.”

Round to the church carrying my suitcase. And booked the wedding day. All the people I worked with and Pat friends were all invited to the wedding. The most important member of my family first to be asked was my Auntie and the rest of my creaking old family. Pats parents were invited and I invited Chris my cheating ex after Pat agreed.

Pat went for her wedding dress. I told her pick the one you want and don’t worry about the cost. She bought one with all the trimmings. Then she went shopping for new clothes. My bank account took a hammering. New clothes for her and me.

At last, we were married and at the reception. Pat wanted to do the wedding speech. Pat did all the usual things. But when as she was coming to the end of her speech. She looked at her parents and My cheating ex-wife. And this is what she told to them.

You three called my husband a whip. You insulted him in every way you could. You my parents never try to make him a son in law not one little bit. And as for you Chris that cheating whore of a sister of mine. You are a complete failure. You could have had the best man in the world. All you wanted to do was steal his money and fuck someone behind his back. You cheating fucking slut. I have been in love with John. From the first day when you brought him to our parent’s house. We are going to have the best marriage in the world.


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Chris In front of all these people I can promise them one thing. I will never cheat behind John back, and that includes a kiss on another man’s cheek so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

With that everyone stood up except Chris and her parents.

They were all singing to Pat.

For she’s a jolly good fellow,

For she’s a jolly good fellow,

For she’s a jolly good fellow,

And so say all of us,

And so say all of us,

And so say all of us!

For she’s a jolly good fellow,

For She’s a jolly good fellow,

For she’s a jolly good fellow and so say all of us!

Well, that brought tears flowing. I was on my feet held her in my arms and kissed the woman I loved.

Then turned to everyone and told them this.

I promise you all here. I will never cheat behind Pats back, and that includes a kiss on another woman’s face except my Auntie and my family. With that Pat held me in her arms and kissed me long and hard. Life was good. We broke from our kiss looked round and Pats parents and Chris had gone.

My director stood up and told everyone I was the new vice president in the company. And every one cheered.

No, I am not going to tell you about our wedding night. But we now have three wonder full kids.

As for her brother David Summers, he served part of his time. Myself and Pat were visiting her parents only because my kids were there grandchildren. Worse luck he was there. He didn’t have the courage to say sorry to me. What he did do was pack and walked out of the house never to be seen again.

As for Chris my cheating ex-wife. She dropped Tom Clark she found out the true about him he was cheating on every woman he was screwing. Chris got married and got caught cheating behind his back. Divorced again and did the same thing twice more. She had only one brain it was at the top of her legs that never seemed to close for any man she met. She was a tramp.

As for Tom Clark. He was one of those men who not keep his pants on. Yes, he was married with kids and was screwing who he could. His name was mentioned in the newspapers. With his address. It should not have been there. When the story broke about my divorce from Chris. He spent a lot of time going in and out of hospitals I do believe. As for his wife did, I don’t know. But I hope she moved forward.

I went back to the crematorium with Pat. She had met my parents and knew a bit about them. I wanted my parents name in the book of remembrance. The last words said grandparents to Mary, John and Jane.

I stayed in the company and it went on in leaps and bounds. Life was great.

The best thing of all was that I never heard that word from my loving faithful wife Pat.

Wimp. A haunting word. Gone for ever.

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