Yorkshire Pudding Ch. 04 by LandFalcon,LandFalcon

At the end of Chapter 3, the readers learned how this adventure got the name Yorkshire Pudding and our hero and heroine committed to adding more body fluids to the soup.

But while they forge forward with their seemingly insatiable appetites for each other, a reckoning of reality looms ever more present in the room. A reckoning they know they will have to deal with before morning comes.

There are references to prior chapters throughout chapter four. Most particularly that regarding the Mad Monk of Bhutan and the Bhutanese village of Punakha.


I am on my hands and knees with Miriam reversed under me. I lever her thighs back and bring my arms through so that my armpits are holding them back, her cunt and ass open to me. I lean in and slowly run my tongue from her hood, down across her lips, her taint and finally to her anus.

Thinking back to her incredible rimming of my own ass, I commit to trying to equal her work and slowly trace the pucker of that tight muscle. Like me, she pushes it out, flaring just a bit. I work up a mouthful of spit and start trying to work my tongue into her ass.

Mimicking her work on me, I suck her ring while I poke and prod it’s center with my tongue. She obviously has it waxed as the entire area from her taint through her ass crack is completely smooth. I start curling the tip of my tongue and probe the angle of entry into her anus.

She is softly sucking on my testicles, which are dangling like fruit over her mouth. She begins humming in response to my probes.

I can feel her sphincter relax and I am able to get my tongue inside the first ring of muscle, she is moving her ass in a circular motion and I reach up and push my thumb against her anus, moving my tongue to her cunt.

Her tawny outer labia are laying flat and exposing even more of her delicate, pink inner lips. They are glistening with new flow and I dip my tongue into it, trailing it up and onto her clit.

That move brings a major reaction as her pelvis lifts up into my face and her mouth rises beneath me, taking my cock back into her throat. Her pelvis then sinks back down, pushing my thumb into her ass all the way to the web of my palm.

She has sealed her mouth around my cock again, her tongue pressed against the underside, the linings of her cheeks squeezing the sides of my shaft and the roof of her mouth rippling across my crown as she uses her tongue to push and coax my cock, sucking me deeper into her throat.

Hooking my thumb inside her rectum, I begin tugging at the muscle and using the pad of my thumb to massage the inner walls. My tongue is alternately teasing her clit and diving deep into her vestibule in search of more fluid and probing her urethra.

Hands spread open, she has grabbed my ass cheeks and is holding them in place so she can better control the mouth fucking she is giving me. I am using my thumb hook to do the same to her, holding her down by her anus so she cannot control when and how I lick her. We seem very well matched.

I am now making long licks from clit to taint and back, and feel her clit continue to grow larger with each pass. It is finally big enough for me to suck.

But instead, I push my tongue hard against the hood and the bundle of nerves and muscle that form the root of her clit. I begin rubbing my tongue back and forth on that root, her clit more engorged with blood on each stroke, but making sure I don’t touch that magic nub.

Using her hands anchored on my ass, she pulls herself up and down, swallowing my cock and then letting her mouth fall back, before pulling it back in deep, so deep I can feel my ball sack resting on her closed eyelids.

Pursing my lips, I begin to suck on her clit, tonguing it’s crown as my lips squeeze it’s base.

Her palms are still on my ass, while her fingers start rhythmically pushing the plug deeper into my ass, my cock buried in her mouth.

In response, I begin eating deep inside her, forcing my mouth and cheeks between her lips and digging into her urethra with my tongue. It flares for me and I stick my tongue in as deep as I can, curling the tip as I draw it out.

In reaction, she pulls me even deeper and I can feel my crown enter her throat. The sensation of her starting to gag around my crown brings me to the edge.

“Time out!” She pushes me off her.

“Holy fuck, you are good, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. Come here and …….. No wait a second…….God! those smooth balls feel so good lying on my face, talk about an erotic eye mask!!! Oh fuck, I don’t want any of this to end. What the fuck are you doing to me?”

She climbs up over me, reversing our 69. Her cunt now over my face, her arm pits pushing my thighs back as she licks me from crown to where the plug enters me. She bangs her forehead on the handle of the plug, hammering it against my prostate.

I resume pushing my face into her cunt. My cock and balls pressed against her throat are drenched in spit and thick throat snot from her previous gagging on my cock.

Her urethra is fully relaxed, more than any I have had the chance to play with. I am easily able to re-enter with my tongue. She puts just my crown in her mouth and starts tonguing my slit, pushing and probing like I am. We stay like this for a while, tongues buried in each other’s piss holes until, my neck can’t take the angle anymore and I fall back. But she keeps on tonguing my slit for another minute or two before rolling off me.

“You have……………”

“Yes, I have two holes in my cock.”

“So, do you know which is for come and which is for piss, or is it just at the tip?”

Excited, she pulls it apart trying see.

“Ouch, easy there……”

“Have you ever tried sounding?”

“No, each hole seems a bit small…………. Have you ever sounded?

“Yes, it is pretty amazing. Just a few times with my lover, it took watersports to a whole new level. He loved it too. I love what you doing in there with your tongue.”

I lay there, jealous of her lover. Finally, there was something I had not done. Not for lack of interest, but sticking something down either of the rather narrow holes of my cock, never seemed appealing. But with Miriam, well…………………..

“Holy shit, look at our pudding towel.”

The oval is gone and there is just a soggy wet towel. I return to the bathroom and then lay another towel over the first.

“We’ll see how long that lasts.”

“Okay, now come here and just fuck me slow for a while.”

With that, she lays down and opens her legs and arms to me.

I climb between her legs and lower myself into her, sliding inside her as our bellies and chests flatten against each other. Our swollen lips brush each other lightly. Gently we kiss each other, mouths closed, she wraps her legs up around my hips and rocks her pelvis back and forth.

She brings her arms across my back. While I cradle her head and hold us cheek to cheek, her lips to my ears, mine to hers.

It’s soft, gentle and another new side of us. Yet it feels like something we have done every day for decades, fitting together like some complex puzzle.

Again, I begin chewing on the mystery of us and what these moments mean. I start to speak, to try and put it in words again, but she just whispers “Shhhhhhh” in my ear. We continue like this for a few minutes until I feel her tremble slightly and her breath catches in her throat, snatching at the air between her lips and my ear.

I push myself up to look at her, still joined below. Her face is a portrait of sorrow.

“What is it?”

“You were going to talk about us, right?”


“And what were you going to say?”

“Probably nothing new, just wondering what this is, what “we” are. We have already talked about our many similarities, but we are too familiar for strangers, regardless of the lust factor. At the same time our differences fascinate me and I want to ………………..”

“I know and that is why I shushed you. Because all of those lead to the next question.”

“And what is that.”

“Don’t be coy, you know what it is.’

“Yes, we both know…………… can we do this again?…………. And neither of us think we can, right?”

“It hurts even thinking about it.”

“Miriam, I think I might be falling in love with you.”

“Noooooooooo.” She howls. “Nooooo.” Again, the cry keening out from deep inside.

The pain in her cry twists my heart into a knot.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, I went too far.”

“No, that’s not it. I know that I am falling in love with you too. I feel the same. But we don’t even know each other. As we already said, this could be nothing more than an overwrought need to get laid.”

“Absolutely true, we could just be two ignored sluts, needing release……………………but I think I need to confess something.”

“Oh no, here it comes!”

“I have been fantasizing about having stranger sex for about 9 months…………….”


“No and, that’s it.”

“Oh darling,” she laughs, “I have been fantasizing about stranger sex my whole life!”

“Well, it’s gotten to the point that I have also been writing about it.”

“Marvelous, I want to read it, I do!………… move yourself inside me a bit……………….. Yes, like that, that’s nice, keep doing that.”

“Wait, you are making light of this.”

“No, you are making it too heavy. Look, is everything you told me true? The number of infidelities, the circumstances, etc?”

“Yes, part of what amazes and stimulates me is the easy, complete honesty of everything I say and feel with you.”

“Would you break your wife’s heart if you left her for me?”

“Yes, I am pretty sure I would.”

“I KNOW that I would break my husband’s heart and my kids would disown me. My daughter might even kill me — she would certainly kill you. I mean they are no longer children — 30 and 28 and as you know, I am a granny…………… oooh, I like it when you drag your balls through my ass crack like that. Take your cock out and just rub on me……… yes, like that.”

“You are incorrigible! And you’re right, I don’t have the same ties that you do, not even close. And we would be hurting other people, you more so than me. Sorry, I should not have brought it up.”

“Oh, but you didn’t bring it up. It’s been here in the room and at that bar, it’s been here ever since we unfolded to each other. Neither of us has ever cheated lightly and here we are absolutely redefining the parameters of human connection or at least geriatric lust.”

She pauses, clearly frustrated and then leans into it again.

“I am as confused and conflicted as you are……… we have shared what, 4 or 5 hours together? Had incredible sex, told each other honest and direct things about our lives and feelings. We coupled in a manner that I have never even heard about and I feel like I have known you forever.”

I let her go on.

“But I don’t know what you like in music, food or movies. I don’t know if you sleep with the blinds open or closed — what temp you keep a room at — do you cuddle or roll over…………. Ohhhhhhh Fuck! Damnit! Those were all supposed to be negatives to any sort of continuance of “US” and now I realize I want to know all those things.”

And I realize that I have absolutely fallen in love with this woman.

“Hank, I have also never been so greedy with a lover. I usually make sure I am doing something to my partner when they are doing me. I like control, as you appear to. But with you, I love relinquishing it. Nothing we have done has sated me in the slightest…………Now, keep rubbing yourself on me and tell me one of your writings………………… Oh dear, I have made you blush again………..”

“We have already plumbed the issue of my need for control. But there is more than our absolute commitment to vulnerability. I don’t filter anything I say to you and my responses are completely unconsidered. That does not happen with Terri or anyone else I have known.”

“Okay, me too. I pride myself as being open and honest with James, but I do think I avoid or maneuver around things. But you and I are lucky as our almost sole topic has rotated around sexual fulfillment, but then that is also where people lie the most.”

I pause, lost for a response.

“Look Hank, we are not getting any closer to figuring this out and I am pretty sure that until we exorcise what appear to be mutually insatiable needs, we will just keep going around in circles. Please put your cock back inside me and tell me a story, but make it quick, I don’t want our pudding to dry out too much.”

I tell her about the fantasy story of the 30 something, slightly intoxicated woman enroute to Cleveland during the air traffic control meltdown at DFW in October of the prior year.

“Marvelous, a younger, no make that MUCH younger woman. Tell me more.”

I go on and describe the banter I wrote and she laughs at the back and forth and the “Fraidy Cat” and “Saucy Pants” nicknames I created. Her mouth falls open when I get into the pissing and I fear that I may have finally crossed a line with her.

“Piss play — your first story and you choose piss play! God man, I think I do love you. If nothing else, I will have fantasies about you for the rest of my days. James would do it years ago, but now he freaks out when I even suggest it.”

“My Yank Hank likes watersports, talk about Yorkshire Pudding!!! I should have known when you were tongue fucking my urethra — I almost pissed for you then…… You’re blushing again!”

“I just have never found anyone like you. Whenever I think I took it too far, I find you standing right beside me.”

“Me too! You are an unending surprise!…………………With all the effluvia we have wrenched from your cock and my snatch, it’s a wonder we have not dried up and blown away.”

“Don’t forget the spittle, tears and all the sobbing drool.”

“Right, that too! And speaking of hydration, will you please bring that bottle over here.”

She points to the dresser where a glass liter bottle of still water is sitting.

I pull myself out of her, get out of bed and walk to the dresser. It has now been several hours since I walked in her door. During that time we have been in almost continual, physical contact.

When I took my first trip to the bathroom for the washcloth, I did not notice the disconnect.

My subsequent, trips for the two towels, brought an active disorientation that I thought was possibly just being light headed from all our activity.

But now, on the fourth disconnect, I realize those sensations were that of loss. The lack of contact with Miriam. Stunned, I pack this realization away for the moment. Never have I had a partner who engendered this sort of reaction.

She takes the bottle from me and guzzles half it’s contents and hands it back.

“So you had a piss play fantasy with someone half your age, marvelous! What else?”

“That was pure fantasy, but some were based on actual lovers or one night stands, generally long before I got married. And then I would expand from there. I even have one published on an erotica site. It’s by far my favorite. It has fisting, piss play and I get fucked with a strap on dildo.”

“You must give me the web site address. And where did I put your toy bag? Oh, here it is, good, I think it’s time to put some more of them to use………..”

She opens the nipple sucker case and quickly works out how to use them. Her nipples pull up into the domes and she is fascinated, watching them grow.

Her breasts are really quite nice, and yet I have not really been paying much attention to them. Most of my focus has been on her eyes and between her legs. I watch as she cups her breasts, lifting and squeezing them a bit.

She takes the suckers off, licking their borders to better secure them, now fully depressing the dome and this time her nipples completely fill the vacancy causing her to make a sharp intake of breath. As they swell inside the domes, their pink starts to darken into a more reddish hue.

“Now you.” She beckons with a crook of her index finger. I walk over, she is sitting on the edge of the bed, a schoolgirl, swinging and kicking her legs with a smile on her face.

She notices my smile and then looks down at her kick — swinging school girl legs.

“Hah! I try to be a seductress and yet, I can’t help feeling feel silly, easy and comfortable with you.”

Contradicting that seemingly innocent statement she applies the clips to each of my nipples. Grasping the chain hanging between them, she gives a hard tug. The springs are set so I can pull a bit while masturbating, but they are about as tight as I am comfortable with. She tugs again and they pull off.

“That won’t do.”

She examines the clips and using the screw adjustment, increases the tension of the spring on each clip.

She clips them on again, now grabbing behind the peak of my nipple and onto the aureola. It hurts. But when she tugs, they stay in place.

“Is that okay?

“Yes, it hurts like hell, but I think I can hang.”

“Oh, this won’t be one way my dear, I want a little pain too. I know we have yet to resolve the elephant in the room and I bet we could do existential relationship chats until dawn without another orgasm, but I’m really hungry to have you fuck my ass and pull some more orgasms out of each other. We need to get back to that. I swear, you have made me insatiable.”

She lays back on the bed and starts working her clit with the bullet. Her feet are flat on the edge of the bed, knees bent, cunt open. Standing beside the bed, I only have to squat a little to enter her and I do.

I find if I squat more, it angles the head of my cock up against her G spot, then If I stand up taller, I can push in deeper, moving her cervix into retreat. I begin to alternate angles and her moans let me know how I am doing. Her pussy had dried a bit during our last chat, but now it is flowing again, slick and buttery around my cock.

As I move, I can feel the plug in my ass work my prostate and remember to clench my kegels to get it to rock more onto my P spot. That also causes my crown to swell inside Miriam which brings a grunt of acknowledgement from her.

She has begun to lose herself to her own manipulations. Her eyes are closed as she works the bullet around and over her clit and she begins swiveling her hips, causing my penis to roam in circles through the magic surfaces of her cunt.

“Oh sweet lover that I never knew, I think it’s time for you to fuck my ass. Can you let me be on top as I have an idea.”

“Whatever you want.”

I climb up on the bed and lay down on towel #2 which is already soaked, having sponged up our previous leavings. It’s a little cold, but knowing what it is made up of, I actually enjoy working my back onto it.

Miriam straddles me and is working a big load of lube into her ass, fingering herself, pushing lube inside her. She then sits on me, my cock pressed lengthwise along her ass crack and slides back and forth on it.

Lifting herself a bit she reaches down and guides my cock up to her sphincter and pushes it back and forth against the ring of her anus with her hand, while letting her body weight slowly push me inside her.

The angle is little wrong and she lifts herself to adjust and then sinks down again. This time, I slide into her easily, her anus squeezing my shaft as it slides through and my head rubbing up against the walls of her rectum.

Her weight is pinning me flat to the bed, so I cannot move my pelvis, but she does that for us by rocking herself back and forth and I can feel my crown moving inside her.

“Ohh, that feels really nice.” And she lets herself get lost for a while in that motion.

I just watch. What fascinates me most about Miriam is that she can go from conversation to sex at the drop of a hat and then within sex can go from intense connection to total self immersion in her own pleasure.

Her eyes are closed again and a simple smile is on her face as she rocks my cock in her anus.

“You look content.” She says opening her eyes.

“That’s pretty much the word I would have used to describe you.”

“I am, I was thinking I could just ride your cock forever. You could be my permanent butt plug.”

It seems a lifetime since our strange other worldly, sobbing coupling. We are now just two greedy fuck sluts.

She cups her breasts and moves her hands up and over the suckers, pinching the sides so they release her nipples.

They are swollen and distended. “Oh my.” She lightly squeezes them.

“They are so tender, I want you to suck them.”

She leans forward as I push myself up with my elbows and take one into my mouth and begin sucking. Sighing, she pulls back and her nipple falls from my lips. She leans again, aggressively pushing her bosom into my face, her nipple into my mouth again.

Folding my lips over my teeth, I pinch her nipple between them, tickling the nipple with my tongue. She moans this time and again pulls back. Her breast and areola stretch and then the nipple pops from my lips’ grasp.

Her bosom slams against my face again, so hard that I can feel her ribs pushing through the buoyant flesh.

“Damn it Hank, I won’t break, just bite the damn thing and suck them like you are trying to deflate me!.”

I bite into her nipple where it meets her areola and she leans back a third time, stretching it tight and letting out a groan, low and guttural. She begins leaning back and forth, pulling it tight and then rocking forward.

Which each pull back,I am afraid my teeth will tear her nipple from her breast. Her cries are now absolutely feral and I rapidly forget my concern, roughly working her nipple with the coarse side of my tongue as I suck.

She succeeds in yanking her nipple from my teeth, and immediately jams her other breast into my mouth. I no longer require instruction and bite into this one, closer to the tender end of her swollen nipple. She emits a howl and resumes her stretching.

Grabbing the chain lying on my belly she begins pulling my nipple clamps in time to her own nipple stretching. The pain is electric and I reach up and pinch the first nipple hard between my forefinger and thumb as I continue biting and sucking the one in my mouth.

“Harder!” Her movements are so violent that she is pulling my head off the bed and then dropping it back. I bear down with my teeth and fingers as she pulls ever harder on the chain.

She is grinding her ass down onto my cock. Finally the clips tear away and as they do, she comes flat onto my body, mouth once again finding mine. She is moaning, crying, wailing into my mouth, I feel her belly burning onto mine.

That mad tongue of hers once again throat fucking me as she lifts her ass up off my pelvis and then slams it down again. She has made kissing a completely different thing for me and I open my mouth wide to allow her tongue past my uvula and actually into my throat, her mouth now literally inside mine.

I bend my knees and bring my feet flat onto the bed so that I can now use them to thrust up into her.

The next time she lifts her pelvis, I follow her up and push my cock back into her, now participating rather than just being fucked.

She hooks her fingers into my mouth pulling my cheeks open and forcing more of her face inside me, her tongue now down my throat. It’s an insane sensation and like my prostate, I think she could make me come just from this and begin to surrender myself to whatever comes next.

As she literally tries to stuff her face into me, I take both her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and squeeze and roll them back and forth in rhythm to her mad tongue, now truly in my throat, licking it’s sides.

Her fingers release my mouth which I am sure is stretched beyond recognition and she rises up from her deep dive into my throat. A combination of both our spittle hangs from her chin and lips. Our nipple and tongue play has transformed her. She is now glistening with sweat and her bangs are matted onto her forehead.

There is a slightly mad look in her eyes and I can only imagine it is reflected by mine. I want to open her and climb inside her viscera as she simultaneously does the same to me. There is a sexual madness coursing through me that I have never experienced before.

Placing her palms on my chest, she steadies herself. Keeping me inside her, she pulls her legs out from under her and puts her feet flat on the bed, so that she is now squatting on me.

She keeps lifting slowly ………. Just as the crown begins to feel the squeeze of her sphincter muscle, she slides back down. She repeats this three or four times, but on the fifth, she continues rising and her sphincter squeezes the head out of her anus.

She immediately pushes herself back down onto me, the rings of muscle that form her sphincter gripping my crown so tightly that I can feel my piss slit stretched open as they seemingly pull my crown apart.

She slightly rises again, and my crown exits her hole, only to have her sit again, just enough to stretch and pull my slit apart like before. She repeats this over and over again,- I have never had anyone do anything like this. Not even with their hand, or any other part of their body. It is fucking incredible.

Her control is amazing, she never pushes past the flare that separates crown from shaft. Solely working the most sensitive part of a penis while stretching my two holed piss slit further and further.

I close my eyes and let her slowly try to rip my urethra and seminal canal open with her sphincter.

“Open your eyes”.

I do.

“Miriam, you are fucking amazing”

“You are too lover. Look at what you are doing to my pussy”

I look at her cunt which is flared wide open — even more than when she squirted earlier. The inner and outer labia are individually defined and her rugae are pulled back, showing a gaping hole, with her pulsing urethra at its center. Above all this, her hood has been pushed back and her clit is swollen to the size of my fingertip.

“Here,” she says, handing me the vibrator, still buzzing away. And with that, she leans back, hooks her elbows around my knees and sinks down onto me, the warmth of her rectum wrapping itself around my cock.

Staring with rapt attention, she watches me as I prepare to work her clit.

I bring the bullet to her hood and push the hood back over her clit with the vibrator. It easily slides up and over and she quivers as the vibrations rumble through the flesh of her hood and onto her clit.

She begins humming and gently rocking her pelvis. I trace the outline of her hood, running the vibrator back, pushing down on the nerve bundle that forms her root. Then back to the top of her cleft and down along her slippery inner and outer labia.

The bottom of her cleft is drenched and I push the vibrator hard against her perineum. My cock can feel the vibrations through the muscles of her rectal chamber before running it back up through her center folds.

Her clit has pushed the hood back again and is now practically the size of my thumb. I quickly look up at her. Her attention is absolute. I s..l..o..w..l..y bring the vibrator toward her clit. Remembering her ass squeezing precision on my crown, I want to be her equal.

Imagining the vibrating air around the device, I bring it as close as possible without actually touching……… she gasps and I pause it right there and then move it away.

Once again, I bring it all the way to just before touching — literally a paper’s width away and hold it there for a few moments. Her engorged clit is now visibly pulsating. I continue to move it away and then bring it as close as possible without touching.

She is motionless, full weight on my pelvis, staring down at her throbbing clit.

Her lips purse and she begins blowing down at her clit, and I can feel it on my belly. The blowing/panting starts coming faster and I continue teasing her with the air vibrations.

“Touch it, touch it, touch it godammit!” It’s a wail, a plea and I close the gap, letting it graze against the tip of her clit before drawing it off and then touching it lightly again.

Her mouth is wide open and she is almost hyperventilating but doing an amazing job of keeping her body still, putting all her focus on that one tiny point, while letting me continue to tease her to a climax.

“Pleeeeaaaaaassssse, you win, please let me come.”

Finally, I softly lay the vibrator on the head of her clit and hold it there.

I feel her rectum spasm around my cock as her vagina begins convulsing. First her belly comes forward as chest, neck and head fall back, then in a sinuous flow of woman energy, her belly retreats as her breasts come out and as they retreat her head falls forward.

She then throws her head back and the snake like energy ripples back down through her breasts and belly in reverse. This vertical dance continues as her cunt gapes open and closed.

I keep the bullet in place throughout. Her cooze finally stops its “talking”. Although her labia are still swollen, the lips have folded in on themselves, there is a creamy stream of something from deep inside her drooling out and falling from the bottom of their juncture, pooling into my navel.

She looks at me, smiling and just shakes her head. She takes a moment and dramatically takes two, three deep breaths.

A determined look comes over her face

She is now completely flat footed on the bed, in a full squat as though pissing. Each foot about six inches off the side of body. Using her legs, she raises herself up a bit and brings her left foot up against my lower ribs.

She moves her right foot further from my body and rotates her torso 45° so that it is facing my hip rather than my head. The feeling on my cock as her rectum does this turn is sublime.

It aligns her shoulders with my spine, allowing maximum use of her arms. Her left arm is now rigid and straight, palm planted on my chest. Her right arm now has maximum leverage for working the plug in my ass.

She begins to move up and down on me, and I begin to thrust in and out of her. As I feel my cock exit her ass, she pulls the plug free from mine and in perfect syncopation, my cock fills her ass as she slides the plug back in mine.

“Oh God…………Oh God………..Oh God………..Miriam, keep doing that, just like that.”

She looks down at me and smiles. The mad passion of minutes before has transitioned into one of determination as she works on me.

The bullet now lies on my middle finger, cradled between my index and ring finger, turning all three fingers into a flesh vibrator and I let them roam over both our bodies. Up our bellies, over our nipples. And she begins to increase the tempo….

I marvel at the size and dark purple of my crown as it comes out of her now gaping asshole and then disappears back in. I have never been so consumed with desire. The aneros plug slides easily in and out of me.

She pushes it so deep that the head rolls over my prostate and far into my rectum, followed by the next curve which rolls up and onto my P spot. She has found the ‘sweet spot’, the curve between the two and then has it cradle my prostate as she rocks the two bends back and forth on it before pulling it out of me and starting all over again.

I try to start pushing the pace but she keeps a firm hand on my chest, keeping the rhythm slow, sinking and rocking onto me, dancing her rectum against my head as she does my prostate.

“Punakha” she whispers. And I don’t make it out, unable to understand.

“Punakha” she says again……….Punakha — come on Hank, I want you to Mad Monk me. I did my bit, holding absolutely still while you teased me almost to death. That was the most earth shattering clitoral orgasm that I have ever had.”

“Now you need to put some work in — 7 strokes — 7 shots, but I want you to control them for me. Will you try?”

I nod, lost in desire to do anything to please this woman.

“Tell me, what works for you.”

“Work my crown with your sphincter again.”

She raises up off me and begins her short dance of stretching me open working just the crown.

“Keep slow fucking me with the plug, but push it deeper.”

As she pushes in, I feel myself unload into her, just one shot and her eyes pop wide open.

“Damn, your cum is red hot! I literally felt that hit my rectum. Are you okay? Can you hold off for another one?

“I think so.” And she sinks down onto me, I can feel her clenching her ass tight on my shaft, no more gaping, she now works the bottom three inches of me, squeezing me like a tube of toothpaste. The jizz from my first load is trying to get out and working as a lubricant.

At the end of her fourth downstroke, I shoot again and this time, I can feel the load splash off her rectal walls, back onto my cock.

She relaxes her sphincter and rises up and off my trembling cock. Stepping back, she kneels between my legs.

“Breathe, Hank, breathe, I know you can do this.”

She pulls a corner of our pudding towel out from under me and roughly wipes my cock clean. Rough enough that she is ready to be more intimate with it. So rough that there is no chance of me coming from that.

As she lets me settle a bit, she pulls the plug from my ass, inspects and then sniffs it. Shrugging, she then lays it on the bedside table.

“Damn, we had two pretty clean bums my friend! I guess tonight was meant to be. I usually demand enemas for any sort of zass play but let myself go wild with you. Hey, I guess the anal gods support our union.”

In a revenge move for her vibrator torture, she brings her face to my crotch and just lets her open mouth hover over my cock, now pulsing like her clit did earlier.

I can feel her hot breath and she once again takes it in with no touching until it hits her rear palate, then closing, lips, cheeks and tongue around it tight, begins sucking and I promptly blow a load into her throat.

She swallows.

Her swallowing immediately coaxes another one out of me, and she senses that swallowing again would just bring yet another load, so she quickly pulls up, my come spilling from her mouth, over her chin, onto her breasts.

“Mmmmmhhhhh” I can’t be greedy, I am on a mission. We are going to find out which hole is which.”

Wiping my come off her chin, she takes my penis in hand and slowly starts stroking it in her come covered palm.

Her face is six inches from my gland as she coaxes another load out of me, taking it right on that adorable nose. Semen now speckles her face, but she seems not to notice.

With a look of absolute glee, she crawls up over me and announces, “It’s the bottom one! How many was that? Five? Oh baby, I want all you have left.”

Climbing up over my waist again, she lays her torso on me. My come is everywhere. On her belly and breasts. In her hair and on her face. I bring my hands up to cradle her face but she grabs my wrists, pinning me down.

Ever so slowly, she pushes herself backward, sliding on our new pudding of her sweat and my come until I feel my crown start to part her lips.

“Hank, let’s see just how slow we can go. I want you to come in my cunt, but let me take it from you, please. I know you’re close, but just let me do you. Watch me doing you.”

I want to kiss her, I want her tongue in my throat, I want to eat my come off her face, but I acquiesce. I watch her.

Hands tight around my wrists, she pushes herself back and she slowly slides all the way back onto me. Then pulling with her arms she slides back up, bringing her face to mine, before pushing herself back down and enveloping me again.

Her pussy is so distended that it is a warm, wet hug, not a tight squeeze, and it feels like we are actually melting into one another.

As she pushes down the fourth time, I send my largest load yet into her. Just one.

She pulls back, looking at me, eyes wider than ever. “Oh lover, you did it! Every one of my holes and then some!”

She gathers my come off her chin and breasts and then sticks her tongue out, festooning it with strands of semen so recently harvested. With that she leans in to me and gives me what I have been wanting so badly. I begin sucking my ejaculate from her tongue and then I open my mouth wide as she buries it in my throat.

I fight my gag reflex as her tongue passes my uvula and as I begin to swallow, I can feel my throat actually pull her tongue deeper…….

My loins expand and I can no longer maintain control……7, ………. 8, …………. 9, …………….. 10. Four distinct salvoes of my pent up come shoot deep inside this incredible woman. She feels me unloading and pushes further into my mouth and ever deeper into my throat until I am finally spent.

Miriam reels her amazing tongue back into her own mouth and props herself up on her elbows, looking down at me.

With a giggle, she asks “10? Was that really 10? Did we set a record? Oh, Hank, thank you, that was incredible.”

“You’re thanking me? You edged me for hours and then brought me to the most amazing climax I have ever had and you’re thanking me? Miriam, I ……………………”

And with that I stop cold, the elephant has re-entered the room and sat down on my chest.

“You okay?” She looks down with real concern, knowing exactly where I was about to go.

“Yeah, you?” I respond, willing to play pretend because I am too exhausted to resume the unspoken question.

“Yes, I think I am finally sated.”

A silent agreement passes between for the moment and we curl up together on the far, dry, side of the bed.

She nestles up under my arm, her body splayed along mine, her thigh thrown across my pelvis, a breast draped onto me.

With her chest against mine, I can feel her heartbeat as well as my own. They are slightly off synch, mine a bit more rapid. She has now laid her cheek on mine and as we lie together, I listen/feel as my heart rate slows and our beating hearts become one.

Exhausted, we drift into sleep, ignoring the elephant sitting in the dark corner of her room.

I wake, somewhat startled. I am on my side, facing off the bed toward two arm chairs flanking a round mahogany table. Miriam is bundled up in one of the hotel robes with a cup of room tea cradled in her hands. Her knees and feet folded up beneath her.

She has brushed her hair out and looks like a bright penny in my eyes.

But she seems to be scrutinizing me. I am suddenly very aware that my belly is sagging a bit toward the bed, gravity having it’s way with me. I reach to pull covers over me and realize they already are. But my self consciousness remains.

Knowing I am covered does not help at all. I feel helpless, vulnerable and quite exposed.

What the fuck did I just do. I revealed myself to this woman on a level I did not even know existed. And then I fell in love with her. Now she sits there, nothing but neck, face and hands showing, her hazel eyes roaming over me.

Slow down bucko — you are just a head in a bed yourself. Wake the fuck up. Get in the game. Trust her, trust whatever moment is to come…… But I am scared of losing……… losing what? You don’t ‘have’ anything other than a wild night with a stranger. Now, what you may want is a different topic……….

“Sorry, I did not mean to wake you.”

“I don’t think you did”

“You looked so peaceful. I was really enjoying just watching you sleep.”

“How long have you been up and what time is it.?

“I’ve been awake for about 30 minutes and it’s 4AM.”

“You look so……………………together. I feel like a homeless man under a tarp. I am scared to get out from under the covers and have you see how ‘not together’ I am.

“Why do you think I grabbed this robe? When I woke next to you, I felt and saw all my flaws, all my age. Plus, there were too many things going on inside me to go back to sleep. My lust and desire finally sated, I was empty, naked and so fearful of the window that I had thrown wide open with you.”

“I guess I am feeling the same. Whatever we went through had me feeling young and invulnerable. And now I feel so very exposed, old and quite vulnerable.”

“I had to pee really badly and was cradled in your arm. I was so slow and careful to not wake you as I disentangled us that I almost peed down my leg on the way to the loo. And while I sat there, only 20 or 30 feet away from you, I felt a visceral loss from the lack of your touch. I have never felt that before with anyone.”

I thought back to when I left the bed to grab the water bottle………….

“Yeah, I think I know what you mean, I had……..”

“No, you don’t. That’s why I put on the robe and have been sitting here, examining you, examining us.”

“Stop it Miriam….. I do understand.” And I tell her about my reaction earlier in the evening.

“Well, shit…… you too! What’s going on here? This really is something more than two randy old goats isn’t it?”

“Yes, I think it is.”

“We can’t exactly take each other home to our spouses and proclaim that we have a fun new friend. But I can’t consider leaving here without the promise of seeing you again. I want to spend time with you in the daylight.”

For the first time Miriam has intimated that there may be something for us after this night.

“Yes, but when and where? For fuck’s sake, we live on separate continents. I will be here in the UK for another week, maybe two, but after that……….”

“Hank, when are you going to retire?”

“You sound like Terri. I don’t know. I would like a few more years of income, but don’t really need it if I am honest.”

I pack two pillows against the headboard and sit up in the bed, my chest and sagging belly now exposed. I immediately, try to suck my belly flat, but it simply folds into two, smaller sags.

Miriam laughs and I begin to pull the covers up over my belly.

“Don’t you dare! I’m sorry I laughed. It was because you were so dearly transparent in that moment. I love that you sucked in your tummy for me. But you are also much braver than I, in my terry cloth castle covering my obviously aged body”

I let the covers remain at my waist and let my stomach relax. I take a long drink from the water bottle on the bedside table. For what seems like an eternity, but is actually only two, maybe three minutes, we gaze at each other, neither saying a word, each momentarily overwhelmed by line that we are stepping over.

She goes first.

“I asked about retirement because my whole perspective on life changed when I retired. I realized that I have limited time left on the planet, but I also felt like I had been unfettered from chains I didn’t even know were in place. Every step I have taken since then has been ever so precious to me.”

“I think I know what you are saying, I have certainly been aware of the fact that I am finally ‘old’ and have far fewer years left than I have already spent. Every act I take needs to be one I will not regret.”

“I fucking love my husband to bits. He is bright, charming, handsome. He loves me. But you and I have connected in ways that I never knew possible. I feel like I have known you forever. I have never believed in prior lives and now I think we have lived a dozen of them together………… Oh Christ! We are a cliché.”

“A cliché is a stereotype, something unoriginal. Miriam, whatever we are, it is not that.”

“No, I meant that we are star crossed lovers who might ruin the lives of other people to satisfy their own desires.”

“Oh, THAT stereotype……I don’t want anyone to get hurt. But I am not going to deny us whatever lies ahead. I know you will be risking more than I am, at least more people are involved.”

“Yes, Hank. But much as I want to deny it, I have fallen in love with you. And if I head back to London without making plans to see you again, knowing how to reach you, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Just promise me that if your feelings ever change that you will let me know immediately.”

“Let’s consider that a mutual promise.”

I climb out of bed, still quite self conscious and get my phone from my pants.

I am almost crouching as I move around the room.

I’m trying to hide my man boobs and belly. Hoping to avoid any position that shows how my ass sags like a bag of mush. Keeping my skinny, stick type arms to my sides. So embarrassed of myself without carnal lust lighting me up and driving me forward.

But then I see how she is looking at me, with absolute acceptance and I gain confidence and strength, moving upright and at ease. This woman truly accepts me as I am and it infuses a new strength in my bearing.

I sit across from her at the table and we exchange contact info and begin planning where to go from here.

We compare calendars and plan on meeting up in Paris in 6 weeks. That will allow each of us to spend time at home and assess all we have invested in our marriages and if we are really prepared to try and juggle the two worlds.

James has a trip to the US at that time and we pick Paris because I begin a series of site surveys for a new film to be shot there. The plan is for me to fly in five days early and for us to spend them together and find out if we can sustain ‘us’ as a couple outside the bedroom.

We promise to initiate contact via innocuous texts and do all details by phone only. Nothing that can later be innocently stumbled upon by those we love.

My watch shows 5:30AM and we agree that I better get back to my room. Miriam hands my toy pouch to me. “I cleaned your plug and put back everything but the nipple suckers, which I am going to keep because my nipples fill them better than yours.” She then laughs. The same, brilliant laugh that started all of this.

I go to gather the rest of my clothes from the floor where they have lain since my arrival in her room and start to get dressed.

“Wait! Not yet. Just one more thing”

Miriam waits as I place my pants and shirt on the bed, standing there naked and confused.

She rises from the arm chair and as she walks to me, she unties the robe’s belt and shrugs herself out from under her terrycloth covering.

She stands before me and I see her in full.

The crepe skin along the back of her upper arms. The soft sag of her belly, pronounced enough to form a saddle of her pelvis. An unnoticed scar from one of her births. Her thighs lightly dimpled with cellulite. Her breasts are uneven. Stretch marks showing there and on her belly.

Our lack of sleep has left shadows under her eyes. Clear of makeup, age spots darken her brows and temples.

She looks directly at me, open, unafraid, but demanding that I see her.

Yes, I see her in full. My throat goes into a knot, my eyes well up with tears, Christ! I truly love this woman.

“Oh stop it! I just wanted to check. I felt a bit cowardly hiding in my robe and needed to be sure.”

She bends over, picks up the robe and puts it back on. Walking up to me, she gives me a quick kiss, slaps me on the ass and says “Text me next week and you better get out of here, Dan and Ginny like an early breakfast and may already be moving about.”

As she enters the bathroom I can see her reflection in the mirror and tears are streaming down her cheeks.

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