Zai and Tim Pt. 01 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

The lady talks down to me, “When trying to stop a war and save billions of lives, showing up with four battleships looks like an invasion. So typical of a man to not comprehend the basics. Get out of my way; where is your captain? Why didn’t she greet us? I will have you cleaning toilets until you turn gray.”

Behind the passengers, I see some women slowly lingering our way. They have dark clothes and a dark visor, hiding their face. All of them have their hands inside their cloaks. Fuck me!

With a smile on my face, so I don’t give myself away, I softly tell Zai, “Create a forcefield to protect those bitches. I count six attackers.”

Zai places intense spotlights on each potential attacker. Immediately, rifles are revealed, and they start shooting. Their accuracy is terrible. I guess if I had a bright light in my face, my aim would be much worse as well. I see a bunch of people coming, and they have heavier weapons. I grab all the women and pull them into my ship. I pull hard, and without warning, they all end up on the ground in a mess.

They’re pissed at me for even touching them. They got dirty and scuffed their knees and arms.

Meanwhile, I start issuing commands, “Zai, get us the fuck out of here as fast as you can. Head to Polaris-2. Avoid all other ships.”

All four take off their helmets.

The mother is standing up now, and she is pissed, “We are not going to Polaris-2. How stupid are you? I told you we need to rush to Vole-4. The fate of the galaxy depends on this. Turn this damn ship around, and get us to that planet ASAP.”

I ask her, “Have you not been paying attention? Six women just tried to kill you. Twenty more were behind them. They know where you’re going. They saw me leave on a vector. Guess what, every ship they have will follow us on the same vector, and I’m a slow ship. Do you see a problem?”

One of the daughters says with tears in her eyes, “They’re going to catch us and then slowly kill us.”

Her mother shushes her. She looks just as scared.

I continue, “We have a big head start. I will adjust our course once we are out of their sensor range. I only have two rooms; you four get the smaller one.”

The mother laughs, “Looks like you don’t know your own ship. I see a room here for all of us.”

The daughters’ chuckle. Behind them, I see Zai re-adjusted the rooms.

I ask them, “I think you need your eyes checked; I only see two door handles.”

They turn around, and they’re all amazed to see just two rooms. Four sets of jaws hit the floor.

I quip, “You were saying about my knowledge of my ship? I didn’t want this job. I didn’t ever want this much risk. You four have carelessly risked my life against my wishes just because you think you’re better than me. I will get you there since you said it’s that fucking important. My fee is ten times what you offered, and I bet that still isn’t enough.

“Now get in your rooms and stay there. I don’t want to see you. Food will make its way to your room. For a freighter, I doubt you find better rooms. You give me any trouble, and you can walk there. Do you understand me?”

All four are silent.

I smile, “Go to your rooms; there is one for each of you.”

They turn around, and there are five rooms now, mine plus one for each of them. I love this ship. Each of them has an astonished look on their face. Silently, they each pick a room and hide from me. PERFECT! I just noticed that they don’t have a change of clothes. I sure hope Zai got their luggage as they entered the ship. Maybe someone got it when I didn’t see it.

That’s their problem. I guess it’s a human thing; I walk up to my bridge. There is no need to be on the bridge as Zai is everywhere. We have a place for everything. Once on the bridge, I make a list of things to do. Zai will do it and remind me, but it’s how I remember things, by writing them down.

I startle Zai, “We know our guests are as hot as a fusion reactor. We have a head start, and we have a path that we must stray from. Suggestions?”

Zai sounds happy, “First, thank you for the orders. I don’t understand deceit, double-dealing, or lies. When I try … I fail. Thank you for guessing that part. I would have gone straight to our destination. I see how this is better; we will spread them out.”

I am happy, “OK, if I were them, here is a list of things I would do to catch us. I want you planning for that list to happen and plan for contingencies.”

Zai asks questioningly about a command, “Radio silence?”

I smile, “How did you get me to help? You sent out a cry for help. What if four battleships did the same thing?”

Zai sounds like she might cry, “We would be dead without you. I feel so helpless right now. How is it that women run the world?”

I laugh, “Every 200th birth is a male. They control our numbers. Your abilities are far more critical than my insight; you’re giving me too much credit. I will grant you that together, we are a formidable team and complement each other well.

“I am tired. I want you to make two more course directions changes in four-hour increments while I sleep. Our passengers are not hostages but watch over them. See what you can learn about them and if their mission is real. I am going to sleep, night Zai.”

Zai sexily says to me, “Good night, Tim.”

Chapter 3 — Princess Trudy

Princess Trudy’s point of view:

I am tired of being cooped up in this room. I want to explore the ship. I want to know more about that man. I have never seen a living man; our planet forbids them. Oh yes, we have a bunch. They’re kept far from me. I can’t imagine how we got put on a ship captained by a man. Someone screwed up big time, and mom will make sure they pay dearly for it … if we survive.

I crack open my door. I can see the bridge. Nobody is out there. The lights are dim. The bridge is a single well-padded chair, with a large desk between the chair and the giant wall-size screen that looks outside. There are no papers, pens, or logbooks. Even the console has relatively few gauges and screens on it. There is a sleek keyboard, but it’s thrown off to the side.

Meekly I ask, “Zia?”

Zai responds, “It’s pronounced Zzz-eye but spelled Zai, the Z is because I am the last AI you will ever need according to my creator.”

I ask, “Who is your creator?”

Zai answers with pride, “The genius Doctor Mary Cross of Adagio-5.”

I counter, “I remember reading something about her. She went crazy and left all her research behind.”

Zai is quick to defend, “Unless you want to walk home, you need to know she was a brilliant woman that decided she wanted more out of life than making cool things for other people. She wanted to experience life.”

I try a different approach, “So, why is it that some dumb man owns her spacecraft?”

I swear Zai is laughing as she says, “You ungrateful little bitch. That stupid man, as you called him, saved both your family and me today. He noticed the assassination attempt on your lives before I did. He had me put up a force field to save you. That saved me from extending the ship to save you, which would have been recorded on camera. All of that in a split second by as you called him, some dumb man.”


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