Zai and Tim Pt. 01 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

I dig deeper, “You avoided how he killed the captain to take over.”

Zai laughs, “I sure hope you and your mother the Queen are better at negotiating than guessing because you suck at it. In fact, you couldn’t be more wrong. My old captain had a heart attack during a pirate raid. I didn’t have permission to strike back. I sent out a “mayday,” and Tim answered. He killed the pirates and then tried hard to save a woman.”

With more of a caring voice now, “How many men would lift a finger to help a woman? The medkit called her death. For five minutes, he tried every trick I knew, plus a few more. She still passed away even with trying hard. I miss her very much. Tim is a unique man. Not at all what I expected from my conversations with other humans. He is perceptive and anticipates like a chess master. I suspect if he knew how to play, he would be successful.”

I am amused, “You almost seem like you care about a man. I didn’t think it was possible.”

Zai replies, “This ship generally had a man on board. The good doctor enjoyed the physical contact with a man. She had more and more satisfying orgasms with men than with a woman or toys.”

I am disgusted, “No way! They don’t have the right parts. How disgusting.”

I hear roaring laughter behind me. I look, and Tim has just exited his room. Mom and my sisters are also leaving their rooms.

Tim is all smiles as he says, “You, my dear, must live in a cave. Men have precisely the correct equipment that women need. They can get by with common parts. However, the parts men have will move a planet.”

Mom seems unhappy, “Funny, my one time was less than memorable. I never want a piece of that EVER again.

Tim acknowledges her, “When men are young and untrained, it can be less than special. Some are guided, and some aren’t. Some have better equipment than others. For now, get out of my chair. I have work to do.”

I am sarcastic, “Yup, it’s hard work telling the computer what to do.”

His anger rose quickly, and I thought he might hit me. This man is dangerous.

Tim surprises me, “OK, princess. Where do we go? How do I get you there without getting us killed?”

I look at the stupid man, “Duh, you took us out, you changed directions twice now, all we have to do is go straight to our destination.”

Tim asks Zai, “What are the odds of success with her plan?”

Zai, I swear, smiles, “I would put them at approximately seven percent. Coming anywhere from this quadrant will be expected. I expected you did this, so we survived at least the first day. Even I don’t see how we survive this. We need to come in from the side or behind them, but that adds days to our trip.”

Tim asks, “Zai, can you mask, alter, or in any way make their DNA look different to a scan? Also, can you cut one of them in half?”

Mom screams out, “How dare you even suggest that you … you … man.” She is pissed. “I will not have you harming any of us. I will kill you before you harm one of my babies.”

Tim isn’t backing down, “They’re looking for five people. I see four of you and one of me, that’s five alive bodies. I would rather have a different number.”

Zai says, “I still have Mary Cross in the freezer. I was going to have the body sent back to her family. We can vent her after we thaw her out.”

Tim shouts, “Perfect, now we need to get past the gauntlet they will set up. Zai set up a conference room for me, and then I want all my old logbooks put in there, chronological order, please.”

I ask curiously, “What are you looking for?”

Tim turns to me, smiles, and says, “I will know it when I see it.”

Mom exhales a breath like she is bored, “He’s looking for patterns. He’s probably uptight enough that he records everything. He wants to join a convoy. You have a problem though, this doesn’t look like a big corporate freighter like they have in convoys.”

Tim surprises me when he says, “You let me worry about that.”

My sister Tammi asks, “You asked your ship to create you a room? No ship or building I know of does that.”

Tim is annoyed and asks, “Who are you? Do you people have names? So far, we have the old one, the talkative one, and now the intrusive one.”

Mom’s anger flows, “I am Queen Trinity De’Flan, not Old Lady. Don’t you have any education? I am the ruler of 163 of the richest and most productive worlds in the galaxy.”

Tim isn’t impressed, “Well. I don’t know how great of a queen you are, but I can guarantee you, there is a faction that hates you. Those twenty people at the dock wanted you dead.”

Tamara looks at Tim with a sexy look, “We want peace; some want war. War is good business for some people, and it helps us expand our power. The Vols have eighty great planets and a fleet as good as ours, even slightly more modern. They are like us in many ways and want peace. They’re shrewd businesswomen; they want the upper hand.”

Zai blurts out, “Well, I’ll be damned. Tim, they’re holding out on you. Trinity, tell him!”

Mom is annoyed, “Tell him what?”

Zai cackles like an old lady. It’s easily the most annoying laugh I have ever heard.

Zai’s voice is dripping with sex now; I want to fuck her, “Oh, Timmmmmm. What do you think of the Queen, probably one of the most powerful women in the galaxy?”

Tim scoffs at that, “Why is the most powerful woman hiding on the space docks, scurrying off to another part of the galaxy to make a peace treaty? No queen stoops down to that level. You have people for that. Stop playing games with me!”

Mom’s voice is soft as she explains, “I have lost three of my dearest friends to this mission. I won’t send another to their death.”

Tim isn’t so comforting when he says, “Your story sucks, you old bat. I bet you aren’t even the real Queen. You’re just an imposter to take the pressure off her real mission. You make me sick.”

Zai responds with a sharp rebuke, “TIM! Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that?”

Time stopped. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. Eyes move back and forth. Mom’s eyes look down at the floor. IT’S TRUE! I have a brother! Oh, the shame! I reach out to strike mother.

Tim swats my arm away and then screams, “All of you, back to your rooms! I will let you out later. GO! NOW!”

We all slowly walk back to our rooms. They are far nicer than I expected for a freighter. Obviously, nowhere close to the palace. However, no bugs, a firm bed, and above-average bedding. The food isn’t like fresh food. Synthesized food always tastes weird. Yet, it’s still delicious. The closet has both a set of overalls and a robe. Both fit me perfectly.

Chapter 4 — Talking

Tim’s point of view:

Thirty minutes later, I have their doors open, nicely summoning them out of their rooms. The bridge has been replaced by a round couch with a table in the center. It has drinks and small things to eat. Zai has tiny silverware and plates to match everything. Overall, it’s very stylish. The couches sit six, there is plenty of room. We all sit down.

I am calm and chilling as I say, “Mom. Had I known who you were. You would never have stepped on my ship. Even with assassins bearing down on you. Explain yourself.”

Mom isn’t so confident now as she explains to her four siblings the story for the first time in her life.


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