Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

This is part 2 of a long 8-part story that builds while providing plenty of plot twists. Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a fun story. Special thanks to rancher46 and RF-Fast for editing my story.


Chapter 12 — Going Home

When I did finally wake up, I’m on my back. Carla is naked and on my right side. Tamara is nude and on my left side. Neither are asleep. Their whispering to each other about houses. With me waking up, they are silent now.

I ask, “How are the people responding to the speech, the killings, and the DNA issue?”

Carla, “It’s awesome sleeping with such a large and warm body next to me. Nothing else matters. Let’s shower quick and go down for lunch. We can catch up on the news there.”

We all got up quickly and hit the shower. I turn Tamara towards the wall, hold her waist still with one hand, and push her head down with the other. She whimpers like I am going to punish her. Instead, I push my cock into her pussy from behind. The whimpers are replaced with moans. Moans, plural, due to a fast fucking by me. We don’t have time. I go straight to my fastest fucking while my hands maul her nipples.

Carla reaches around and strokes her clit using two fingers. It’s just a few minutes before she gets a nice orgasm. I needed that. Carla is a quick learner; her hands are on the wall, she bends at the waist, and her head is down, making her back parallel to the floor. I push into her; she’s wet; I move to my quickest fucking right away. She loves this and is moaning in pleasure immediately.

Tamara knows because I just orgasmed; it will be a while before I can get off again. We don’t have that time. Tamara snuggles up behind me. She is pulling my body into her breasts.

She whispers to me in my ear, “You are going to breed both of us. We are your bitches.”

My successive five thrusts shoot cum into Carla. On the fourth thrust, she orgasms and leans against the wall.

Carla is giddy with excitement, “That is a hell of a way to wake up in the morning, I mean noon, or whatever time it is.”

Tamara laughs, “Oh yes, I agree 100%. We need to do this more often.”


Tim’s point of view still:

Both Tamara and Carla hold my hand as they guide me into the dining room, where the rest of our families are already there. I noticed in the hallway there were several pieces of luggage.

Monica looks at us with amusement.

Mom starts the briefing, “A courier ship dropped off an update from home.”

An average ship can travel between the two planets in about a day and a half. A one-woman ship designed for speed can do it in half that time.

Mom continues, “Because I am not there, there are rumors that I have been killed. People are panicking, fearing they are next to be killed. None of the information about the reason for the killings has been shared. That troubles me as a new faction might be looking to take over. Mary said that was part of your plan, so indeed, more people may die.”

Monica states, “This morning, we both agreed to and signed the peace treaty between our two empires. Your ship is leaving as soon as lunch is over, and we get you to the spaceport. I can’t let you ….”

Carla is in tears as she cuts her mother off, “Mom! I love you, Leslie, and Katrina very much. I never thought anything would make me leave this planet. Certainly, not a man. I can do better there and traveling to other planets recruiting men for us than I can sitting here on my ass. I need to master Chess and learn a billion other things that only Tim can teach me.

“On top of that. I love the man. I know it defies all logic and our morals. He captured my heart, and I must go with him. I must learn to focus him on helping others now. He can’t hide in the shadows any longer. He needs a guide for being in the public eye. He needs me. Neither of his mothers can do what I can.”

I cry out in protest to Monica, “Don’t let her throw her life away. She should be here, learning to be the next Queen. I love her and won’t let her miss out on being a wonderful Queen.”

Her older sister Katrina rushes Carla and throws her arms around her older sister while hugging her and crying.

Katrina speaks through Carla interpreting for us, “You go with him. When we need you, we will come to get you. I believe you can find us nice men to save our planet. You will see many new things and have experiences you won’t find here. I say go, follow your heart.”

Leslie rushes Carla while Katrina hugs the air out of me while crying on my shoulder. Swell, she is coming with. Nothing will stop her now. Monica motions for me to come to her, patting the chair. I gracefully get up and sit down next to the Queen.

Monica softly says to me, “You two are both intelligent and in love. I won’t hold her back. I will give you the same advice my mother gave me. There is always someone more intelligent, wiser, more cunning, and evil than you. It’s important to know who those people are because someday you will need each one. You already plan well. I also want you to be more aware of your surroundings. Always look for the threats. Someday, you will need to bring her home to be Queen.

“I want you to buy land and build a house here. I want to see my grandbabies. You aren’t that far away, visit often. I have three battlecruisers to escort you home. Eat quickly, and then you need to get going.”

We are all served a lovely meal, the last we will get for a day or so. I don’t plan to take the most direct route; I still expect trouble.

We have a brief lunch. Everyone is on edge and sad to be saying goodbye. There are lots of hugs and kisses. I even get a few hugs and kisses, starting with Monica.

Monica softly whispers in my ear, “You were mighty special; you can stop by on business ANY time you want.”

She kisses me, and we are off to a pod car. This is so much better than my trip coming here. This is first class in a luxury pod car. There are last-second hugs and kisses with the two daughters staying behind and the five researchers. They are all bawling their eyes out at me leaving. We board, store our gear, return to the bridge where Zai is already undocked, and we leave the spaceport.


An hour into our flight, one of the escort battle cruisers from Monica slows down some. Oh shit! I yell Zai, but it’s too late. We fall out of worm travel, and the ship is completely dead. No lights, no heat, no movement, no gravity.

I yell out, “Don’t move, don’t talk. We need to conserve oxygen until the backup systems take over. Well, at least it was an EMP shot rather than their primary weapons. We would be scrap metal right now. I push myself over to an old antique Earth bike. I sit on a seat, use a strap to hold me down. I push the pedals, and it manually charges a generator that makes enough electricity to run life support and some emergency lighting. If I go fast enough, we will get gravity as well.

Ten minutes later and I hear someone on the outside of the ship. We are being boarded. At least they’re using an airlock and not cutting a hole in the side of my ship. That would have been the end of all of us. This is interesting.


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