My 8th Grade Math Teacher (Part 1) by JustAnAveragerGirl

A literotic sexstories: My 8th Grade Math Teacher (Part 1) by JustAnAveragerGirl , Late at night I lay in bed touching myself Thinks about how I had a huge crush on my 8th Grade Math Teacher Mr. Kain who was 5’11 dark blond hair and light blue eyes. Myself just 12 with long blond hair … Read more


The Night at Policewoman's Place by Iantletoxx,Iantletoxx

My parents were mysterious to me -more so than Big Foot or the Lochness monster if I might be frank. I never understood dad’s fixation with women like my mom, who never spoke unless spoken to, wore flowery clothes and lived just for the house, kids, and television. Not to mention, mom was flat-chested, her … Read more