Chris and I: Cousins Willing and Reluctant by onetimeonly

Chris and I: Cousins Willing and Reluctant by onetimeonly <br/> Alright guys, this is my first crack at this whole sex story thing so comments and suggestions are very welcome. Oh, and there is a bit of setting the whole thing up, but once that is out of the way, it is nothing but hardcore … Read more


Awkward Anne Chapter 3 by Pellidogo

Awkward Anne Chapter 3 by Pellidogo Hey everyone! The past few weeks have been kind of insane and I just realized I had uploaded this story without tags or genres, my bad. This chapter sees Anne and Kevin’s relationship taking the next step and I hope will lay some interesting groundwork for what’s to come. … Read more


Rape or was it. by tightend3

A literotic sexstories: Rape or was it. by tightend3 , True story, as I remember. This is a true story, my first written on here.Well it was summer break, myself being 14 at the time. Some friends had mentioned to me that our mutual buddy had rumors about him being gay. I never thought about … Read more