Commander Vix takes Japan – part 2 by FoolishHeart

Commander Vix takes Japan – part 2 by FoolishHeart <br/> Continuation of Cmdr Vix’s enjoyment of Japan , Gorthan Commander Vix takes control of Japan part 2 As the Limo pulls up, the pair are just finishing the final adjustments to their clothes and appearance. The door is opened for them and Vix steps out … Read more

A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part XI by Steweird

Some characters utter “homophobic” opinions. Others utter “misogynistic” views. This is in character and does not reflect the opinion of the author. . Llisanya came up from the Down Below via the sewer grate in Qeynos Harbour. She should have used the Elddar Wood entrance again but it was late and she was in a

Dragons of Arma (re-edit) by Fatesknight

Dragons of Arma (re-edit) by Fatesknight No sex in this one there will be sex later on , Ok everyone here is the first chapter again my wife is helping me edit this and she brought up some questions about stuff i fave written later on so i had to revise i a little i … Read more

Broken Birds Part 24 Dante’s World by Deneb

Broken Birds Part 24 Dante’s World by Deneb Beth prayed for Becka. Though Becka’s words relieved the major part of her guilt, she was haunted by the agony in Becka’s eyes. She remembered her own agony all too well – not of the rape itself, but of the feelings and aftermath. Her memories of the … Read more