Bully Revenge, Pt.5 – NEW ADDITION!!! by smokycat67

Introduction: -Jordynn finds herself again at the mercy of Johnathan Roberts. The issue is, Johnathan doesn’t hold much in the way of mercy. And as Jordynn will eventually discover, Johnathan is not her only problem by far , (Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her … Read more


Taming Anger by Evi_Stone,Evi_Stone

Anderson heard the angry footsteps heading his way and felt a twinge of irritation. It was the biggest drawback of him and Myeka both working from home — the constant possibility of interruption. The door to his office flew open and she stood there, her eyes flashing, breathing hard, her whole body tense. “Some fucker … Read more