A Different Kind of Cuckold Story by belted and teased

Jeremiah and Donna met “on the job.” He was a cop; she was a nurse. As so often happens for public servants, they encountered each other frequently at work. They also each understood shift work and being called in on your day off due to emergencies, so they had patience with each other in that


Saving Eva from Abuse Ch. 15

An adult stories – Saving Eva from Abuse Ch. 15 by NotaTitman,NotaTitman This follows on from Saving Eva from Abuse 14 although it is Milly telling the story of her time with Bob and Eva. Milly’s tale He got in bed and turned his back, put his arm around Eva and totally ignored me. I … Read more


Coffee, Confession, Exploration

An adult stories – Coffee, Confession, Exploration by Angel497,Angel497 For some guys look at a woman and it is their ass that excites them. For some guys, they can look at a woman and the first thing that excites them is their breasts. For other guys it’s the legs. For me it is the feet. … Read more


The Outdoor Life Szn. 02 Pt. 04

An adult stories – The Outdoor Life Szn. 02 Pt. 04 by Steveboner,Steveboner On a bright spring morning, when the centre was busy with guests, I was unfortunately in the maintenance shed again. This wasn’t a punishment or anything like that, no, this was because, as I said before, Erica, one of the senior instructors … Read more


My Niece the Slut: An Uncle's Discovery by Qlick

Introduction: My divorced sister sent my niece Tracy to stay with me while she went to a dance retreat. Tracy is a spoiled little brat and I wasn't sure how we would get along, until one Saturday I left the video surveillance on at my house and made a discovery that would change things. , … Read more