Starting from Scratch Ep. 158: WHIRLWIND roMAnCE by SZENSEI

Starting from Scratch Ep. 158: WHIRLWIND roMAnCE by SZENSEI.., “Right on time.” Roman Crandell pulled up to the St. Mary’s church parking lot to meet an awaiting Josie McKellen. Ordinarily this was her night to teach classes at the local community college, but plans had changed. Promising Josie that he would keep his word at … Read more

Starting from Scratch Ep. 156: HIGH ON THE HOG by SZENSEI

Starting from Scratch Ep. 156: HIGH ON THE HOG by SZENSEI.., On her way in dropping the three boys Zach, Steve, and Joe off at home Piper found it interesting. Topless since leaving school they had behaved and called her cool as hell, but in all reality, Piper Cherry was being ignorant. Free spirit sure, … Read more

Starting from Scratch Ep. 155: LeAP FROG by SZENSEI

Starting from Scratch Ep. 155: LeAP FROG by SZENSEI.., 4:05 PM… Hop to it Bitch! You’re running late. “I hope Marci didn’t take my subtle hints personally. I really like the Band teacher.” Since speaking with newly rehired band teacher Marcella Drummond earlier and coaxing her into becoming less stuck up, so to speak, she … Read more