Fun at a motel by Yvonne

Fun at a motel by Yvonne <br/> My husband shows me off at a motel , Just a quick note from me before I start my story: My husband is the complete opposite of how I depict him here. I have however, read of men who would like to do this sort of thing. Gosh! … Read more


Newly weds love nest by Yvonne

Newly weds love nest by Yvonne A tale of deception and betrayal. , Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they’d been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable. Having looked all through the house, … Read more


Flogged senseless – for sadists only by Yvonne

Flogged senseless – for sadists only by Yvonne.., It was many months since Rob had taken his wife Yvonne to their friend Tony, for those horrible sadism sessions previously described. Now, as he knelt astride her head and fucked her mouth, he began to tell her of his latest plans which involved a guy he’d … Read more