A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 8 by MimiRay

A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 8 by MimiRay.,

Tethys is a polyamorous nudist with a main man and an ever-growing network of male and female playmates. Her life is getting complicated. , Part 2: Growing The Tribe

Chapter 8: Pizza Has Consequences

Taylor is happy to see me. Very happy. He even said so. He said “Tethys, I’m happy to see you!” I already knew it wasn’t a banana in his pocket. He’s not wearing a pocket. I’ve trained him well. When we’re together at home, whether my home or his, if it’s at all possible, there are no clothes being worn. I’ve never been a fan of clothing, my parents could not figure out how someone who wanted to draw and paint all the time could be so decidedly non-artistic when it came to choosing outfits. I had no sense of style or design, a fashion plate I was and am not. But actual nudism was not on my radar until much later. The first time I visited Hippie Hollow, with a date who was soon mercifully forgotten, I felt as if I’d entered a whole new world. The guy may have been a jerk, but I’ll always be grateful for the event and what it led to. Nude sunbathing was the first revelation, meeting Carl there was the second, and experiencing his total immersion into a nudist way of life was the deciding point. I was all in quickly, and by the time I met Taylor, my attitude was “you can have me or you can have clothes, but not both.”

Fortunately for both of us, Taylor has no special attachment to his wardrobe, and he’s one of those special guys who looks spectacular naked. When he’s happy to see me, it shows on more than just his face. It’s a truly beautiful sight.

I’ll never give up Carl, but I won’t give up Taylor either. I love them both, and while they’re very different in many ways, they both inspire raw sexual excitement in me. They both support and encourage me, and make me feel like my overactive and always exploratory libido is a valuable part of my character. I feel accepted, respected, desired, and loved by both of them, and I return those feelings happily. The lack of jealousy between them is a tremendous comfort.

As high as my libido is, and as much time as I spend fucking, I have a somewhat on-again off-again relationship with foreplay. Especially now that I’ve added women to my repertoire, with Sonia, Joanne, and Hera, I feel like I need less of it from men. When I’m with a woman, it’s almost all what I’d normally think of as foreplay. When I’m in a group, it’s part of the fun and sharing with others. But when it’s just Taylor or Carl and me, I find more and more that I want the preliminaries over quickly. I’ll do a bit of kissing, a bit of caressing, a bit of cock-sucking and ball-licking, but once my own juices are flowing, which happens pretty quickly, I want to be filled. Once that big cock is stuffed inside of me, I’m in no hurry. I get wet quickly just at the thought of Taylor’s wide, flat flight deck of a cock, and those eyes, those eyes always steal both my heart and my desire. I push him down on the bed and suck his cock for a few minutes, just because I enjoy it. When I’m ready, I climb on top, straddle his hips, and lower myself onto that wonderful shaft.

Taylor has the laudable skill of being able to control his orgasm – not to the seemingly effortless extent that Joe does, but well enough that, as long as I control my own movements, which being on top allows me to do, we can not only last a long time, but we can hold meaningful conversations while we fuck. Most people might respond with “why?” to this detail, but Taylor and I enjoy it. We may not orgasm while we talk (although occasionally I still do), but the pleasure is intense, and it continues as long as we want it. I’ve had several excellent orgasms over the last couple of days, and right now I’m happy just feeling the hot fullness in my cunt that Taylor provides.

“So, I assume you got Hera home safely yesterday,” I begin with just a hint of wickedness in my voice.

Taylor chuckles amid his gasps. “’Safely’ may not be the word I would use,” he answers. “Not for me anyway. That girl is a sexual predator! But I suspect you knew that.”

“Takes one to know one,” I try to keep my tone casual, but my own breath catches as he lifts his hands to my breasts and gently tugs on my brown nipples.

“Well, we both knew, but I think you knew even better than I did. Now we both do. Anyway, we walked inside, shucked our clothes, and she gave me a quick tour. I’m really impressed by her ceramics. She has some amazing stuff there. I’m shocked it’s not all sold. I think we should buy a few pieces.”

“She had my cock clutched in her hand the whole time she was showing me around, and then led me to the bedroom, and just attacked it. I thought she was intense Friday, but she took it to a whole new level. I’m glad you girls shaved me Friday night, because it felt extra sensitive on my bare skin. I was a little worried she’d hurt me at first, but I just had to let myself trust that she wouldn’t. She didn’t, but that level of pleasure can be really close to painful.”

“She had me stand in front of her while she sat on the bed. She tried to deep throat me, but she’d never had a cock as broad as mine before. She was gagging to the point that I was starting to worry, but she didn’t stop. I don’t think she’s had the practice you have, but she’s going to be catching up as soon as she can. She’s one determined woman.”

My rhythm on his cock was slow and deliberate as he spoke. I kept my kegels locked tight as I pulled him with me on the upstroke, and then relaxed them so he could plunge in deep and easy as I lowered myself. He gasped a little at each transition, and so did I, but he kept talking.

‘Then she laid back on the bed, with her legs spread and her knees bent over the edge, and said ‘eat me!’ with the voice of authority. Of course I had to obey. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to handle that clit jewelry, so I experimented a little, and she seemed to enjoy that. So she had this loud, screaming, mewing orgasm, and then, as she was coming down from it, she lifts her head and says perfectly calmly…”

“Hi, Mom!” I interject as I bottom out on his pubis.

“Oh, that’s right,” he chuckles. “You’ve been there done that. I sure wasn’t expecting it, and I felt like I’d explode with shock. I had this cartoon image of myself making a mad dash for my pants and then diving out the back window while they’re still around my ankles. But her mother, Phoebe, right? She comes in like seeing a naked strange man with his tongue in her naked daughter’s pussy is just a normal everyday thing. She introduces herself, and Hera has me stand up and introduce myself. Then she shows my cock off to her mother, who just sits down casually and smiles.

“It was surreal. She’s pulling and pushing my cock this way and that to give her Mom a better view, and they’re discussing all of its features like it’s a used car. I still didn’t know what to think. Hera’s Mom was making comments like ‘It’s such an unusual shaft. It must be a unique sensation inside you. Be glad Tethys is letting you borrow it!’”


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