My Sister’s Black Satin Slip by satinshirt

She laughed. “Wow!… listen to you, Mr philosopher. There’s more to you than meets the eye,” said Kelly sarcastically.

“Okay then! You said you got lots more, so tell me why you wear satin-slips?” I asked.

“Because they stop static electricity building up and stop my dress or skirt clinging to my legs, and they can also stop some clothes making you itch,” she replied very unconvincingly.

“If that’s the case, why do they have to be so sexy, with all that pretty lace trim?… And what about camisoles and teddies and French knickers?… Why do they all have to be so pretty when they are underneath a woman’s outer clothes? No one gets to see them anyway. And why are they made from silk and satin and lace?… And why is it only women that get to wear nice silky underwear when a man’s underwear is so dull, boring and practical?…”

“I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. I can’t answer that!” replied my sister. ”

So what about your knickers?… Are they satin too?” I asked my sister.

“Yes, my knickers are satin. All my underwear is silk or satin. I can’t believe we are having this conversation. Why am I standing here with my brother talking about lingerie and my choice of underwear?” said Kelly.

“I’m just interested in why you wear satin underwear when you don’t wear satin blouses anymore? I’ve not seen you wear a satin blouse since you left school,” I asked.

“I suppose most women wear satin lingerie because it feels nice next to their skin and makes them feel sexy and feminine,” said Kelly rather meekly and embarrassed. “And for your information, I do still have several satin blouses and a couple of satin dresses too, but they are too dressy, so I only wear them on special occasions.”

“Ah-huh!… I knew it; you wear satin because it feels nice. You admit satin feels nice and makes you feel sexy,” I said.

“Yes… Yes it does,” replied Kelly, as she picked up her paintbrush and continued with her painting.

“So do you feel sexy now wearing that lovely satin-slip?… And would you normally open the front door in just your slip?” I asked curiously.

“I guessed it was you. You normally come round on a Saturday afternoon,” replied Kelly.

“You would have had a huge shock if it had been some stranger at the door. Or maybe that would have given you a thrill, eh?” I suggested.

“Don’t be daft,” said Kelly, blushing.

As I stood watching my sister painting in her lovely black satin-slip, I grew more aroused. My cock was getting hard with incestuous thoughts running amok in my head. I moved closer behind Kelly, placing my hands on my sister’s tiny waist, caressing that lovely black satin material.

“What are you doing?” asked my sister.

“I just want to see what it feels like,” I replied.

“What?” she asked.

“I was just wondering what your slip feels like,” I said, as I continued to rub my hands up and down her slinky satin-slip. I was somewhat surprised that Kelly didn’t try and stop me or object. I moved to her side so I could watch her as I moved my right hand down over her bum and stroked the lovely satin-slip, feeling it slide effortlessly over her silky satin knickers. My left hand slid up and down her stomach with my thumb just brushing the underside of her shapely and firm breasts. My sister stood motionless, looking me in the eyes, biting her bottom lip, her right arm outstretched with the paintbrush touching the wall but not moving.

“So you didn’t answer my question,” I said.

“What question?” asked Kelly with a slight quiver in her voice.

“Do you feel sexy now, wearing that lovely silky slip?”

Kelly looked me straight in the eyes. Without even blinking, she answered, “Yes, I do.”

“I love the way your slip feels over your satin knickers,” I told my sister as I continued to feel her buttocks. “Think how nice a satin blouse or a satin dress would be over the top of your slip, satin upon satin. You would feel the layers of satin sliding over each other as you moved.

Imagine the admiring looks you would get from people if you wore a satin dress to go grocery shopping,” I said. Kelly laughed at the idea. “I’m serious. You have no idea how much attention you would attract from men and other women. You should wear satin every day, even if just a simple shirt-style satin blouse with a pair of denim jeans. Maybe a pencil skirt with a long slit at the rear, with your satin-slip showing underneath as you walk along the road.” Kelly chuckled once more.

“Are you serious?…. Are you telling me you notice such things as a woman’s slip under her skirt when she walks?” asked Kelly.

“Hey sis, I can spot a woman wearing satin from half a mile away, even if it’s just the collar of her blouse peeking from beneath her coat. It drives me crazy. Honestly!” I told her seriously.

As I continued to fondle my sister’s buttocks with my right hand, I moved my left hand higher over her breasts, gently brushing over her nipples as I did so. Kelly took a deep breath as my hand glided over her breasts and brushed her sensitive nipples. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly, letting out a gentle sigh as I continued to feel her tits through her satin-slip. I cupped my hand over each breast in turn and gave it a gentle squeeze. My sister’s tits were amazing, perfectly formed and very firm, despite having given birth to Amy. Kelly made no attempt to stop me playing with her tits, the pleasure she was getting from it was obvious. Her nipples grew hard and protruded further out through the thin slinky material of her satin-slip. I pinched each nipple through her slip and gave it a tweak. I moved back around behind her, fondling my sister’s breasts with one hand, whilst sliding the other hand down her body and between her legs. My right hand continued to squeeze and fondle Kelly’s tits whilst my left hand cupped her pussy. I rubbed my left hand up and down Kelly’s silky slip between her legs, feeling the satin-slip slide over her satin panties. Kelly dropped the paintbrush. Her body went limp like a rag-doll, her legs buckling beneath her. If I hadn’t held her up, she would have collapsed onto the floor. Kelly made audible moans of pleasure as I tweaked her nipples and rubbed her slip over her pussy. The pleasure she was getting was obvious and she made no attempt to stop me. I was determined to see how far Kelly would let me go before stopping me or saying no.

“You said Eddie wouldn’t be back for a while?” I asked.

“Not for… at least… two… maybe… three hours,” replied Kelly, panting with deep breathes.

I picked up my sister’s limp body in my arms and carried her into the lounge, placing her on the sofa on her back. As she lay there looking more attractive than ever in that lovely black satin slip, Kelly surprised me by pulling her slip up around her waist to expose her bright red satin panties, as if she was inviting me to explore.

“Oh wow!…” I exclaimed.

I noticed a small damp patch and could make out the slit of my sister’s pussy through the tight silky material. I spread my sister’s legs wide apart and knelt on the floor in-between. I placed the tip of my index finger on my sister’s silky soft satin knickers and rubbed it up and down her slit. Kelly immediately shut her eyes and let out a gentle moan, taking deep breaths. Her breasts were heaving. Watching my sister as I stimulated her pussy turned me on. The tight satin material felt great against my cheeks as I rubbed my face over my sister’s soft silky panties. I pushed my nose into the damp patch and rubbed it up and down her pussy slit. The pungent smell hit me like a slap in the face, but being aroused at what I was doing to my sister, I didn’t care.

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