Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3 by Darkone82

I pick up the pace of my thumb entering and exiting her canal and I suddenly I felt her body Tension up and the rush of her orgasm rush over my thumb as made it way out of her canal. I couldn’t remove my thumb from her canal if I wanted to her muscles had an death grip on it. Wave after wave of her orgasm course over my thumb. I just praying that none of it got into water if it had we would have been screwed, blowed and tattoo for sure.

Suddenly as her muscles of her canal of pussy had tighten against my thumb moment before the muscles loosen allowing me withdraw my thumb from her pussy she positioned her in way to block the other seeing me lick her female cum from my thumb and other finger and damn she taste good and I couldn’t wait for more when I hopefully got to eat her out

Just then I heard them call our names out telling us it was time for Diana open her gifts and cake and ice cream. We quickly fixed ourselves and by time I got to shallow in my boner has softened thank god. If hasn’t how the hell would explain it. I had noticed during the time I was thumbing Jackie pussy that cloud in sky above us has started to cloud up and by now they were starting to somewhat dark and wind had also started pick up. So I figured that why her grandma had call us over to get the gifts and others shit done before it came a storm

Just in time to it was not to long after Diana had opened her last gift and we had all ate our fill both cake and ice cream that first rumble of thunder rumble and this when many of Diana guest say they had get going. So did many of other who was at the pool made their exit. I don’t know what made Diana,Jay,Jackie and myself remain at pool as Diana grandma decided she wasn’t going hang out.

So Diana and Jay and Jackie and myself help get all Diana gifts to car. Jay Diana boyfriend carried what was left of cake and ice cream to grandma car then all returned to pool to hopefully wait out this storm. All these year later I wish we had gone with her grandma because it might has change the end of this story in our favor. But any who back to story I won’t want give the end way to early now would I.

As we made our way back across the pool deck another rumble of thunder rang out. I thought to myself damn it another fifteen min we have wait . ( you all should know the storm rule for pool that I shouldn’t have to waste time and cover them ) by now the wind had really started to pick up and we all were now second guessing our decision to wait out the storm.

It wasn’t only a few minutes after us gathering our swim bag under the pools refreshments canopy that it seem like cloud just opened up and rain pour down like cats and dogs and then it happen the first flash of lightning was seen.

Jackie wrapped her arm around my torso and buried her head into my chest as a massive thunder rang out moments after the first lightning bolt was saw. I reach up and ran my palm of my hand over her thick dark brown hair and she lifted her head and our lips connected this when Diana chime in and said “ get a room you too damn can’t take you to anywhere ” as she pick up cup cold water and tossed on us.

When those ice cold water hit our body it causes chill bumps to pop up on both of our arm and surely soften any boner that I had started to form to go completely soft. We both turned our head toward both said “ hey what hell man that shit was cold” Diana and Jay burst out laughing.

This when Diana walk over to us and said “ I noticed both of you had a slight Pip in your step getting out of the pool early” both Jackie and I turn our head toward each other and both of us had this big shit eating grin on our face .The look on Diana face was of pure anger and jealousness. She draw her head in closer towards to us and said in Stern tone of voice “ You two had best not been doing what I though I saw you two doing earlier in pool ( her face was starting to turn bright red) Please tell me you two weren’t doing what I though I saw you doing ?”

I turned my head towards Diana and just smile and I said to her in a defiant tone of voice “Well Diana it all depends on what you’re referring to ( both Jackie and myself were trying our hardest not to laugh )and I will tell you whether we were or not” Diana nearly lost it and used her finger poked me in chest as snap back at us in very demanding tone of voice “ Don’t you fucking be ignorant with Scott (quickly wag her pointed finger at both us )both of you know EXACTLY what fuck I’m talking about ? I cut her off middle sentence and told her in very defiant tone of voice “ No Diana we don’t know what you’re fucking talking about so please enlighten us!”

This just pissed Diana off even more to the point where the Blood veins in her neck started to to show. I had totally forgotten how fucking sexy she look when she got angry “ YOU WERE FUCKING HER wasn’t you and don’t even think about fucking lie to me…. I saw the Expressions on Jackie face earlier….. this when Jackie took step toward Diana and pointed her own finger at her friends chest and said “ jealous much ??? The question seem caught Diana totally off guard a little and the anger look on her face was quickly replaced with one of utter shock . Diana reply in shaky tone of voice as she drop her finger from my chest took step back “ What in world would you make you think that I would be Jealous?

Jackie turn toward me and wrapped her long arm around my shoulder and lend in give passion kiss on the lip then then turn her attention back at her best friend and said “ oh Diana now who being ignorant one…. I’m dating your ex boyfriend in which you, yourself step up … just because you couldn’t fighting the feel you still had for him .. ( Diana try’s butt in but Jackie wouldn’t have any of it ) Oh no I’m not finished ( Jackie run her hand down my chest starts play with chest hair) It written are over your face and has been for fucking long time like time we were are Skating ring and i ran my hand through his hair and your exact words were ( rise both hand up doing two finger Quote signs )“ oh he doesn’t like having the hair on his head rubbed” when clearly he was enjoying the fuck out of it ( lend in kiss me on cheeks )

Jackie continue “oh don’t forget about the last time we were in back seat of grandma car passionately make out. You were trying you best to hide it but I could see in you eyes Diana as i seeming it in them now. If the truth being told Diana even he noticed it last time we were together in grandma car that why he ask you if it was ok with you if we did what we did last time only out of respect for you…

“We doing thing that you only wish you could have done with him. But you got scared when he brought up the subject of marriage as a way solve your two issue with not getting to have sex and what did you do Diana ?…( Jackie lend in close Diana face) You ran and I didn’t !”

I myself was in state of shock just listening to Jackie telling off her best friend . I look over at Diana and I could just tell from look Diana face that Jackie words had cut Diana to core. And I kind of felt bad for her I really did this supposed to be her day .. her birthday party and yet at that very moment her best friend in world was dressing her down (For those of you that aren’t military bring dressing down is what your drill sergeant would do to you if fuck up big time in basic )in front of her boyfriend Jay.

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