A Family At Odds Chapter 3 by Hawkrider

A Family At Odds Chapter 3 by Hawkrider

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A night of pleasure and a person taken , Wednesday came and the day was filled with relaxation and some sight seeing. Savannah and I have been in town since Monday and was enjoying our break from traveling. We spent Tuesday hanging out with our new friends that we met the day we arrived. We went swimming with Candy and Tammy and got to know them both pretty well. Later in the day we hung out with Alex and his family. So today Savannah and I spent the day just riding around enjoying the sights. It was around 6 p.m. when Savannah got a call on her cell phone. She kept saying ‘ Okay ‘ and she ‘ Understood ‘. Once she hung up I gave her a ‘ What’s Up ‘ look in which she responded. Savannah told me that Candy wouldn’t be able to take us to the club, because she had to work until midnight the rest of the week.

I gave Savannah a concerned look wondering what she was thinking. I was seated on the edge of the bed when she walked over to me and sat in my lap. I asked what she wanted to do. She replied saying we should go and keep her company since she was a nice lady and very warming to us when we arrived, after the whole me standing up for her and Tammy. I sat there looking in her eyes and saw a caring sight. I nodded my head agreeing and she smiled back at me. Savannah suggested we take a shower and dress nice. I asked why and my ebony love responded saying it the nice thing to do. I shrugged my shoulders and followed her into the bathroom and the shower since we stayed naked in the room. Our shower was nice as we washed each other. Savannah made sure my cock was very clean as I made sure she was clean between her sexy legs.

After our shower we got dressed which I noticed she didn’t put any panties on. I think she noticed my confused look, because she explained that she might want some attention with my mouth later then my manhood. I gave her a smile that made her eyes light up. She grabbed her purse and me my jacket. Savannah wore a silk blouse and tight jeans to show her sexy ass to me when she walked. I wore my tight jeans that she loved me wearing and a muscle shirt that well showed my muscles to her. We gave each other a kiss before heading out the door. Savannah and I got to my bike and put our helmets on and made sure our headset mic’s worked and they did. Savannah held onto me as I backed the bike up and headed out to the diner.

Once we arrived and walked in Candy came over to us and gave us each a big hug. She was smiling thanking us for coming and hanging for a bit. She gave us a booth that she held for us thinking we might come to eat and visit. We got seated and she took our orders. Savannah sadi she wasn’t all that hungry yet just thirsty. I agreed saying the same. Candy went to get our drinks Savannah a Sprite and me a Dr. Pepper. She returned with our refreshments and apologized for not taking us to the dance club. Savannah replied saying it was ok and not to worry about it. Candy gave us a warm smile and said ‘ Thank You ‘. She went about her business serving the few customers she had in the whole place. I noticed a old juke box up against the far wall. I started thinking if us three wasn’t going to a club to listen to music.

Then why not play some here. I asked my darlin love for a few quarters in which she caught my eyes. She noticed the juke box and opened her purse. She pulled out a roll of quarters which she had for toll roads. She suggested we play some music together and I agreed. Both of us got out of our booth and went over to the old music machine and stood looking at the selections. There was Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, and a little Jazz. I guess Candy watched us and came over to see what we were going to play. I asked her what kind she liked in which she came out saying Rock and Country. Savannah and I looked and noticed a few oldies and a few recent. I noticed one song that was Savannah’s and Mine and had to play it. After we put in like 20 songs both Savannah and I sat back in our booth and just sat back and relaxed listening to the music. We looked over to see Candy dancing to the music. She was about 5’10, 164 lbs, with long brunette hair. She was a pretty lady for her age and very toned by what I could see. The other waitress that we over heard was leaving shortly was smiling as she watched Candy.

Candy was checking the tables and enjoying the music that was playing. It was about 8 minutes later that Savannah and My song came on. I noticed there was enough room to dance and stood out of the booth and reached for Savannahs hand. She looked up at me and smiled. Savannah took my hand and slid out of the booth and stood. I placed my hands on her hips and she placed hers around my neck. It was a slow song that was playing. Savannah placed her head on my chest and we just swayed to the music. A few seconds later Savannah and I were joined by Candy. She placed one arm around me and one around Savannah. She was like us swaying to the music and smiling at us both. Savannah placed a arm around her and and we all three danced. I don’t know if it was reflex or impulse , but I placed a arm around Candy and pulled her to us. The song was a love song that Savannah and I dedicated to each other. That moment I have to say it was talking to us three.

It was about a hour later that Candy sat across from us as the diner was slower then earlier. We all talked about how life treated us and how we each saw our future. Candy told us she was a widow and she opened the diner to keep busy. She explained that she never remarried and wanted to feel love again one day. Savannah gave Candy a small sad smile exclaiming she hoped love would be with her. Candy gave Savannah a small smile back thanking her for the very nice statement. The next thing that caught Savannah and I off guard must of been wholeheartedly.

” Actually I hope the love I find is like both of yours and with a nice couple.” Candy stated to both of us

Savannah and I looked at each other and then back at Candy. Savannah looked deep into Candy’s eyes and spoke.

” Candy are you saying your bi?” My ebony love asked Candy

Candy looked at Savannah and then at me. She then looked around to see if anyone was listening. Candy took a breath and looked at us both.

” Yes I am, I know it maybe bad to some, but I enjoy both a man and a woman touching me.Why do you think I have been so caring of you both. And why do you think I came up to you both and danced with you?” Candy asked us questioning

Savannah and I looked into her eyes and saw a caring and loving person. She wanted to be loved in two senses of the word. She wanted love in her heart and love in her bed. Savannah squeezed my arm and I turned to look into her eyes and noticed also she cared for Candy. I thought of what she could be thinking in her mind. Savannah was always smart in life and always knew what she wanted. I squeezed her hand that I was holding with my left hand and smiled. Candy I guess was feeling a awkward moment and stood up. Savannah noticed and spoke again.

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