A Family Betrayal Chapter 10 by Hawkrider

A Family Betrayal Chapter 10 by Hawkrider

Spring break, a announcement, and a mystery person , Tiffany’s POV: Spring Break in Daytona Beach Wednesday evening around 6

Chris, Selena, and I are enjoying the evening in a very nice restaurant. Our parents are watching our children for the night. As I sip on my wine waiting for the food to come we have a nice conversation until we hear an old voice from our past.

“ Well, well what do you know out of all the places to vacation at we have to bump into the three musketeer’s who seem to be missing the fourth.” Travis says with a smirk on his face

“ Travis they don’t look too happy to see us brother.” Michelle says with a snobbish tone

“ Why would we want to see two people that hurt their own brother.” Chris says with some disgust

“ What brother…..oh wait you mean the witty bitty baby. Is he still crying after all this time?” Michelle says as they all laugh

“ He isn’t a baby bitch.” I exclaim as her eyes narrow looking at mine

“ Watch who you call bitch you slut. So where is the no good bed wetter at? You know the one you call a man?” Michelle says asking before looking around

Chris, Selena, and I look at each other before Chris speaks up.

“ Quit looking around he isn’t here.” My brother says as they all look at us

“ Oh and why is that if I may ask?” Travis exclaims as I just look at the three of them

“ I fucked up and he left me if you must know. I hope your happy now. You satisfied that I hurt him as well.” I say as they look at each other then at me

“ What do you mean as well. I haven’t done shit you little slut.” Michelle says with a stern tone

“ Oh so what was the deal with all of you leaving him behind uh? What was so bad you left the one person you were clinging to before he left for private school the first time?” Selena says standing up looking at them

“ Because he was a brat to be around, and besides we grew up.” Travis says as Selena sits back down shaking her head before continuing “ But this is rich his own girlfriend hurt the man she always said she wouldn’t.”

“ Aww I think she is going to cry sis.” Trey says as I look away out the window

“ I think your right bro poor thing I’m sorry, but just think your better off without the baby.” Michelle says with a grin loving the hurt in my eyes

“ So how did you do it? Break up with him? Sleep with a another man?” He asked as I turned to look at him before he continues “ Oh wow you slept with another guy. I bet that was hard to explain.”

“ Travis I think it’s more then her hurting our poor little witty brother.” Michelle says as we all look at them

“ I think your right sis so all three of them hurt him so let me guess he heard you all talking?” He asks as I shook my head slowly

“ No I think it was more then that. Maybe he caught her in bed with them. I bet Chris slid his little dick in her while Selena played with herself watching.” Michelle says making us feel low

“ ENOUGH BITCH! AGAIN IT’S NOT LIKE YOU HAVEN’T HURT HEATH!” Selena says standing up quickly

“ Yeah whatever you say girly as I don’t give a damn about Heath.” Michelle says with a annoyed tone

We look at her with shock hearing those words that we never thought would come past her lips. I stand up just to get in her face.

“ Michelle you use to hold him and love him as your own. What has made your heart so cold towards the man you cared for as a mother?” I ask as she looks dead into my eyes

“ It’s like Travis said we grew up you little baby.” She tells me before Travis steps between us

I see his eyes then a smile before he places his hands on either side of my face. Travis places his lips on mine as I try to struggle. I feel violated by his advances as I shove him away from me to only slap his face.

“ Don’t you ever do that again you asshole.” I say as he starts laughing

“ You know you liked it and want more. Hell Tiffany I could make you wet and scream for my cock.” Travis tells me before I try and slap him again

My wrist is caught by Michelle as she stops me. I shrug her hand off my wrist stepping back.

“ I wouldn’t touch you asshole. I only want Heath and will wait as long as it takes to have him again.” I state as they laugh at my words

“ I doubt he would know what to do with a sexy ass like yours. He maybe smart, but when it comes to having sex he is dumb as fuck.” Trey says as I am stunned

“ Your wrong he knows how to love me so fuck off.” I exclaim being disgusted

“ Bend over and I will until I get off and leave you hanging.” Trey says as my eyes go very wide

“ Yeah Tiffany why don’t you take my brothers out back, take that beautiful dress off bend over and take them in both holes. Hell we know they are more man then Heath the baby.” Michelle says as Travis and Trey smile in agreement

I don’t know what comes over me as I slap her twice across her face.

“ Get away from me as I wouldn’t touch any of you sick fucks. I love Heath and only him. I will keep my legs closed which is more then I can say for some you whore of a sister.” I say as Michelle’s eyes grow wide

“ Why you.” Michelle says before Travis holds her back

“ Come on sis as I wouldn’t touch her anyway.” He says as Michelle stands there with narrow eyes

“ Your right never know what you would catch. Let’s go I need my fix and I don’t mean someone’s dick like she needs.” Michelle says as I narrow my eyes before I see them walk away flipping us off

I sit back down to only hear Chris laughing.


Chris POV:

I sit here and start to chuckle. Tiffany and Selena look at me hurt. Michelle said such evil cruel things about our brother but I’m laughing.

“Chris what is wrong with you. That’s not funny.” States my beautiful girlfriend

Tiffany gets very defensive and asks a similar question. I stop myself from laughing and explain.

“ We all thought of her as a big sister. She doesn’t love Heath anymore so when he comes back we have to love him even more to make up for it.” My girlfriend and sister smile at me and nod

I take a couple minutes to think. Its been three years since we screwed up so badly. Our parents have come around and accepted us back, but it’s not how it was when Heath was here I know there is a deep hidden pain and we all share it as well…its our love for the man I called a brother and betrayed. My dad told me one night that he hired some P.I.’s to try and find my brother but it hasn’t yielded anything yet. There has been three Christmas’ that he hasn’t been here for and other holidays. I wonder everyday how’s he doing and if he still cares for us. I want him home to meet my son and of course his beautiful little girl. I want the man that would do anything for his family back and with us. I start to cry as I pray to someone I haven’t talked to in about a decade. ‘Hey Uncle Greg it’s Chris…I know I screwed up, but please watch over my brother and help guide him back home to us…I know he is alive…please have him reach out to our parents if he doesn’t want to talk to Tiffany, Selena or me…they never did anything wrong. He has a beautiful little girl that we tell stories of him to. She is the most innocent of the victims. Please Uncle Greg show him that there is still love for him here and that he is wanted….NO he is NEEDED here. Until he can come home I will raise Karen and keep her safe..that’s a promise to you and him…I love you Uncle Greg’. My love sees me crying and wipes my tears away.


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