Cat Fight 21 (Contact) by pars001

Cat Fight 21 (Contact) by pars001

Discover the thrilling world of 'Cat Fight 21 (Contact)' by pars001 – an erotic sex story that tantalizes with passion and intensity. Dive into a seductive tale filled with intrigue, sensual encounters, and fierce emotions. Unleash your fantasies and explore the allure of desire in this captivating narrative that will leave you breathless. Read now!
More adventures on old earth , tinton  – 2 1/2 seconds
specton – 2 1/2 minutes
Toton –   2 1/2 hours
minton –  2 1/2 days
daycon –  2 1/2 weeks
Malant –  2 1/2 months
quant  –  2 1/2 years
galant –  2 1/2 centuries
Metson  – 2 1/2 inches
maclon  – 2 1/2 feet
heckson – 2 1/2 miles
tetson –  2 1/2 acres
unit –    2 1/2 ccs

Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) – Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh
King Tomco Traxor – Bill’s dead father, Lion clan
King Tobias Traxor – Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan
Queen Trianna Axor – Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria
Queen Niaco Traxor – Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s
Twitty Glax – Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate
Glenna Nox – Bengal clan, Bill’s body guard and mate
Mikos Glac – Chartreux clan
Skylos – Commander of star cruiser – Wire hair clan
General Roth – Leopard clan
Wrena  –  Leopard clan, Roth’s wife
Henna Glac – Chartreux clan, Mikos mate, Xendran Doctor
Theta Panadon – Cheetah clan
Cornelius Glax – one of Bill’s Uncles, Grey Tabby clan
Conrad Nox – Bill’s other Uncle Bengal clan
Assassin group – Jaguar clan
second assassin group – Ocicat clan
Gregor – Cougar clan
Cetana – cougar clan Gregor’s mate
Gwayne – Panther clan
Dawney – Panther clan Gwayne’s mate
Thomas – Lynx clan
Mileen – Lynx clan Thomas’s mate
Typree Maxor – Sub King of Mandria, Lion clan
Adina Maxor – Paladin Princess of Xendra, Sub-princess of Mandria, Lion clan
Timora – The great mother of the feline people, mate of first tribal leader


Ambrose could only stare at the young woman as she refused to get off the ground. “Please I am not Cit-Chac-Coh; I am just a… man.” Ambrose said thinking only a moment.

“But you changed right before my eyes! If you are not, then you must be a close helper of his! I am only paying you the respect you deserve; I am sorry that I was here and made you worry. Please don’t hurt my family.” The young teen woman said.

“I would never hurt your family. I have a few questions for you.” Ambrose stated.

“Yes, lord anything I can do to help you and your guards.” The young woman spoke in low tones.

Ambrose just rolled his eyes this was going to be harder than he thought. These people had an obviously deep belief. Sighing Ambrose again tried to raise the young woman off the ground.

“Please stand so I may ask you. I do not like talking to you as if you are nothing.” Ambrose said to the still kneeling young teen.

“But Cit… sir!” She started then changed what she was saying as Ambrose held up his hand. “Sir it is forbidden. I…”

“I want to remain unknown for now. I told you I am not Cit-Chac-Coh. Please don’t call me that again.” Ambrose said a little more forcibly, and then cringed when the young woman fell to the ground trembling. “Please stand I did not mean to sound angry with you. Please rise so I may ask you a few questions.”

The young woman tentatively looked up at Ambrose with fear still apparent on her face. Ambrose started to curse to himself when he saw tears start to fall from her eyes. “I will do all I can to aid you and your guards sir.” The last part was spoken in a whisper of awe.

Ambrose nodded with a sigh, “First what is your name? I wish to call you by it and not young woman.”

The young woman smiled, then spoke lowly, “I am called Timora, my lord.”

Ambrose’s eyes went wide as he looked at the stricken faces of his knights. Timora!? She was the first wife of the trial leader, and the one that held the tribe together until they were stronger. It was said that she had preformed miracles that no one could explain. Ambrose could only shake his head; this great woman was bowing to him? Hell he should bow to her for the bravery, ideas and assisting leadership she later had and done.

A sudden thought struck Ambrose as she was there was no way it was the same woman. Was it possible that they taught her? Ambrose shook his head again; this was a great way to get a headache real damn quick. All the time paradoxes could drive one to insanity.

“My second question young Timora that is Acropolis over there isn’t it?” Ambrose asked though he knew the answer.

“Yes lord it is, though we are close to abandoning it. A strange ailment has broken out, many have passed. My father the great healer has not found a way to defeat it. I was here praying to all the gods for a sign that they hadn’t forgotten their people. Legends say that a seer long ago saw that one day we would leave this place. Going to one that was harsher but much better. I think that you appearing after I started praying is a sign.”

Ambrose was listening to every word the young woman said. It was so close to what he’d learned about the great migration. It happened after the appearance of a godling disguised as a human. The godling preformed many miracles healing a great multitude of those sick. Many people began to change slowly to the hybrid form that the feline race was now. It was said that the godling denied who it was almost to the end of the migration.

Ambrose’s mouth dropped agape, what in the hell! Was he really the savior of these people and his own? Hell, come to think of it these were his people also! Looking at his chronometer he saw that they had been outside for almost a whole Toton.

Looking at Roth Ambrose asked, “How are you feeling? Any loss of control?”

Roth looked down at himself a little disgusted at his human form. An odd look crossed his face then the faces of Gwayne and Gregor. “By the great feline! It’s strange I felt it at first then after we started to dig the young woman out, it past! Are we immune sire?” Roth asked.

“No I don’t think immune though I feel as you do. I think that we are building a resistance, although I am unsure how. We need to go in and discover why.” Ambrose started to tell Timora that they would be back soon when he spotted something around her neck. Then his eyes got wide as he saw the large sun shaped necklace. “Timora? May I have your necklace a while? I will do my best to return it unharmed.”

Bowing she took the sun shape off handing it to Ambrose. “You may have anything of mine lord. I live to serve you and Cit-Chac-Coh. If you need my help I will be here as soon as I can lord.”

With that she walked away from the small out cropping of rocks that the ship was resting against. Escaping inside as soon as Timora was out of sight Ambrose walked to Skylos.

[So you like her I take it?] came the thoughts of Adina.

[Of course! You know who she is don’t you?] Ambrose replied.

[No, as if I care; although if she touches you, I will claw her eyes out!] growled Adina’s thoughts.

[Look, see her.] Ambrose told her.

There was a gasp then a very low thought of, [Timora! By the great feline! The great mother of the feline people! I am sorry Ambrose. You were respectful weren’t you?]

[I and three of my knights saved her life.] Laughing a moment Ambrose revealed. [She called me Cit-Chac-Coh, I am no god.]


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