Club Fatale Pt. 7 by nightscribe | Violence

“That sounds interesting,” I said. “But I’m afraid that I can’t, sweet thing.”

“Oh, no!” Katey said. “I just knew it. You’re leaving aren’t you?”

“I’m afraid that I have to,” I said.

Victoria stood and walked to us. “Please don’t!” she said. “We’re so desperate for attention. You can’t leave us.”

“Listen,” I said, “you can’t tell anyone about our visit; especially not your father. Can you all promise to keep us a secret?”

They looked at each other.

“We’ll do it on one condition,” Victoria said.

“Alright, name it,” I said.

“We all want to leave this chamber and see what is outside,” she said. “If you can promise us that someday… someday… you will take us away, then I promise you that we will remain silent about your visit.”

She looked nervous and defiant, at the same time, but hopeful.

I pretended to mull it over. “Alright,” I said, “but I can’t promise you when I will be back for you. But I will return. Until then, you need to remain silent about our visit. Treat your father well and do everything he tells you. Agreed?”

Vicky smiled. “Agreed, master! Thank you so very much!”

I kissed them, one and all, planting one peck on each nipple. “We must go, now, girls. Take care of each other.”

Together, Emmanuelle and I locked the doors behind us and returned to her room.

“I feel a little bit like I just returned from the rabbit hole,” she said. “Are you really going to free those girls, Evan?”

I smiled.

“Those three sweet things didn’t even know that any men existed anymore. That kind of devotion is impossible to buy or enforce. It must be worked upon. Hammered and shaped like iron over a long period of time, practically from birth. Even If I could free them from the Commodore, freedom would just ruin them by turning them into brats.”

Emmanuelle looked at me.

“Then you lied to them,” Emma said. “That’s a nasty thing to do.”

I looked at her, mulling. “What would you have me do, Emma? Helping them is going against the Commodore. Perhaps in a fatal way.”

“Maybe, maybe not…” she said.

“Are you offering something?”

“If I helped you… with the Commodore…” Emmanuelle started out, very slowly and hesitantly. “What would I get?”

I smiled at her. The first step towards betrayal was difficult. Emmanuelle had crossed that one when she started screwing me. The second step was even harder. That one she crossed when she offered me the Commodore’s secrets, practically of her own volition. But the third step…

This one was easy.

Chapter Fourteen – Goddesses and Monsters

Crystal clear water sparkled with the rising sun as I luxuriated in the magnificent vision of Gillian’s lips wrapped about my hardened manhood. I had brought her here to this beach, away from prying eyes. Saliva dripped from her lips in copious amounts, trailing a long line from her chin. I played with her long blonde tresses, absently.

Young Gillian had become quite the cocksucker in the past two days. But it was about time for more than that. I reached down and pulled her from my cock.

“It’s time, girl,” I said. “Mount me.”

She hesitated, but not enough to generate a rebuke from me. An hour of my whip upon her back, provoked by her refusal to service my cock the first day, had taught her that I was not a master to be disobeyed or trifled with.

I looked into her eyes as she slid down upon me, ever so slowly. I watched her brows furrow in tense passion.

“Tell me, girl,” I said. “Have you been with another man?”

There was a pause. “Oh no, sir. No one.”

“Then I want you to take your cherry with my cock. Down all the way in one quick thrust ought to do it, Gillian.”

Raising her hips up a bit, she gritted her teeth and then thrust herself down upon me, in a swift motion. “OOH! Fuck me, it hurts!” she cried.

I grabbed her neck and held her. “It will pass, girl,” I said.

“Oh, oh, god!” she grunted.

I started moving her atop me. Gradually, she joined in the motion and was soon thrusting against me, youthful tits bouncing in my face as she got herself off on my ridged, experienced cock. She screamed as she came. Crying out, I came with her and my seed sprayed inside her for the first time.

“Was that good, Mr. Anderson?” she asked.

“Evan, girl. Call me Evan.”

“Evan,” she repeated. She smiled at me.

I stood and gathered my clothes. “Get dressed,” I told her. “Let’s see what there is to find on this island.”

Taking Gillian’s hand, I delved into the trees. We walked for nearly an hour until we arrived at several large buildings.

Gillian brushed an errant lock of blonde hair from her beautiful face. “Where are we?” she asked. “What is this place, Evan?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere near the center of the island. I don’t remember seeing it on the map I was given,” I replied. “Let’s take a look, dear.”

I was moving in for a closer look when I caught sight of movement: a blonde woman in a beach chair.

I recognized the woman’s face. It was Athena. Was this where the Commodore was keeping her? After our night together, I had wondered if I would ever see her again. But here she was. Hope sprung into my mind. Perhaps I could convince the Commodore to let me visit with her, when he got back from his trip.

I froze as Athena stood and her form came into view. A cold shock passed over me as I saw the bulging belly on her once slender form. She was pregnant.

But how?

It had been less than three days since our night together… and the woman I was staring at was somehow around six months pregnant.

I watched her gather her things and disappear inside the building.

I shook my head.

“I wasn’t imagining it! She really was pregnant, Jacob!”

We were at the Blue View Club, on the deck twenty feet from the water.

“And you slept with this girl, what?” Jacob said, incredulously. “Only days beforehand? I don’t mean to disbelieve you Evan, but what you’re saying is clearly impossible. Surely you can see that. There must be some explanation for what you saw.”

I shook my head. “Something is going on, and I’m going to find out what.” I pounded my fist upon the table, in emphasis.

Dark-haired Judy poked her head out from under the table. “Did I do something wrong, master?” she asked Jacob.

“Not at all,” he said. “Go back to what you were doing.”

She obliged.

“Sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t be so adamant.”

“I’d just recommend that you be careful crossing the Commodore, Evan,” Jacob said. “It can be dangerous to do so.”

Jacob took a sip of his drink. “I can’t get anything decent to drink around here, ever since you appropriated Sophia.”

“Me neither,” I said. “I think I’ll have her return to work. She doesn’t do anything but lounge around anyway.”

“Make sure she wears your collar,” Jacob said. “Or I might take her, myself.”

“Well, I’ll leave you to Judy, man,” I said. “I’m going to go think about some things.”

“Later, man.”

When I returned to my beach house, there was a jeep outside.

Devon obediently met me at the door, naked tits bouncing. “You have some visitors today, master.”

I entered and saw Emmanuelle.

I smiled. I always felt better when she was around.

Another woman was with her: medium height, a little fuller than Emmanuelle, but still slender; black-rimmed glasses that matched her shoulder-length hair. Brown eyes that looked intelligent but distant.

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