Damien Skylar chapter 6 by ArtemisDawnXXX

He’s following a woman whose briskly walking through the rain in the streets below. She has white hair, and green eyes, the color of my eyes when I’m human. She has high cheek bones, and her skin is pale, there’s a rose color on her cheeks from where they’re flushed from the cold.

She’s wearing a simple grey coat and gloves with a blue dress. Her bodice shows a generous amount of cleavage, but not enough to label her a common whore. She has a nice figure, an hourglass shape, her breasts about a D cup, and her hips swell out nicely, and I’m guessing she has long legs, although I can’t exactly tell from her dress. She looks to be in her late teens or early 20’s.

‘Mom.’ The thought hits me. This is my mother. I follow them, I notice a sort of glow coming from her, radiating from her core and expanding. ‘She’s pure, no sin permeating her existence, almost Angelic in a way. Exactly the kind of woman Kerberos was looking for. I sense that she is no longer a virgin though, but she still has that glow, she must have been married.

I then see Kerberos jump off the roof and land in front of the woman. She’s startled and falls back, landing with a hard thud, almost cracking her skull on the cobblestone. “Shhh, my dear, all will be well.” Kerberos says. Her chest is heaving, but it seems as though she can’t find the will to scream like she desperately wants to.

“Come my dear. You are going to be mine.” Kerberos extend a hand toward her, and I see something similar to smoke come from his fingertips and hits….mom. She inhales it, and she falls back, her eyes fluttering shut. Her breathing deepens, and she relaxes. Kerberos comes and cradles her to his chest, the smoke circles around them, and they disappear.

I wipe a tear from my face as the scene changes again.

This time we’re back in the house again, a bedroom. A huge bed lies in the center of the room, and surrounded by candles. There is a fireplace across from the foot of the bed, and a plush, white rug in front of it. There is a fire burning brightly, illuminating the room even more.

“What is your name my dear?” I hear Kerberos’ voice say. I see figures slowly appear by and on the bed. The woman is tied down, her wrists tied to the headboard her legs are free. Kerberos is sitting beside her on the bed. She looks scared, but she faces him bravely.

“My name is Charlotte.”

“You have a beautiful name Charlotte.” He says, and tenderly strokes her face. She doesn’t flinch, and she doesn’t take her eyes from his.

His steady gaze falters slightly, and confusion seems to flash across his expression.

“Are you not afraid of me?” She keeps her eyes on his. “Yes, but I cannot fight what happens, so I might as well stay calm and let whatever happens happen.”

“You are a very educated woman. You will make an excellent mother to my child, if you live that long.”

I can hear her heartbeat pick up. “Mother? Of your child?”

Her strokes her face again, but this time travels down her neck and side. “Yes, I am going to get you pregnant. I need a son, and your soul I pure enough to create the one I need.”

“Please, don’t do this. I won’t be able to do this for you, I’ve been pregnant twice before with my husband’s child, and I’ve lost them both…which is why he left…because I failed him.” Her eyes close, and a tear rolls down her cheek, which Kerberos whips away. I’m surprised by his kindness, and I can tell it is genuine. ‘He actually feels something for this woman.’

“Have you ever thought it was him that was impotent. I can tell there is nothing wrong with your womb, it is ready to carry a child, and quite able to grow it properly.”

She blinks at him, tears rolling down her face. “No. I can’t. We aren’t married, I cannot have your child, it is a sin!” Her voice grows as she speaks, going from a whisper to a yell.

He smiles at her, and I see some of the uncaring hatred leak back into his expression. “That’s the point, my child has to be born in sin, even if you aren’t willing, you will have my child. You are a pure soul, clean of all sin, you are practically an Angel here on Earth, but, you will soon fall.”

She shakes her head violently and starts praying. Sounds like she’s reciting the Lord ’s Prayer. Kerberos starts laughing, it getting louder that farther she gets into the prayer. “Silly girl, there is no God for you, he isn’t here to hear you, he has more important things than you in this World, I’ve never once seen his so called “works,” I was around when Jesus existed, he was nothing more than a man, his miracles didn’t exist. I am your Master, I am your God. Pray to me little one, I will comfort you.”

She looks at him, her eyes puffy from crying. “Those are lies…” But her voice doesn’t hold that strong tenor anymore, it’s closer to a scolded child. He strokes her face again and stands. “No my sweet, they are facts. Now, will you have me willingly or will I have to take you without your consent?”

“I’ll never let you have me willingly.”

He frowns slightly. ‘Kerberos was expecting, no hoping for her to say yes, he really doesn’t want to rape her.’

He shakes his head, and I see the cold enter his eyes, encasing himself in ice. “So be it woman.” He takes off the robe he was wearing and lets it fall to the ground, showing his naked form to her. The last thing I hear from her is her scream as he climbs on top of her.

I block the rest of the scene out, it lasts for hours for her, but the scene lasts only a couple of minutes for me from Kerberos only showing me his “highlight reel.”

At last he stops and she’s panting and crying, almost unconscious. “Soon, my child will be able to walk this Earth, I’m sure your God is weeping for you at this very moment.” He says sarcastically and he grabs his robe and stalks out of the room.

I look out the window before the scene dissolves…it raining.

The scene that comes up is similar to the last, but different, time has passed from the last, I see snow falling lazily out the window, with a glimmer of sun shining through, the fire is blazing even more in the fireplace. Its warm, almost cozy in the room.

A scream breaks through the peace.

I spin and face the bed and I’m met with blood, lots of blood, covering the bed, and the lower half of Charlotte. Her face is covered in sweat, and completely red, its contorted in pain as she pushes. I look down at her spread legs, she’s naked, with blood pouring out of her opened vagina.

‘Its looks like she’s being ripped apart.’ I see movement in her swollen belly, and the child moves and kicks around inside her, it seems desperate to get out, but her womb is open enough yet to free him.

She screams again and I see her start coughing up blood, as the baby destroys her from the inside. I hear a cracking sound as her lower set of ribs break, one by one. She tries to scream, but it sounds as if she’s lost her voice.

“Hurry up! He’s going to kill you if you don’t!” Kerberos screams at her, he’s standing by her head, but I see the worry etched in his face. ‘He…doesn’t want her to die.’

“Its huuuuurts, make it stop please…get him OUT! NOW, GET HIM OUT! PLEASE!”

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