Damien Skylar chapter 6 by ArtemisDawnXXX

She starts pushing, and more blood pours from her opening, it gets wider the longer she pushes, she takes a deep breath and does another, she does this over and over before I see the child crowning. “That’s it, your almost through, come one Charlotte!” I yell at her even though she can’t hear me.

She pushes hard, the head popping out of her, then the shoulders start to creep out slowly. Blood is gushing around the child as Charlotte pushes, and I can see her starting to tear.

I can see how much pain she’s in, but she keeps pushing. I look up at Kerberos, he seems conflicted. He wants to enjoy her pain, but he’s fighting it back, but I can see his hard-on through his pants.

Finally the shoulders get past their barrier and the rest of the child slides out, followed by the umbilical cord. Kerberos walks briskly over and lifts the child, snipping the cord with his nails. He turns but than a small voice floats over to him. “Can…I see…him…please?”

Kerberos glances back at the poor, decimated woman. She’s lying there limp, covered in blood with more being added. He can see the life leaving her. Should she get her last request?

Kerberos sighs and brings the child to her and places him in her arms. She looks at the baby that’s torn her apart, made her live through months of pain and torment, and yet, she can see a silver cord connecting her to him, a child of her soul.

She whispers low for the child to hear and not Kerberos whose looking out a window. “You may be partly a demon, but you are also mine, you can make a choice, you aren’t evil, I can feel it within you. I’ve never had a child, I only wish I could watch you grow up little one, I can’t be there for you. I don’t regret it, none of it, as long as you live, I will be part of you soul…my beautiful baby.”

Her sight starts to dim and she feel strength leaving her body. “May you be blessed, may you be safe, in these last minutes that’s all I can hope for.” She touches his forehead, and Damien sees a faint light go from her fingertip into him and encompassing child. She doesn’t seem to realize what happened.

Her hand falls away. She kisses his cheek lightly. “Mommy loves you…Damien.” She says weakly, and then she falls back, her eyes starting to go glassy, but still with a firm grip onto her child. Just then Kerberos comes and takes the child and walks out. “Comes Demkian, it is time for you to serve your purpose.”


Everything comes back to reality, to the dank, wet cell. Kerberos is lowering his arm from me as I blink away the tears that formed in my eyes.

“See, you are mine, and you know why you were made Demkian.” I shake my head violently and scream, “That isn’t my name, its DAMIEN! I AM NOT DEMKIAN!”

Kerberos stares at me in silence, before whispering softly. “You don’t deserve that name, that human name that your mother gave you. You are a monster, born of rape, fear and pain, all the things you revel in. It’s what you were made for after all.”

Tears roll down my face as what he says sinks in. ‘Mommy…?’

The thought flashes through my mind, along with the image of her still and cold and stiff.

Kerberos is looking at me smiling. ‘What the fuck is he smiling about? I’ll wipe it off his Goddamn face!” The anger starts to boil inside me, I can feel it churning around. I start to turn, but it feels different, it doesn’t feel like normal, like my half and half, I feel something awakening. ‘No, what’s happening to me?’

“That’s right Demkian, come back to me. I need you to finish your purpose, she is sleeping now for you to sacrifice. Demogorgon is already acquainted for her soul, but it isn’t forever there, you have to sacrifice her, do what you were born for Demkian!”

An intense heat starts radiating through my chest, starting from my heart and going outwards, consuming me.

Its hot, so hot, please make it stop.

“You can choose, you aren’t evil. Mommy love you Damien.”

Mommy, please help me, it hurts so much.

I hear a twisted version of my own voice. “We killed her Damien, she can’t help.”

No please, please, I need her, I don’t want this, PLEASE!

“Serve your purpose Demkian.”

The heat and pain flashes through me, encompassing me, putting me into a cage.

I can’t feel anything, everything is dark, where…where am I?


Kerberos’ POV

I see Damien go limp, he isn’t in his human form any longer. ‘He must be changing, if he isn’t…I can’t think of anything else that will awaken him, guilt of his mother’s death should do it…Mighty Demogorgon, please, make this work.”

He starts to shift, and I can feel something coming off him. His aura has changes, from warm and human, to cold and evil. I can feel the hate radiate off him. ‘He’s even stronger than I, yet he is under my control, my flesh and blood, and my servant.’

Demkian looks up at me with his blazing red eyes. “Father, how should I serve you?”

**Thanks for reading guys, and sorry about the wait, I’ve been busy with life and all that, but I’ll be posting more now. Hope you enjoyed, rate and leave feedback just don’t be an ass.**

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