Gray Jedi – chap 5 – by auguy86

“I’m sure Vader can be quite persuasive,” Serra said, finishing Malik’s thought.

“Yes. But still, stronger you are than you give yourselves credit for. After all, conquered your fears and doubts you have. The cave… the images it tested me with… horrible things I saw.”

“I can imagine. I had to face Anakin unarmed,” Serra replied. “He attacked me with Force Lightning, tormenting me. He enjoyed it.”

“Hmm… yet overcome this you did, yes?”

“I did. I… I told him the things he blamed me for were actually his fault. He was saying that I was too weak and allowed all the Jedi in the Temple to die. But then I felt something for Anakin that I never thought I’d feel: pity. He had it all, but threw it away on an empty promise. I feel sorry for him.”

“Well done, Serra. Compassion and mercy, powerful weapons against evil they are. Take away evil’s power they do, as you discovered.” Turning to Malik, he continued, “Faced your fears as well, did you?”

“I did. I encountered Palpatine in the Council chambers, attempting to murder a group of younglings. Tried to fight him off, but he beat me back and pinned me to the floor. I had no other choice but… but to…”

“Go on, Malik.”

Taking a deep breath, he said, “I had to use Force Lightning to stop him. I could have killed him, but… didn’t. After he tried to taunt me, he… turned into Serra.”

“We had been fighting each other the whole time,” Serra chimed in.

“I can’t believe… I used Force Lightning on my wife…” Malik continued, lowering his head in shame. “I was so tempted to kill him, and if I had-”

“But you didn’t,” Serra said with conviction. “You made the right choice, Malik. The fact that you ended up attacking me was not your fault.”

“I know, I guess… I’m terrified of what I’m capable of with my full power.”

“This fear, very common it is as a Jedi grows. Hold lives in our hands, we often do. Make good decisions we must. Malik, fear this power you should not. Trust yourself, for you have the ability to wield this power for the Light Side of the Force.”

“You really think that? I mean it sure doesn’t feel like a Light Side power, even if lightning itself is only a force of nature.”

“True, of the Light Side it is not. But when using this power, drawing on hate and anger are you?”

“No, of course not! I only used it because it was the only way to protect those children!”

“Precisely. Managed you have to use a power thought to be of the Dark Side without drawing on your inner darkness. A difficult path it is to walk, yet I now bear witness to you doing exactly that.”

Perhaps… our friends have the ability to walk the most difficult path of all.

“Ah, Master Qui-Gon. Of which path do you speak?”

The path of the Gray Jedi.

“Gray Jedi? I thought that was a derogatory term, an insult,” Serra replied.

To some, yes. Many in the Jedi Order used the term while failing to grasp its true meaning. In recent years, it refers to a Jedi that frequently disagrees with the Council, myself for instance. But in truth, a Gray Jedi is devoted to the will of the Force and keeping the balance of the universe in check. They neither serve the Light nor the Dark, for they realize that neither can ever be destroyed.

“So are you saying you actually were a Gray Jedi in life?” Malik asked.

I was not. Though I did study some of their teachings, I found some of their methods to be… unnecessary. In the past, Gray Jedi often took the position of the ends justifying the means. Those parts of their doctrine I rejected straight away, as I suspect you will also when you learn of them. Still, many of their principles are strong and quite applicable to our lives, particularly in these dark times. I think you would do good to at least learn of these things.

“Agree I do. A good thing knowledge is, especially in learning of those who are different from us. And with your maturity and connection to the Force, only wisdom can such knowledge lead to,” Yoda chimed in, smiling at the pair.

“How would we go about learning these things?” Serra inquired.

“On your ship, a backup of the Jedi Archives there is,” Yoda replied. “Unaffected it should be by the attack on the Jedi Temple.”

“So that’s why that ship was such a carefully guarded secret!” Malik realized.

“Indeed,” Yoda smiled. “In the event of the destruction of all our knowledge and texts, a copy we created in secret, its existence known only to the Jedi Council.”

“But Master, given the connotations of the term Gray Jedi in our lifetimes, why would their teachings be retained in the Archives? I would have thought the Council would not have wanted their methods to be public knowledge?” Serra asked.

“In a section of restricted files, this information is. Need the direct consent of the Council one would to access it. Of course, secret the backup on your ship has always been, and no such consent be required.” Standing, Yoda took the dishes from Serra and Malik, placing them aside for cleaning before moving toward his makeshift bed. “Apologies, but late it is, and old I am besides. Rest I need.”

“Of course, Master. We’ll leave you in peace,” Malik answered.

“Sleep well. See you tomorrow,” Serra agreed.


While Malik’s initial thoughts dwelled on the library of information he now knew to be contained on their ship, Serra had other ideas in mind. As soon as they had arrived back in their quarters, she lunged for her husband, tossing him onto the bed and mounting him at once.

“Sheesh, girl! You don’t waste-”

Before he could react further, Serra had already sealed her lips around his, their tongues engaged in a furious duel. Malik couldn’t believe the look in her eyes; she was ravenous, almost animalistic. While it did frighten him a bit, this served to turn him on for the most part. Soon, his hands began working their way down Serra’s back and towards her magnificent ass.

“What’s gotten into you, Serra?!” he asked as they parted, stifling his nervous laughs as best he could. “I’ve never seen you like this!”

“I’ve been hot for you all day,” she replied, her words dripping with desire. “After all, we need to consummate our marriage. It’s been all I could do not to jump your bones in front of Master Yoda. Now shut up and take your shirt off.”

Malik complied without a fuss, sitting up and slipping his tan shirt off and tossing it on the floor. Meanwhile, Serra got to work on his pants, unbuckling them and pulling on the zipper. Stunned by her frantic pace, Malik had barely kicked his boots off by the time she had yanked his pants off of him. With her husband now nude on the bed, Serra stood and peeled off her black tank top, exposing her tantalizing breasts to him. After wriggling out of her tight leather pants, she pounced on him once more and attacked his lips with hers.

After a short yet heavy make out session, Serra could tell that she needed no further foreplay, her pussy juices already dripping onto Malik. As she pressed him against her entrance, she slid onto him with no resistance whatsoever, sliding down to his base in mere seconds. They had refrained from sexual activity for the last few days so as not to distract from their training, and Serra almost reached orgasm right then and there as a result. Placing her hands on Malik’s chest and locking eyes with him, she began riding his cock with everything she had.

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