It’s A Good Day To Die Chapter 3 Alternate by Hawkrider

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Matt twenty two years later

I’m sitting on a bus heading back to Dexter.‭ ‬The last twenty years have been something else.‭ ‬I never fully healed from the damage I caused.‭ ‬I threw myself into the job and stopped calling my family.‭ ‬I kept tabs on them and I was there for a few things without anyone knowing.‭ ‬George and Nick would die five years after I left in a shootout,‭ ‬Tim would have a heartattack almost three years later.‭ ‬Susan would die in a car accident three after that while Chelsea died of a broken heart about six months later.‭ ‬Adam had found a wonderful girl and married.‭ ‬He had three kids,‭ ‬two beautiful daughters‭ ‬and a son.‭ ‬Adam took things ok from what I can tell.‭ ‬He made detective and retired with twenty years as well.‭ ‬My last mission I had been shot and paralyzed.‭ ‬I look at my old beaten hands and think of my days with BW and the rest of the team.‭ ‬The twins would die about five years after I returned in combact while Pol would take a round to the throat trying to get the newest recruits into the copter.‭ ‬BW told me I was incharge because Pol would want that and the other reason was he sucked at giving orders.‭ ‬BW‭ ‬would had died about five years ago from alcohol poisoning.‭ ‬He couldn’t handle the demons anymore nd started drinking to numb the pain.‭ ‬My one fear I had was coming true……I was alone.‭ ‬The newest recruits were ok but the family bond was not there.‭ ‬In my‭ ‬final mission I would be the only one to return alive but just barely.‭ ‬I was paralyzed,‭ ‬lost a leg and my right arm.‭ ‬I also lost ninety percenty of my hearing and my left eye.‭ ‬I was badly shot up and had shrapnel all in my back but I was alive.‭ ‬I was medicalled out and was being sent home.‭ ‬I had called Adam and he was willing to accept me back until I got on my feet.‭ ‬The bus pulls into the station and everyone gets off and I follow.‭ ‬I get handed my bag and see my brother smiling.‭ ‬We hug while I get introduced to his family.‭ ‬We head to his house and talk about old times.‭ ‬The day goes by and I feel aprehensive about staying.‭ ‬The next week is the same since I have kept a secret from him.‭ ‬We go to a bar and I can finally talk man to man with my brother.‭ ‬I take‭ ‬a deep breath.

‭”‬Bro I have something to confess.‭” ‬He looks at me and I tell him about killing my family and acting like I didn’t know

‭ ‬About coming home for all the funerals to never let anyone find me and then what I actually did for a living.‭ ‬Adam looks at me.

‭”‬You are not welcome at my house anymore.‭ ‬Your a fucking monster to kill your family.‭ ‬As far as I am concerned you died when you left.‭” ‬He gets up and heads home

‭ ‬I sigh and wheel myself outside and I find a liquor store.‭ ‬I buy a couple bottles and head to some place I hoped would giving me some release.‭ ‬I go to the old park and find the tree with my letters and Holly’s.‭ ‬Adam had told me she died at graduation and I feel bad.‭ ‬I roll onto the dock looking out at the lake.‭ ‬I kill the bottles while my thoughts take over.‭ ‬I was truly alone because of my action.‭ ‬I pull my old‭ ‬1911‭ ‬and I look at it.‭ ‬I sigh before pressing the barrel to my head.

‭”‬Adam I’m sorry.‭ ‬Guys I’ll see you soon.‭” ‬I press the trigger……BOOM.‭

I wake up and I can see just fine.‭ ‬I look‭ ‬to see I have my arm and leg back.‭ ‬I can move just fine but the temperature is a little high.‭ ‬I walk to the door and I open it to see fire and brimstone.‭ ‬I venture out looking at the blood red sky and smell the sulfer.‭ ‬Everyone I see looks broken and down.‭ ‬I see demons flying about before I see my teammates.‭ ‬They don’t notice me because they are working.‭ ‬I run to them screaming their names while they look up and smile.‭ ‬I hug them while they tell me it was about time I joined them.‭ ‬BW smiles.

‭”‬Hey there are‭ ‬five people who want to meet you.‭” ‬I look and he points south from our position

‭ ‬I nod walking to see five feminine outlines.‭ ‬I start walking over to them and speak.

‭”‬Hello‭?” ‬All five heads pop up and I see my mom,‭ ‬aunt,‭ ‬sisters and…….Holly

‭ ‬They all rush me hugging and kissing me.‭ ‬I apologize to my family for killing them and they apologize for hurting me.‭ ‬We talk and I joke.

‭”‬Well I guess we have all eternity to make things right‭?” ‬They nod and I think to myself…….It’s a Good Day to Die

‭ ‬We chat while they inform me they were sent to hell for betraying me while Holly tells me she committed suicide.‭ ‬I look at her and she continues.

‭”‬Your sisters beat me up and threatened me.‭” ‬I look at them while they lower their heads

‭ ‬I tell my side of things killing‭ ‬for a living and being the worst of the worst.

‭”‬I went home and Adam disowned me and I couldn’t take it anymore so I offed myself.‭” ‬My teammates come over and everyone gets formally introduced and I tell my family.

‭”‬I died a virgin because I couldn’t trust‭ ‬woman after all the pain you put me through.‭” ‬They nod and Holly giggles

‭”‬I died a virgin because I thought I lost you baby.‭” ‬We talk for a couple more minutes when some demons walk up

‭”‬You five sluts are on the fuck table today.‭ ‬And you little lady will finally get your cherry busted.‭” ‬They laugh walking to the girls pushing us aside

‭ ‬I grab one and knock him out grabbing his sidearm and blow the other pricks away.‭ ‬I look to see they are issued‭ ‬1911s and smile.

‭”‬Hey boys are you bored‭?” ‬BW looks at me

‭”‬Kinda Schoolboy whatcha thinking‭?” ‬I look to my brother

‭”‬When the fuck are you gonna stop calling me that‭? ‬I have killed more people than Hitler and tortured them beyond any psychopath’s wet dreams and you still fucking call me Schoolboy‭?” ‬BW nods

‭”‬Pretty much.‭ ‬Oh the tampons are three blocks over because you seem to be on your period.‭” He says with a grin while ‬I look at him

‭”‬Keep it up BW and the first ass I take will be yours.‭” I say while ‬BW taunts me

‭”‬You can handle this ass.‭” ‬I look at my family and do a jumping spin kick laying him out

‭”‬Ok one bitch down…two hundred more to go.‭ ‬And I’m gonna make Lucifer my bitch and call him Lucy.‭” ‬My brothers follow me while we continue to kill anyone seperating us from Lucifer’s palace

We keep killing and when we run dry we start doing hand to hand combat.‭ ‬I snap a demon necks looking back to BW.

‭”‬Bet I kill more than you Bitchy Whiteboy.‭” ‬He tells me I’m on while we work our way to the throne room

‭ ‬Once we are outside I notice my brothers seem a bit winded and my family are back a ways but close enough‭ ‬for me to keep my eyes on them.‭ ‬I kick the door to the throne room open and walk in.‭ ‬Lucifer looks up to smile.

‭”‬Hello Matt.‭ ‬I see your file was correct.‭ ‬You really are a badass and think your untouchable.‭” Lucifer says while ‬I nod

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