Lost Empire 15 by pars001

Shelby had been trying to stanch the flow of blood from Derrick’s head, watched as the new nanomites sped through his system. Several hours later Derrick groaned as he was finally starting to come around. Opening his eyes he blinked as he looked around at the sterile white room, strange he thought. Mary and Shelby both appeared before him, “Are you feeling better sire,” Mary asked him.

Derrick could only stare at her with an almost blank stare, ” I know this is an odd question because you both obviously know me but uh … just who the hell are you two?”

Both Shelby and Mary’s mouths dropped open, they knew from the readings that he had banged his head rather hard but they hadn’t expected this.

“Do you recognize anything in this room?” Mary asked.

“No not really, what was it you called me? Sire? Is that my name?” Derrick asked.

“No,” Shelby replied, “Your name is Derrick O’Toma the kindest, bravest and most stubborn man I have ever met!”

Derrick smiled that little half smile that under normal circumstances she would have loved to see. Now though she was nothing but worried, looking at her mother Shelby hoped that Mary had answers to all this.

Mary was trying to not panic she’d seen this type of amnesia and in most cases it took another hard knock to the head to straighten the mind out. She was afraid though in this case that another knock to his head might paralyze Derrick. That she was not prepared to do to him. Sighing Mary went through all the types of remedies for amnesia, knowing that no matter what, anything might trigger a resurgence of memory. Well she thought might as well try the easiest ones first.

Rear Admiral Joseph Hartwell had just sat down to eat when the special communicator Derrick had given him went off. “Yes Sire? I am not alone at the moment.”

A feminine voice came back at him he believed it was the woman from the palace. “I suggest you get alone NOW Rear Admiral, we have a situation!” Walking to his cabin Hartwell was starting to become worried.

“Alright I’m alone, what’s wrong?” Hartwell asked Mary.

“The emperor has suffered an injury that caused a deficit in memory caused by a hard concussion of his cranium.” Mary told a now confused Hartwell.

“Hang on a minute,” he told Mary, reaching over he opened a channel and called Dempsy saying it was about their friend, he made record time to Hartwell’s quarters. “Dempsy I can’t understand what she is saying. “Nodding Dempsy had her repeat what she’d said, after a minute of questions Demspy told Hartwell about Derrick.

“What can we do to help?” Hartwell asked.

“I need you to get his family and bring them to the imperial planet, tell them he is not well and needs to see them, also bring the president. We’ll get through this one way or another.” Mary said as she switched off.

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