Monster Lab by The Midnight Shade

Monster Lab by The Midnight Shade

Monsters made and captured are for sale on the black market, Venessa, a buxom woman who show cases them, must survive as all of the monsters are set free and are trying to kill everyone in the building. Venessa has a little more then just a run in with one. (I will be continuing with this story, so if you want to send me a pm, or just comment what you want the next monster the Venessa “has a run in with” then tell me and I’ll see what I can do. Thanks fornthe pactience, it’s been a while since my last story. , Elric stood three roofs away and could still hear, smell, and see Francis perfectly. She had a B-cup breasts, an ample but not fat ass. Her thighs were succulant. Her eyes a deep brown eyes and coal black hair. She had white skin and always wore black lipstick and smiled kindly. She was perfect. She was dark and mysterious.

Elric stood with chest spread wide, naked, his muscles gleamed in the moonlight. His skin was a sickly dark navy blue. His eyes were an aluring green. With long pointed ears and long canine teeth the creature spread it’s wings. It’s powerful legs lunching off the roof in a powerful roar into the night toward his new mistress. His had been living for 300 years, he has kept his hands off of humans for the last 30 years of his captivity, no rapes, no kills, he deserved this one human, he needed this one.

Francis, wearing black panties and a black bra slipped under her covers laying her head to rest.

She didn’t notice her bedroom window glide open as the masterful vampire lord slipped in. He looked upon the 20 year old girl in the bed. His hands reached out, his nails sharp and pointed.

His hands gliding over her thigh. He grabbed her legs forcfully spreading them and pulling her to his pelvis. His large erect 10 inch dick resting on her body.

Francis gasped seeing the monster.

Suddenly the door bursted open as men in hasmat suits and machine guns came in firing darts at the vampire lord. The vampire hissed as he ran towards the men. Dropped their weapons and pulled tazers firing. The vampire roared as it fell to the ground twitching out of control. The darts drugs kicked in as the vampire laid still. One of the men pull a pistol and shot the girl in the bed. She screamed looking at the dart in her arm. She then fell back.

“What was that sir?” one of the soldiers asked,

“In the morning she won’t remember any of this. Take Elric and let’s go.” he commanded as the hasmat men moved in.

Venessa looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a uniform to please all of the “clients”, a leopard skin one piece that had a single string to tie in the back of the one-piece to hold the thing up and leg holes that wrapped up to form a G-string to cover her ass. Her vagina was covered fully and was made of spandex. The one-piece split widely between her breasts and had many pink weaves straps holding them from revealing her breasts. However did show off quite a bit of cleavage. She was blonde highlights on dirty blonde hair, and had a small tan. She had full lips that fit well with her large C-cup breasts. She wore black high-heels and see through stockings. Her G-string barely showed in her apple ass. She rubbed her long juicy legs.

Her job wasn’t exactly the modeling job she wanted but the pay was amazing.

She just got paid to look pretty in front of the terrifying monsters that were showcased. Some geneticly made, others captured.

She was on. A large thick see through plasic cell was lowered in. A man with razor blades in his face. He was sickly white and had pistol bullets for teeth. It wore thick latex wrappings and heavy set of boots.

It was Venessa’s job to show the monsters and explain what they were to men who set up little “games” to watch to see how people fared against them. Who would live, who would die.

“This gentlemen is Razorhead. Can take extreme punishment and is immune to head wounds. He is strong and capable of ripping people in half with his bare hands.” she said with a smile,

She turned around to see the monster staring at her grinning.

She tried to make sure she treated them with respect and nicely. So in turn she winked at the monster. In the long run she knew they would rip her to shreds none the less. But it conforted her to think they would spare her if she was nice.

The cell was moved off as another took it’s place with a team of zombies inside the cell.

“An oldie but not a forgotten one, zombies, using a virus these creatures are nothing but primal urges, and the most basic urge of course it to eat but that’s not all they do, they are given a pheromone that makes them angry 24/7, the only way there happy is giving into these urges. Head shots as always.”

It was hauled off as another took it’s place.

“This guys been all the rage as of late. Slenderman. A nine foot tall man who is extremely thin, wears a suit, has no face or ears only a blank pallet. The creature kidnaps people according to legend and does god knows what, but our slendy has tentacles to strangle it’s victims to death it grows from it’s body. He plain oh doesn’t die by gun fire, only by fire.”

It was hauled off and another took it’s place.

“We call this one Jackal, a large clawed man with beastial teeth and scars all over his body. He goes with only a loin cloth and he is extremly vicious in a fight. Strong, can die by gun fire and by any conventual means, but this things is so fast that you can really count on it to finish off the victims.”

The creature stalked around it’s cell, it’s face had muscles around and large thick sharp teeth. Hair shrouded it’s face as it breathed harshly and savagly.

“Next is one called Mr. Pepper, a serial killer clown we wouldn’t let die. We woke him back up and gave him a sickly wicked knife to fight with. One more gentlemen. The newest edition to our lovely team. We call him, The Grinning man. Wearing a suit and and a favored top hat, Grinning Man as far as we can tell can’t die. We know of no way to kill him. He was a fluke, they way he was supposed to be killed didn’t work. However he is extremely civil but vicious when on the prowl. So far no animal has been able to escape him. He’s faster then anything we’ve created or captured and extremely dangerous. However he’s the most attentive. If you tell him to do something he’ll follow it to a degree. He has made one escape attempt and when we caught him he gladly went back into his cell and said, quote, “I’ve had my fun, I’m willing to go back now.” he likes sport, and once he’s had it he’s willing to cooperate. Make your votes now gentlemen. Starting bids are at only 500 dollars for orcs and per Orc.”

The cell was hauled away as the monster of a man sat peacfully.

Venessa went into the room where all of the creatures were kept. She sat down next to the Grinning Mans cell.

“Very nicely done Venessa, you really are a sight to withhold my dear sweet.” *click* he said pronoucing every sylable and ending with snapping it’s sharp teeth together to make the clicking sound.

“Thanks Grinning man. So, do you think you’ll get bought?”

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