On Queen Triada’s planet, Thantas, moaned as she saw Sam standing before the glass vat. Shit! She was drowning, Sam help me, she was screaming in her mind.
Sam saw her distress, smashing into the glass several times, before he broke through. Bleeding profusely, several large gashes, she watched as Sam took her out of the station. Giving her what little energy and healing he could, smiled, kissing her before, he stopped breathing drifting away from her.
“NO Sam, NO!” She was trying to scream as she reached out to catch his body. It started to drift further and faster from her. “NO, NO, NO!” Thantas was screaming as she fell out of the bed she was in.
“NO Sam you can’t die, you are immune!” Not caring that she was barely dressed, Thantas stood on shaky legs she then started to walk out of the small enclosed place she was in. Two males and females were rushing towards her, she stopped then tried to run in the opposite direction.
She reached a small table, seeing several instruments on it that appeared to be familiar. Grabbing the sharpest, she turned at the approaching footsteps.
In an almost animalistic voice she growled, “Do not touch me! I will end all of you, you will never place me in that machine again. Where is Sam?” Almost toppling over, Thantas quickly brought the instrument back up in front of her. I should kill all of you, like I did all those that hurt me, if it wasn’t for Sam, I would still be there. NOW WHERE IS HE!” This last she shouted, knocking all four of them off their feet.
A tall female, that seemed extremely familiar stood moving a step closer. “Thantas, don’t you recognize me? The male there, don’t you know us?”
Thantas thought hard for a moment, then her eyes went wide. “NO! NO! The both of you are dead, have been dead a very long time. No, this is just another trick, left over from the machine. I didn’t bend then and I won’t now! You!” She stated turning toward Fino, “you are the one that I got the orders from to attack the Tetricons. It was a perfect plan, ’til the others left me there. I was winning, had victory in my hands, then I was hit by an extremely powerful force. I still fought them, was hit by several of their elite. I awoke in a glass vat, then my mind was taken into the machine.”
Triann, had huge tears falling from her eyes, her head was shaking no, she was whispering, “No, by the power of all us, I would have gone mad. We all thought you died, when there was no trace of you.”
A smirk crossed Thantas face, “I highly doubt that, I left the standard distress kit out there. I floated out there for days, before I was picked up by the Tetricons. I thought that you had been monitoring me, then I felt Out los explode. I felt the screams of my people, it nearly killed me, it should have.” A small smile crossed Thantas face as she stood. “Well, it was good to talk to ghosts. Now I have to go after one of the only three of my people left.”
Fino and Triann, could see that she had been stalling for time as her own healing power had started.
Thantas looked at the four people before her, then started to slowly rise off the ground. She wasn’t more than a few feet off the ground when, she was hit from the side, then driven back toward the ground.
Thantas looked at the female that was holding her down. “Mellos! Your life absorb won’t work on me; I am far too powerful.”
“Ha!” Mellos said. “As if, you are so weak right now I hardly had to use any of my power. I don’t have to use that anymore, thanks to Sam rescuing me.” Thantas was about to throw Mellos off when another female sat on her. “Oh, I’d like you to meet Raydy, you might say she was also rescued by Sam.”
This snapped Thantas’s head around to stare at Mellos. “Rescued by Sam?”
“Yes, rescued from me. I am now a pure Cliveastone, as is Raydy. Thanks solely to Sam.” Mellos said a little smugly. “He is the strongest osmosis healer that has ever been seen.” She might not be bad anymore, that didn’t mean she still couldn’t feel superior, well, with the exception of Sam.
Thantas was shaking her head, she’d heard a great amount about Mellos, especially the deaths that she had caused in the last year. Thantas believed that the number was at eleven, if she wasn’t mistaken. “Alright, though I don’t believe you, talk to me.”
Mellos and Raydy sat there with Thantas, going over Mellos story, then Raydy’s, though that took a while seeing how shy Raydy was
“Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me that, they are your parents?” Thantas said pointing to Cyan and Tynco. When Mellos nodded Thantas asked, “and the other two, they are Sam’s parents?” Again Mellos an Raydy nodded.
Helping Thantas up, Raydy and Mellos took Thantas to the three chambers. After looking closely at them Thantas could only shake her head.
“I have to admit they are of Cliveastonian design, though advanced even for what I have seen.” Walking to the other four there, Thantas bowed slightly. “I am sorry, what Mellos and Raydy told me, seems like something out of a science story. I can believe it though, our race had made many advances the last few years I was there, that seem more like magic, than science.”
Triann, was about to speak when there was a pneumatic hiss from one of the chambers. Triann and both males ran to the chamber, to help a slender dark haired female.
Thantas, walked up a few moments later as Triann started to examine the female. Walking to Mellos’s father Thantas asked, “sir, you appear familiar to me.”
“We had met before, I am Tynco.” He stated getting an astonished look from Thantas.
“Yes, when we met, you were dying from the clinging cell disease. I, can see no sign see no sign of it on you.” Thantas stated.
Tynco smiled, “I am completely cured, the first.”
“Let me guess, Sam?” Thantas asked.
“Yes, though he damn near killed himself in the process. For a first ever intense healing, he tried to completely heal me. He exhausted himself, he healed not only the disease but my mind also. Oh yeah, if I am not mistaken he healed you enough to activate your osmosis healing. Good thing too.” Tynco said with a smile.
Thantas mouth dropped open as she nodded, that was why the dream, his partial healing of her.