The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 6 “The falling blade in the.dark.” by Interesting Reed

Grace ran around the fence and came threw the front of the building attending to the boy. “He is really hurt. We need to find a place to heal him. Preferably somewhere with no bodies laying about.” Grace said as she helped the boy up. You got up and helped carry the boy. Eve lead the way making sure there wasn’t any wanderers out in the street. Eve noticed a hut sized building that didn’t have any lights on. “I’ll check to see if anyone is home.” You stayed in the shadows with Grace as Eve sneaked into the small dwelling. Eve opened the door witch was unlocked. As she looked in the building she saw it had a roll out mat that seemed to be old and a bit crusty. Probably a squatters shelter. Eve looked it over and felt it to be safe enough she opened the door and waved you guys over. Quickly both of you raced over into the small house carrying the kid. Once inside you immediately lay the kid down on the roll out mat. Grace searched her bag for the salve she used to help her wounds heal. Once she found it she began applying it to him after washing the blood of the poor kids face.

Eve pulled the kids curly red hair out of Grace way. “I wonder who he is.” Eve asked as she look at the kids small boyish frame and assumed the kid was a boy. “Trouble. We shouldn’t have gotten involved.” You tell Eve. “I know but he’s special I can tell he spoke in Valdakic the first human language. Some say it’s a variant of what the Titans spoke.” Eve replied. You didn’t care is he spoke the Gods tounge the more attention you bring onto yourselves the harder it will be to kill your marks. “Stay here I have to find a captain to smuggle you guys out.” Grace agreed she was more concerned over the kids injuries then trying to find a way off the Island. Eve on the other hand wanted to go with you. Instead of arguing you only sighed and decided to let her tag along.

You and Eve walked down the streets that only got denser and denser with elves as you went deeper into the ghetto. You noticed a few elves intentionally keeping there distance away from you Eve whispered to you. “Change how you walk don’t walk like a Knight.” You realized the way you walk is setting you apart from the non-humans in the streets save for a few beastkins. Usually you walk with a short stride and your arms tense and ready for a fight should one come. Back when you where a Knight in training in the Fallen Lands a Knight can challenge you to a fight so you always had to be ready. You see how you walk can scare a few non-humans. Changing your stride to a more relaxed one made a world of difference. Now the elves and dwarves didn’t stop speaking when you got close and you didn’t stick out as much.

You saw the Waton Lass whore house. Your first mark is the Ma’dam of the house. You take Eve to a bar across the whore house. “Eve I don’t speak much elfish tounges so I’ll need you to translate if a elf doesn’t speak human.” You tell Eve who replies. “Well I don’t speak much I can speak some Ortanish but the old tongues are a mystery to me.” You smile as you turn to look at Eve and say ” I will have to find a Ortanish elf then.”

The tavern is filled with many elves of all different tribes. Ortaanish,Plains, Valhalic, and even a few Gerhard elves. The Dwarves that were in the tavern looked to be mercenaries and not merchants more then likely wanderers. A few bar maidens where busily moving from table to table carrying lots of Ale and other exotic elfish liquors. As you walked to the bar area you saw a Valhalic elf wearing a the naval colors of the La’Quin Islands. The La’Quin Islands is the only truly free nation of elves. Its said to be the homeland of the elves although many elves disagree with that theory. You decide to sit next to the sailor. “A cold mug of beer if you have it.” You ask the bartender who looks at you closely. “We don’t serve humans.” The thin bartender said to you as he spat in a mug and proceeded to clean it. Eve interrupted you before you spoke up. “He’s with me they wouldn’t serve us on the other side of the wall we’re just foreign visitors from the Mid Lands looking for a drink tonight.”

The bartender looked you over trying to read your face. You just pulled the hood tighter around your head. “Fine…you’re lucky she’s a cute one or else I’d call the wanderers on you.” The bartender poured you some warm beer in a cold mug. “And what can I get you my fair one?” Eve thought about it and ordered the only drink she knew elves of the Mid Lands drank. “Honey dew wine please kind sir.” The bartender laughed hard. “Is this a honey moon?” He asked looking at you and Eve. You nearly choke on your beer. Eve on the other hand played it cool. “What are you the Inquiry asking so many personal questions.” The bartenders laugh died down in a hurry and grabbed Eve her glass of wine.

“Ve’leck grab me another glass of Finstery wine.” The sailor asked. “Pirate do you have coin for you and your men?” The bartender asked the sailor who looked half drunk. “You question my status as a Captain of the Valhalic?” The bartender grabbed his wabber jack club from under the bar. “I question if ya have the fiesta to pay for your men’s drinks.” The captain rose up and slammed his fist on the bar top. “Ve’leck! You insult me!” As the Captain rose up so did a group of eight sailors in the back. “Come now bartender relax. How much for the sailors drinks?” You ask trying to stop things from escalating. “Ten rounds and his bottle of wine…ten silver Fiesta.” He replied as you pulled out the fiesta and then ordered the men another round and then another bottle of wine for the Captain.

The bartender took the fiesta and handed you your change. “Your alright..Delvan.” The captain slapped you on the back as he poured himself another drink. “What does va’leck mean Captain…?” The captain poured himself a cup of the wine it had a smell of dried fish that turned your stomach. “Captain Flank of the Valhalic Navy ship Bal’ven.” He said as he offered you a drink. Not trying to offend the hot headed captain Flank you drank it. The wine while it smelled of dry fish it had a earthy taste. “At a go Delvan va’leck means false one, fraud or a imposter a fake elf.” You were about to ask what Delvan ment when the Captain Flank beat you to it. “Delvan means human in the old tounge.”

As you and Flank got to talking he soon told you his reason to be so far from the La’Quin Islands. “See me and my men are in search of a criminal of the realm of La’Quin. He’s a vicious bastard. A real Deciple of the mad wizard. The lunatic even hexted himself.” You listen to the Captain’s tall tale then ask what the disciple looks like. “Oh he is a ugly Delvan truly nasty. Huge nose as big as a her tits.” He pointed to the large breasted bar maiden. “Truly crazy he hexted about fifteen Al’can. That’s elves in your tounge Delvan.”

Eve cleared her throat. “Excuse me Captain Flank. Do you think you can help me and my friend travel off this miserable Island?” The captain laughed a bit too loudly. “Sorry but there is no way a Delvan and his Al’can mistress will sail on my boat.” You choked on your beer as you said, “I’m not her husband.” Eve shot captain Flank a glare. “And I’m not his mistress. Besides I’m traveling with my friend she is a dwarf not a Delvan.” Eve said emphasizing the word Devan. “A Moun’tess…where would a Al’can and Moun’tess be traveling?”

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