The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 5: Songbird’s Delight by mypenname3000

“So what?” I hissed. “I’m not an elf or nixie or a sylph or a gnome or even a dragon. I’m not a hermaphrodite. You can’t get me pregnant. That means that we can have all the sex and kisses and it’s not cheating. She won’t care.”

“It’s a different sort of cheating.” She stroked down my spine. “I shouldn’t love you.”

“But you do.”

“I do.”

“Then I’m not letting you go.”

“Minx…” She shook her head, tears in her eyes as I hugged her tight, burying my face back into her tits. “This isn’t—”

“No!” The word exploded out of me, shocking me. “I’m not letting you go. I’m going to enjoy this for as long as I can. No more talking about the future. Let’s just enjoy this, us. Okay? I love you.”

“I love you, Minx,” she whispered. Her hands found my cheeks. She lifted my head, pulling me to her.

I slid up her body and smiled at her.

“We’ll just enjoy this as long as we can,” she said.

“Good,” I said, my heart twisting with pain. I would show her that it was me she needed. Not her wife. Not her…


I couldn’t give her a daughter. Hermaphrodites like her and dual-sexed races like me couldn’t breed. I could only breed with another halfling.

No, I wouldn’t think about that. I kissed her hard, hugging her. I would make every moment we had together count. And she would realize what she wanted more was me. She had to. I didn’t want to lose her.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I kissed my elf.


Acolyte Sophia

My fingers plunged into my pussy. I groaned, trying not to look around camp at all the blood and corpses of werewolves. Thrak stood watch with Faoril, staring at the Tuathan witch we had captured, held up by air, gagged to keep from sending her spirits out to get us. Angela stood by me, sword out, shield ready.

“You are just a naughty slut,” Angela purred, drawing my attention to my task. “Mmm, finger that cunt. I want you to cum, concubine. That’s an order.”

“Yes, my Queen,” I moaned, plunging my fingers faster and harder into my cunt. My flesh clenched around them, pleasure buzzing through me.

“Find Chaun and Xandra,” groaned Angela. “I need them returned. Only you can do it.”

“Uh-huh,” I groaned. In the background, Minx and Xera both screamed out their pleasure, still rutting, caught up by one of Minx’s alchemical lust bombs.

I had to cum for the divining spell. My back arched, my ass clenched beneath my open robes. Angela stood in front of me, looking so sexy in her armor. My powerful Queen. We almost had the High King’s sword reassembled. Her ancestors sword.

What a queen she would make. It was ridiculous women couldn’t rule. Just because Pater, the father of the gods, ruled the universe only men could rule a nation. Angela would make an amazing queen. So regal and beautiful and mighty.

Her blue eyes bored on mine. “Cum, you naughty slave,” she purred. “Let me hear those sweet moans.”

“Yes, yes yes,” I panted, my small breasts quivering. “My queen!”

My orgasm exploded through me. My pussy spasmed on my fingers as I pictured Angela sitting on the throne in Shesax, ruling over the High Queendom of Hamilten, reclaiming her ancestors massive empire. And I was kneeling at her feet, her lovely concubine.

I was so caught up in my fantasy, I almost forgot to cast the spell. “Saphique, I pray that you find what I seek.” My pussy burned hot around my fingers, soaking them in enchanted pussy cream. I ripped them free and rubbed the juices on my right nipple. “Guide me with your loving wisdom.”

A tingle rushed through my body as my breast milk squirted from my nub, anointing my fingers. I shuddered, turning, my fingers pointing out into the forest as my divination spelled went into effect. “That way, my Queen.”

She hefted her sword. “Let’s go.”

I nodded, trembling. With a whispered word, I conjured a pink light. It birthed from my nipple like a bubble then danced before us as we marched out into the darkness. I hoped Chaun and Xandra were all right.

Damned werewolves.



The angry, jealous lust tingled through me. I broke away from Chaun, my stomach tingling from where the werewolf’s juices had rubbed off his dick onto my flesh. I turned to the silver-eyed werewolf pinned by the water elemental and gave her a vicious grin.

“You thought you could fuck my husband?” I demanded, primal lust consuming me. I had never felt anything like this before. But I had to dominate this bitch and put her in her place. “Huh?”

“Need cock to make babies,” the werewolf whimpered. “Mercy. Mercy. Did not know his cock belonged to such strong female.”

Chaun grinned at me. “What are you up to?”

I puppeteered the water elemental, yanking the werewolf up onto her hands and knees. Her breasts dangled. I swept watery tendrils about her body, squeezing those large tits. They jiggled, her nipples aching so hard. I could feel what the water elemental felt, caressing her skin, sliding the tentacles around those mounds until the ends reached her nipples.

And sucked on them. Water engulfed each nub. The werewolf’s silvery eyes widened. She let out a whimpering moan, her hips wiggling, pussy growing hotter and hotter. Chaun hummed a song, a stirring melody of lust.

“She wants your cum so badly, Chaun, she kidnapped you,” I moaned, reaching out, playing with his big cock. “This cock drove her wild with lust.”

“It did,” moaned the werewolf.

Chaun hummed louder, his song making me tingle.

“Why don’t you give it to her?” I grinned, the water elemental dragging the werewolf closer. I seized her hair through my conjuration, yanking back her head and shoving her face between my legs. “Give her what she wanted so badly she attacked us.”

Chaun’s violet eyes twinkled at me. He loved this game. Chaun enjoyed sharing women with me. I had my appetites broadened. I wasn’t a repressed avian woman who only would sleep with her husband. I craved feminine flesh, too. I would never touch another man again, I would be faithful to Luben and honor my marriage pact. Being with a woman wasn’t breaking them.


“Lick me,” I moaned, grinding my pussy into her face. “Devour me. You thought you could fuck his cock without my permission, so now you have to pay.”

“Yes,” she moaned and then licked at my snatch.

Chaun drove into her pussy as bawdy words burst from his lips:

And the maiden wet
was seized by a letch,
to suck the warrior’s cock.
And the maiden fell,
‘pon the grass o’ the dell
to blow the warrior’s cock.
Her mouth opened wide
and her lips did slide
along the warrior’s cock.

I groaned, the words spilling through the glade, making my pussy so wet. I shivered, rubbing my cunt into the werewolf’s licking mouth. Her silvery eyes shone up at me as she licked and devoured my snatch. My breasts jiggled beneath me as I ground on her lips.

“You nasty slut,” I gasped. “Oh, yes, you’re fucking my man’s cock because I let you. So you have to make me cum!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” moaned the werewolf. “I will, great female. Mmm, Moon will make you cum so hard.”

Her tongue dove through my folds. I shivered, grinding on her, loving her tongue diving through my folds. My eyes rolled back into my head. Short gasps burst from my lips. She caressed my pussy lips and up to my clit.

My nub throbbed on her tongue. Her lips latched onto it. She sucked. I gasped, my left hand sliding up to my small breast, squeezing it. My nipple throbbed. I rubbed it with my tongue, playing with it while I controlled the water elemental. I caressed her body and sucked on her nipples. Tendrils of water touched her everywhere.

I smiled at Chaun as his bawdy song spurred me to new lusts. “Oh, yes, you naughty werewolf. Mmm, you’re just a lapdog now.” I giggled. “And you lap so well. Mmm, yes. Oh, that’s nice. You’re going to make me cum while I play with your body.”

My fingers danced on the mangrove totem, tracing the undulating lines.

Moon’s silver eyes widened as a thick tendril of water slid between her butt-cheeks and pressed on her asshole. Chaun grinned at me as he fucked her hard, his midnight-black chest rippling. He was such a sexy man.

He nodded.

I shoved the tendril into her bowels.

“Great female,” moaned the werewolf as the watery tendril fucked into her asshole. I could feel the tight, velvety heat of her asshole about the water elemental’s tentacle. I shuddered, my clit throbbing as she flicked her tongue across it.

“You love it up the ass, don’t you?”

“I never felt this,” she moaned. “Waste of cock back there.”

“Mmm, I know,” I grinned. “And you love it. You naughty bitch. Tell me how much you love it.”

“So much!” she moaned and lapped harder. “Thank you, great female.”

She licked and lapped at my pussy with such intensity. I gasped, my eyes rolling back into my head. Chaun reached out with a hand, grasping my hip, steadying me as my head snapped back. I trilled out my song of pleasure, matching the bawdy melody of Chaun’s song.

And came on the werewolf’s mouth.

My orgasm was powerful. Intoxicating. I had never felt the like before. I reamed the tentacle deep into her bowels, the others tendrils squeezing her pillow-soft tits and pulling on her hard nipples. My juices squirted into her mouth.

And she drank them down.

“Yes, yes, you naughty bitch,” I moaned. “Oh, yes. You love that. You’re paying the price for fucking my male!”

“Great female!” she moaned, howled, and then her bowels spasmed about the watery tentacle. I shuddered, feeling her flesh writhe.

“Pater’s cock,” grunted Chaun, snapped out of his song. “Oh, damn, I’m going to cum in her.”

“No,” I hissed. “She doesn’t deserve your cum. I do. I’m your wife. If you’re going to breed someone, breed me. I want to hatch your egg.”

Chaun grinned at me and ripped his cock out. I stumbled back from the werewolf and fell to my knees facing her, our lips inches apart. Chaun moved behind me as the werewolf whimpered and moaned, her silver eyes locked on his bouncing cock.

“All his cum is mine,” I groaned, still bursting with that primal lust. “You’re lucky I even let you have an orgasm.”

“Yes, great female,” she whimpered, still shuddering and cumming.

I leaned forward, kissing her hard on the lips, tasting my sweet pussy juices. I moaned as Chaun rammed his cock into my still spasming pussy. My orgasm was just dying, but feeling my husband’s dick in me sent a resurgence of pleasure through my quivering flesh.

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