The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 5: Songbird’s Delight by mypenname3000

I shivered, my cunt massaging his dick as he plowed into me. His three balls smacked into my clit. He fucked me so hard, grunting, groaning, loving my pussy more than the werewolf bitch. I broke the kiss, moaning out my pleasure.

“Yes, yes, yes, Chaun! Please cum in my pussy. I want all of your seed. All of it!”

“Yes,” he groaned.

I sang out in wordless delight, a complex melody of joy, as his jizz pumped into me. I groaned, my pussy spasming on his dick, pleasure shuddering through me as I milked him. Rapture shot through me. I hoped he quickened my egg. I wanted to hatch his child so badly.

My eyes rolled back into my head as his cum spurted a final time into me.

“Xandra,” he groaned. “My sweet songbird.”

“Yes,” I trilled, shuddering. My eyes fluttered open. I stared at the werewolf. I released her. “Go!”

“Great female?” she whimpered, putting her face down to the floor between her hands, staring up at me.

“Go,” I snarled. Water splashed against the ground beside the werewolf, spraying up detritus. The water elemental swirled and splashed, throwing a punch at her.

She whimpered and then fled into the night.

“Wow, Xandra,” Chaun groaned, pulling his dick out of me. “That was amazing.”

“Xandra isn’t my name any longer,” I told him as he pulled out. “I’m officially an adult. Xandra was my adolescent name.”

“Right,” he panted. “First you were Sky.”

I nodded. “My hatchling name. Then when I began an adolescence and had my vision of my role, learning I should be a shaman. So I became Xandra. And now I can fly. I need a new name.”

“Like what?”

I blinked. “I… I don’t know. It’s my choice. But… I never thought I would have this. I was always so scared of…”

“Flying?” Chaun asked.

I shook my head. “No. Just… just afraid of…” A mirror flashed in my mind. The terror gripped me for a moment. “I…I don’t understand why I was afraid. It just scared me for some reason. It held me back. And then when I saw you taken, and my air totem was ripped from my hands, I realized I had no choice but to fly to find you. I couldn’t be scared of it.” I bit my lip. “Why should I be afraid of it?”

“The heights?”

“Chaun,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You saw where I lived. I would masturbate from the highest point of Black Rock Aerie, my feet dangling over the edge. Heights do not bother me. It was just…”

“Pressure. You felt so much pressure to achieve it that you couldn’t. I bet you were afraid of disappointing your parents and your people.”

Memories of two years ago, everyone watching me as I struggled and tried to overcome my fear, popped through my mind. “Maybe.” And then I laughed and became a songbird. My body shrank as feathers grew. I was a colorful finch, my stomach blue and yellow, my wings bright green. I trilled out my song as I launched to Chaun.

He grinned, holding out a finger for me to perch on. “Will you look at that.”

I trilled to him, but he couldn’t understand me. But I didn’t care. I hopped on his fingers, flapping my wings as I sang to him. He smiled, swaying as he listened to my song. He understood the joyful emotions bursting out of me.

“Aurora,” he said as he stared at me.

I let out a trilling question.

“It’s what they call these sheets of green and blue light that dance across the skies far to the north. They are supposed to be so beautiful but rare. Like you.” His thumb stroked the down of my belly.

I liked that.

“So, how about it, Aurora? Your new name?”

I trilled out a happy song, chirping for joy as he stroked my belly.

“Well, this isn’t what I expected,” a woman said.

I let out a trill of surprise as Chaun turned. I clutched my talons about his fingers to hold my balance. Sophia smirked as she and Angela stepped out of the forest, a ball of pink light hovering by the pair. Angela sheathed her sword, giving Chaun a quizzical look.

“You’re petting a bird by yourself,” Sophia said, shaking her hand. “What are you doing, Chaun?”

“Listening to Aurora sing,” he answered. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Aurora?” Sophia frowned, glancing at Angela. “What’s going on?”

I launched myself into the air, flying to Sophia, singing her a greeting. She had a bemused look on her face as I landed on her shoulder. I chirped to her, and she just arched an eyebrow, glancing at Chaun.

“Okay, what is going on?” Sophia asked, her green eyes blinking.

“Where’s Xandra?” Angela asked, bending over to pick up my discarded fire totem. My water totem had merged into my bird form along with anything else I wore or held.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I had to show them. I flapped from Sophia’s shoulder and became my avian form, flowing into legs and arms and long, silky blue hair. I appeared naked, holding the water totem in my hand.

“Slata’s hairy cunt!” Sophia gasped, stumbling back and tripping over a log, landing on her backside.

Chaun laughed while Angela let go of her sword hilt, relaxing.

“I can turn into a bird!” I grinned. “I did it! I’m an adult for real. I have my true name now! Aurora! Isn’t it beautiful? Chaun named me.”

Sophia frowned. “Well, then you’re not the nameless shaman any longer. Huh? Does that mess up the prophecy?”

I frowned while Angela shrugged. “She was nameless when she joined. And it is a beautiful name, Xandra. I mean, Aurora.”

I smiled as the armored knight gave me a hug, my nipples pressing against her cold breastplate. That felt nice. I hadn’t made love to Angela yet. Chaun and I should invite her to our bed. I bet she would be fun to play with.

And then I became a bird. I couldn’t help myself.


Warlock Faoril

Xera and Minx stumbled out of the brush, the elf’s mouth smeared with pussy juices and cum, the halfling dipping so many loads of jizz out of her snatch. A surge of hunger shot through me to fall to my knees and not let all that yummy cum go to waste.

I controlled myself.

“So, what do we do with her?” Minx asked, pointing to the Tuathan twinborn witch held by my magic. The woman floated in the air, her green eyes wide with fear.

“Kill her,” grunted Thrak. He sat by the fire, running a whetstone across his ax, the muscles in his swarthy back playing as he stroked.

“Sure,” Minx said, drawing a dagger from her belt. It was all she wore. Like everyone but Angela, Minx was fucking when the attack happened. And she and Xera hadn’t had a chance to dress. Of course, Xera only wore a belt on which to carry her supplies and quiver of arrows.

“No, we can’t kill her,” Xera gasped. “We took her prisoner.”

“Be simpler,” Thrak grunted. “I understand how repugnant it is, but she is dangerous. Her magic nullified Faoril’s.”

“Angela wouldn’t want us to execute a prisoner,” I said, planting my hands on my hips, pressing the fabric of my red robes tight to my body. “Thrak, you know that. She’s a knight.”

“Technically, she’s not,” he countered.

“Spiritually, she is. So we are not killing the prisoner.” I glanced at the woman. “Though I have no idea what we should do with you.”

“She’ll just cause problems,” Minx said, gripping her knife. “This is cleaner than having her attack us again.”

The woman moaned through her gag, shaking her head while her dangling feet kicked.

“Yeah, right, I’m sure you won’t attack us again,” Minx said, rolling her eyes. “Let’s just dispatch her before Angela gets back. Then she won’t feel bad about it.”

“She’s already back,” Xera said, ears twitching. She turned her gaze. “With Chaun and Sophia and…a songbird?”

I blinked. There was a happy, chirping sound. I hadn’t heard any birds sing since we entered the woods. And it was at night. No songbirds were active in the night. What was going on? And then a colorful finch flitted out of the woods, singing as it flapped about us.

Xera smiled. “Hello, Xandra.”

“Xandra?” Minx blinked.

“What?” I stared at the bird as she morphed, changed, feathers vanishing, her body expanding into the form of a slim, delicate woman, hair sky-blue, eyes shining sapphire. Xandra appeared, stretching her back.

“I can fly!” she sang out as beautiful as the sounds she made as a bird.

“Wow,” Minx said, jaw dropping. “You… Wow.”

“And it’s not Xandra any longer. I have my adult name. Aurora!” The avian giggled. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

Thrak nodded. “I have seen their beauty many times dancing in the winter skies above white snow. Blues and greens and even purples. Great sheets and ribbons across the entire sky. Well-named, Aurora.”

“Thanks,” Xandra—no, Aurora; I would have to remember that—beamed.

Chaun, Angela, and Sophia appeared out of the brush a moment later. Xan…Aurora became a bird, flitted over to Chaun, and landed on his shoulder, singing a happy song, her tail feathers twitching. He grinned at her and then glanced at her prisoner.



Angela sucked in a sharp breath. “You know her?”

“Yes,” Chaun said. “She made my troubadour’s trunk after I helped her out a few years back. She was attacking us?”

“After the bounty,” Thrak said. “Found a writ signed by the Doge himself on her.”

Chaun’s jaw dropped in shock. “You hunted me, Bebhinn?”


Bebhinn, the Twinborn Witch

I flinched at the pain in Chaun’s face. He had saved my life and… No, he was a criminal. There was a bounty on his head. A huge bounty. On all of them save for the avian. I squirmed in the bonds, my heart racing.

Everything had gone wrong. I had come so close to defeating them and now… Would they kill me?

“Ungag her,” Chaun said.

“No,” the mage objected. “She is a witch. If she can speak, she can summon her spirits.”

“Then gag her before she can finish her spell,” the changeling said, the avian glaring at me from his shoulder, her eyes beady black as a bird. “I need to know what she’s doing here. I know her. I… Bebhinn…”

“Do it,” Angela ordered, her sword rasping as she drew it from her sheath. Thrak rose on the other side, turning, gripping that huge ax.

I shivered.

The gag vanished. I worked my jaw, my mouth so dry. I licked lips, staring at Chaun.

“Well?” he demanded. “Did you just try to kill us? Me?”

My stomach churned with guilt. “I did.”

Chaun shook his head, pain in his eyes.

“You’re all criminals,” I objected. “You robbed from the Doge of Raratha. Sophia put a knife to his throat.”

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