Fresh Men: Chapters 2-3 by collegeboy22

Nicky smiled. “I doubt that. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m significantly more attractive than you are. Plus, and let’s face it, you’re a strict top aren’t you?”

“Doesn’t matter, I’m just that good,” Tyler sneered.

“Fine, it’s a bet then. Whoever gets more guys gets to…” Nicky trailed off as he tried to think of a prize.

“Nah, I got it. Whoever gets fewer has to make a sex tape and put it online.”



“No one is off limits?” Tyler asked, extending hand to complete the bet.

“No one is off limi- actually, yes. He’s straight, so it won’t matter, but Isaac, this guy that lives on the floor, is off limits.”

Tyler snorted. “Like I’d have any trouble getting him to ride this dick. Fine, whatever.”

The two roommates shook hands. The deal was set.



One week had passed since move-in, and with it, classes were in full swing. Tom never struggled much with academic work, it was the constant social harassment that was proving a challenge.

On Friday afternoon, Tom returned to his room, flopping down to his bed after finishing a long day of intensive calculus classes. He sat up, taking his shirt off and tossing it across the room, exposing his absolutely ripped chest, adorned his blonde chest hair. Every time he wore a tight shirt, he caught a ton of onlookers, but he didn’t bother responding. He didn’t do well with people.

Tom decided now was a good a time as any to go for a quick run before dinner. He opened his door and saw the person that he least wanted to see at the moment: Brock, the overly chipper and pretentious RA.

“Hi Tom!” Brock said with a beaming smile. “Wow, nice room! How did you ever manage to get a single?”

Tom’s eye twitched out of annoyance. He had received that question multiple times each day since arriving, and had responded with “luck” every time. However, at this moment, he decided to just tell the truth.

“Well, after the college found out about my multiple assault charges, and subsequent psychological evaluation which told them that I had some major anger issues and anti-social tendencies, they decided that while they would admit me due to my impressive academic record, it would probably be best if I didn’t have to constantly be around someone I didn’t know. Like you, for example, because you have somehow found an excuse to talk to me every goddamn day. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go for a run.”

Brock was left dumbfounded, his enormous toothy grin slowly sliding off of his face. Tom left in such a hurry he didn’t even lock his door behind him, eager to feel the pounding of the pavement beneath his feet.


Tom ended up in the athletic center after taking a run around campus, as the building was close to his dorm, figuring he’d try to find the weight room. This endeavor proved to be fruitless, as the athletic center was built like a maze, with nothing properly labeled. If the building were to catch fire right now, Tom was sure that he would die while trying to find an exit.

On a guess, Tom threw open a random door. Turned out he had successfully found the weight room. It was empty except for one person.

“Oh thank God, finally,” said a voice from across the room. Tom walked over and saw the source of the voice: a person was trapped in a leg press machine, his knees almost to his chin, his whole body straining under the enormous load of weight.

“Dude, you gotta help me, I’ve been stuck like this for an hour,” came the voice, muffled by his own legs. Tom quickly removed some of the weights and pushed the machine back up. The trapped individual simply flopped out of the machine, collapsing onto the floor.

The boy was obviously a wrestler. He was short, not even hitting five and a half feet. But he was built like a wrestler: wide shoulders, wide calves, giant bubble butt, large pecs, and flat abs. His head was shaved short, and his face was shaved clean. On top of all of that, he was wearing a wrestling singlet. Obviously a wrestler.

Tom helped the boy up, but he almost immediately collapsed. “Jesus Christ, dude, what did you do? And why are you wearing that outfit?”

“I thought I’d come right from practice to get some work done, but nobody else on the team thought that… What time is it?”

“Like 5, why?”

“FUCK! Trainer has already gone home and my legs are shot.”

“Where do you live?”

“Carlson Hall.”

Tom sighed and chewed the inside of his cheek, a ritual he did whenever he knew he was about to help someone for absolutely no reason. “Ok, look, that’s all the way across campus. I’m in Thompson, it’s right by here. We can go there and then figure something else out.”

The boy simply nodded. “Thanks bro. I’m Nolan, by the way.”

“Tom.” Tom helped the much shorter boy to his feet, hunching down and throwing Nolan’s arm over his shoulder. “Alright, let’s go.”


Despite Thompson Hall being right next to the athletic building, Tom dragging Nolan took nearly half an hour due to Nolan’s large immobility. Upon arriving at his room, Tom struggled to open his door without dropping Nolan onto the floor. The two entered the room, and Tom sat Nolan down in his desk chair.

“So… what do you wanna do here?” Tom asked.

“Ok… I’m going to suggest something, and you can of course say no, but it’s just a suggestion… Do you think you can rub some feeling back into legs?”

Tom felt himself at a crossroads. He found himself attracted to Nolan, but at the same time didn’t want to undo years of work repressing his sexual desires towards other men.

“Alright… Sure… Here, give me a second.”

Tom took the cushions off of his pullout couch, and extended the mattress out.

Nolan looked around. “Wait, is this a single?”

After going off on Brock that day, Tom wasn’t tempted to answer too many questions about his past. “Yep.”


Tom breathed a brief sigh of relief.

Nolan tried to stand up, but found that his legs wouldn’t support his weight. “Ok, new awkward scenario. Can you help me take some of this shit off?”

Tom didn’t even hesitate this time. He was in this for the long haul. “Yeah, sure.”

Tom took off Nolan’s shoes and socks as Nolan undid the straps of his singlet. Nolan’s bare chest became visible, showing off his large pecs and flat stomach. There was no hair on either. Tom helped Nolan to his feet, and Nolan slid the singlet down to his ankles, revealing a tight blue pair of boxer briefs underneath, accentuating his bubble butt. Tom helped Nolan lie face down on the mattress, and pulled the singlet off of his ankles, tossing it onto his own bed.

“Well… now is a bad time to remember that I left my bag with all my clothes at the athletic center, huh?”

“Where should I start?” Tom asked, his eyes firmly fixed on Nolan’s ass, barely registering Nolan’s words.

“Uh… could you start with my hamstring? It feels like someone is ripping them in half.”

I’ll rip that ass in half, Tom thought to himself. Tom began massaging Nolan’s extremely taut thighs, noting their relative lack of much hair. He worked on one, then the next.

“Oh yeah man, it’s already getting better,” Nolan moaned. The front of Tom’s shorts got tighter.

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