Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2 by Primality

“Hi guys!” He said animatedly.

“Hi Neville!” Chorused Hermione and Ginny together.

“You alright mate?” Asked Harry.

“Umm, yeah I am as it happens.” He responded. “Luna and I are in love!” Neville said completely unabashed.

“Wow! Congratulations Neville!” Hermione chirped excitedly.

“Yeah, get in mate!” Said Ron.

They sat and talked for a couple hours and Neville at one point told them that he and Luna had consummated their new relationship. Every face in front of Neville was stunned at the news, all hanging on Neville’s every word, absorbing his tale like a sponge.

“Wow Neville, you stud!” Ginny finally broke the silence of the foursome. “We’ve all been planning to go a help perpetuate the rumour further that the Shrieking Shack is haunted again, do you want to come with us with Luna?”

“What do you mean?” Neville asked for confirmation of what he was hearing.

“Well, the four of us have been having sex in there. It’s our screams that have got the Daily Prophet thinking that the Shrieking Shack is haunted again.” Ginny explained matter-of-factly.

“You mean that was you lot making that noise?” Neville asked in surprise.

“Yeah! It’s great! Bring Luna and we can all have a good time watching each other get off!” Ginny explained confidently. “We are going to sneak up on Saturday – we know a short cut,” Ginny answered the question before Neville could ask the question. “and have a load of sex!” Ginny finished with a laugh. The rest laughed along with her.

As it was only Monday, they had a bit of a wait before Saturday. Neville was a little nervous and didn’t know how to preposition Luna about this, and he was a little worried that she wouldn’t want to go out with him any more. Ginny, having anticipated this, met with Luna during the next day with Hermione at her side and spoke to her about it. Luna was more than willing to accept Ginny’s offer, as Ginny had always been nice to her, sticking up for her when others had called her “Loony Lovegood”.

Neville, didn’t know that any of this had transpired and was caught off guard when he approached her on the way down to Lunch.

“Hi Luna.” But before he could start asking her, Luna interrupted by saying,

“Hi Neville! Ginny spoke to me earlier about Saturday, and I said that it sounded like fun. Spending time with friends like that!” Neville was stunned, but elated at the same time.

“Wow! I love you Luna!” Neville said loudly, attracting attention to himself and Luna, and then kissed her in the corridor.

“Urgh! Longbottom!” Malfoy called just a few feet away down the corridor. “Are you and Loony Lovegood together? Just when I thought that Gryffindor couldn’t sink any lower!”

Malfoy’s insults caused raucous laughter from his entourage. Neville had looked up and was red with anger. He was just about to pull his wand and curse Malfoy with one of the curses that he had learned with Dumbledore’s Army when another voice called from behind him.

“Hey Malfoy! Have your boyfriends Crabbe and Goyle have been telling you that you’re funny? Because you appear to be misinformed!” Harry had called, not wanting Neville to do something in anger that he would regret later.

“You Potter, have even less grounds to address me! Going out with that Weasley, blood traitor, rabble!”

“Shut it Malfoy you bleach blonde little douche!” Harry retorted. They both stared at each other seething, everything in the corridor halting as if time had stopped itself.

Then, in a split second, they both had their wands out and a curse on both of their lips. They were cut short by a voice sounding behind them.

“What’s going on here?” The voice broke the tension. “Potter, I hope that you weren’t about to use magic in the corridor. Surely even you, in your arrogance, know that that is against school rules? Well just to be sure that you understand me, I shall be taking ten points from Gryffindor.” Snape’s lips curled into a cruel smile as he said these words.

“What? Malfoy was doing the same as me?” Harry tried in vain to see that Malfoy was punished as well.

“Not that I saw. I’ll have another five for answering back.” Snape killed Harry’s defence and walked off with the Slytherin’s trailing behind him sneering at Harry.

When they were out of earshot, Harry swore at Snape under his breath. Ron and Hermione came around the corner holding hands and Ron asked what had happened. Harry explained everything that had happened to them.

“That git! Ah well, he’s always loved his little rent boy, Malfoy” Ron tried to soothe Harry’s anger.

“Ron! You’re a prefect!” Hermione scolded. Some habits are hard to break. “And speaking of which, we need to go and do our prefect duties.” Hermione reminded him.

“Yeah. See you for lunch in about half an hour.” Ron said.

Harry found this strange as Hermione and Ron had never had to do any prefect duties at lunch before, and before Harry could voice a question, it was answered by him seeing Ron and Hermione walk away with Ron’s hand gripping Hermione arse cheek. Harry laughed to himself.

“What’s funny?” Ginny asked, having missed what Harry had seen.

“Nothing. Shall we go to lunch?” Harry suggested and they all went to the Great Hall.

When Ron and Hermione got around the corner, Hermione playfully slapped Ron’s hand from her arse.

“Ron! Not in front of everyone.” Hermione told Ron off in mock anger.

“What? I didn’t do anything!” Ron answered back in mock outrage.

They carried on to their destination in silence, a little nervous of what they were about to do. They both went into the prefects bathroom and found it empty. When they had walked in a bit and the door had closed, Hermione spun round and was in Ron’s arms, kissing him deeply, her left hand falling to his crotch and fondling his rapidly rising dick through his trousers.

“I’ve been waiting all morning for this!” Hermione cooed lustily. Hermione let a lust filled smile spread across her lips as she walked backwards to one of the empty cubicles, pulling Ron by his massively hard cock.

When they were in the cubicle, they started kissing each other, hurriedly running their hands over each other’s body’s, Ron’s hands immediately going to Hermione’s pert tits under her robes. Ron’s hands fell to Hermione’s legs at the hem of her robe skirt and ran up to her crotch. Ron pulled away from Hermione and asked in surprise,

“No panties! Very naughty Miss Prefect! I might have to punish you for this!” Ron exclaimed playfully.

“I told you I wanted you! What kind of punishment have you got in mind?” Hermione asked looking up at Ron with a playful smile on her face, acting scared of being caught without underwear on.

“Well I have told you that you should always wear a thong so that I have easy access to your sexy little arse! But then I suppose you have only half broken the rules. Turn round and bend over!” Ron half called the last.

“Oh no!” Hermione playfully exclaimed. She did as Ron had ordered and she turned towards the toilet cistern, leaning with her hands against the wall.

She could feel as Ron’s hands had grasped the hem of her skirt and roughly pulled it up to her waist, exposing her perfect bum and wet pussy to the air. The next moment, she felt a sharp pain on her right cheek, as Ron had raised his right hand, and brought it down sharply on her. Hermione let out a surprised gasp and shuddered as another sharp blow landed on her tender arse. Hermione looked round over her shoulder at Ron, who was staring intently at her exposed bum, sure that he could see her tight arsehole. Ron looked up at the movement and barked another order at Hermione.

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