Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2 by Primality

When the school day had finished, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all trudging back to Gryffindor common room to do homework and other things that happen there. As Harry was walking, he suddenly felt a small feminine hand grasping his from behind, and he turned to see Ginny standing there with a big smile on her lips.

“Hi Harry! Glad I caught you!” Ginny said, pulling him away from Ron and Hermione who kept on walking to Gryffindor Tower. As Ginny lead Harry away, he was wondering where they were going before he found themselves outside the toilet that Moaning Myrtle inhabited. Ginny gave a quick eye brow raise and pulled Harry inside. When they were in there, Harry could see Moaning Myrtle floating about as she always did.

“Hi Myrtle! Could you give a sec?” Ginny asked of the ghost.

“Fine! Just throw me out of my own home! Don’t worry! I’ll be fine!” She half sobbed as she went to dive into one of the toilets, but Ginny wasn’t really listening as she drew Harry into a passionate kiss and started rubbing his semi hard dick.

“Thanks Myrtle! Knew you’d understand.” Ginny said not paying attention.

Ginny’s and Harry’s actions got Myrtle’s curiosity peaked, and instead of leaving, she quietly hid in a cubicle. As Harry and Ginny got into one of their own and closed the door, Myrtle floated silently to the top and peered down at the spectacle taking place in front of her eyes. Ginny had undone Harry’s trousers and pushed them to his ankles, along with his underwear, exposing his rock hard cock. This got Myrtle horny, if ghosts can have such feelings, and she made sure that she watched every movement. From above, Myrtle watched as Ginny pushed Harry so that he sat on the toilet with his dick in the air. Ginny then reached under her robe’s skirt and pulled off a black thong which she stuffed into Harry’s top pocket.

“They’re all wet for you Harry! Keep them and think of me at night!” Ginny said with a massive smile. Ginny then turned round and faced the cubicle door, pulled up her skirt and stepped back towards Harry. Moving her legs around Harry’s, she bobbed down and took his hard dick in her hand and aimed it at her pussy hole. Ginny sat down on Harry’s cock and it disappeared into her pussy in one swift movement.

“Oh God! I’ve wanted this since I saw Ron and Hermione get back from their fuck session!” stated Ginny.

Ginny then started bouncing on Harry’s cock, going quickly, wanting her release straight away. Ginny and Harry wouldn’t have noticed Myrtle now even if she floated in front of them waving her semi invisible arms in their faces. Ginny was bouncing as quickly as she could, and the pleasure was evident on both of their faces as they were both close to orgasm. Ginny rode on, pushing them closer to the edge before they were to dive into a sea of nirvana.

“Mmm Harry, there it is!” Ginny yelled out as she was about to cum. Hearing these words was what it took for Harry to lose himself too. Ginny ground down on Harry’s cock, and just as her pussy started convulsing around his shaft, Harry started shooting his massive load. Harry held Ginny in place as his orgasm drove him wild, and Ginny was almost in a state of shock from her orgasm, her pussy gushing juice all over Harry’s lap. When they had finished cumming, Ginny leant back against Harry and they both just sat there for a minute, basking in aftermath of their release.

“Oh the things you do to me Potter.” Ginny said, turning round to kiss Harry.

Ginny stood up and let Harry’s deflating cock slide out of her and held the cum in her pussy with her hand. She turned round and started licking all of hers and Harry’s cum from his dick before she stood up fully and let his jizz ooze out of her pussy hole and into her hand. When it was all collected, Ginny stuck her fingers in her mouth and ate all of the cum she could find before putting her robes back to normal. Harry stood as well on shaky legs and pulled his trousers back up.

“Do you know, fucking you takes it all out of me! Let’s get something to eat.” Harry suggested.

“Whew! After that, I think I need a lay down!” Ginny retorted as they started to leave but before they did, a voice spoke to them from above the stall.

“Wow that was amazing!” Myrtle called after them. “I wish I had done that before I died!” Myrtle commented whilst floating in the air. Harry and Ginny turned and saw her floating above where they had just had sex and they could see that her hand was down her robes in her crotch.

“Myrtle, you voyeur!” Ginny called back in mock outrage and giving her a wink.

Harry just stood stunned and found himself being pulled out of the toilet by his hand by Ginny. The rest of the week passed like this, with Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, and Neville and Luna all stealing moments away with each other with a hand job here, a blow job there, and a quick fuck in the toilets. By the time Saturday had come, there were all excited and very horny, even though they had been getting small releases all week.

When Saturday rolled round, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville had all agreed to meet with Luna at about two o’clock so that they could sneak into the Shrieking Shack for some fun. They all met in the grounds of Hogwarts just a short walk away from the place that they needed to get to. As Luna is want to do, she was very honest in everything that came out of her mouth.

“I have to say, I’m feeling very horny and can’t wait to sneak into the Shrieking Shack!” Luna had said it just a little louder than any of the others would have wished her to and so quietened her and made her promise not to tell anyone about what they were to get up to.

They started walking to the secret entrance and when Neville saw the Whomping Willow start moving about as they approached, he felt like that this would be more trouble than it was worth. All doubts were driven from his mind though as he saw Harry take out his wand and levitated a stone and touch a knot on the tree that stopped the movement immediately. He then saw Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione move towards the hole at the bottom of the tree. Luna and himself didn’t know what was going to happen next when he saw the other four stop and look around. Neville saw Harry take out an old piece of parchment and said something to it after tapping it with his wand. Neville saw Harry look at the parchment and then looked up and said,

“Okay. The coast is clear.” After Harry had said this, they all started ducking into the hole.

Harry popped his head out of the hole and urged Luna and Neville to hurry up. When Luna and Neville were in the hole, they could see that Hermione and Ron had gone on ahead. After that, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville had wended their way down the dark passage until they found an open space above them, which they climbed through. When they had all got into the wooden building that was now surrounding them, Harry turned to Luna and Neville and said,

“Welcome to the Shrieking Shack!” Luna and Neville gawped for a second before following Ginny and Harry ran up the stairs in front of them and went into the room that Hermione and Ron inhabited. Harry and Ginny got into the room before Luna and Neville and set to, kissing and taking each others clothes off. Luna was content to stand at watch the other four for a second before she wanted to get down, where as Neville was feeling a little shy and was very stunned by what was happening.

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