Julia’s first fuck by dwduck

Julia’s first fuck by dwduck

This is my first story, so please tell me what you think!

Julia was a fifteen-year-old freshman. She was a little over “5’2”, and had a knockout figure. She was one of those petite, curvy girls. She had 32C tits, and tiny waist that faded into a perfectly round ass. She had an angular face with full lips, and creamy ivory coloured skin. Long chestnut brown hair tumbled down her back. But her most striking feature where her eyes. They were large, intelligent and bright blue, half-hidden under a fan of dark lashes. Ben was the quarterback, the popular guy. He had a blonde head of floppy hair; he was tall and muscular, and always seemed to have a cocky grin on his face. He was senior.

Julia had been getting ready for her first lesson when Ben had sauntered up to her.


Julia tried to ignore the way her heart sped up.


She stood in uncomfortable silence.

“I heard you aced the last Spanish test.”

She nodded. Julia planned on majoring in languages.

“I did.”

He grinned. “I practically failed. I was wondering…”

“Yeah?” Julia tried not to sound too eager.

“Well I was wondering if you could tutor me. I know midterms are next week though, so if not that’s fine I guess.”

Julia’s heart sank. It was about tutoring.

“Sure. When do you want your first lesson?” She kept her tone light.

He smiled and for just a second, his eyes flicked up and down her small frame.”

“Friday. Is your place alright?”

Friday. On Friday, her parents were going to be out of town.

“Yeah that works. What time?”

The bell started ringing madly.

“Right after school.” He grinned that confident grin of his. “See you then.”

And then he disappeared through the crowd, leaving Julia blushing at her locker.

Friday morning came, and the day passed in a blur of excitement for Julia. The final bell came, and Julia rushed home, and changed out of her uniform. She chose a green tank top, and didn’t wear a bra. She slid a denim mini skirt on, and decided to stay bare foot. She shook her long hair out. She dug through the piles of homework on her desk, her arms laden with textbooks that she set out on the kitchen table. She decided to take her mind off the butterflies swarming her stomach by going over some of the material she planned to show Ben. A moment later, the doorbell rang. Julia padded over to the front door, and could see through the glass that it was Ben. She opened the door and smiled. He’d changed out of his uniform too. He wore a pair on jeans and a yellow polo, but he made it look amazingly sexy. Julia realized she wasn’t wearing underwear beneath her skirt.

“C’mon in.”

She opened the door wide and Ben passed through.

“The kitchen?”


Julia took a seat, and Ben sat next to her, scooting his chair so close that they could feel the heat coming off each other’s bodies.

“So.” He said.

“So.” She said back, meeting his gaze, with an eyebrow raised.

Julia began with adjective agreements. It seemed that Ben didn’t know the basics, and that was where his problems were based.

“So, if you want to say that something feminine is red, you’ll change rojo to roja.”

“What if I’m making the noun plural?”

“Well if it’s going to be plural and feminine, then you’ll change it to roja, and then add an ‘s’. Get it?”

He lifted his eyes to hers.

“I think so.”

“Awesome.” Julia smiled. She liked teaching him.

“Let’s take a break.”

They both stood, and Julia walked around the island, and pulled the fridge open. She grabbed the handle and pulled it open, surveying its measly contents. She grabbed a beer.

“You wanna drink?”

He ached an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you broke rules.”

“Who said I did?”

He grinned.

“Your parents aren’t here. Do they know you’re alone with a guy?”

Julia pulled the top off and took a sip of the amber liquid.

“So you don’t want a drink then?”

He grinned, and Julia tossed his a bottle. Julia hopped up onto the island, and let her legs dangle as she sipped. She liked the feeling that the alcohol gave her.

“Aren’t you friends with that Tonya girl?”

Julia nodded, thinking of her funny friend.

“Yeah, why?”

“She’s going to prom with Conner.”

“Yeah. She never shuts up about it.”

They finished their beers, but didn’t want to go back to work.

Julia sighed.

“Well. Back to work then.”

She hopped down, and tossed her reached to throw her beer bottle in the bin, but Ben was blocking it. He stepped left, as she did the same. She stepped right, and Ben did too. Julia tried again, but Ben was smiling, he was doing it on purpose.

“Well that’s not fair,” She pouted.

He stepped closer, forcing Julia to step back into the island.

“Who said anything about fair?”

He stepped even closer. Julia bit her lower lip.

“This certainly isn’t fair.” She murmured.

Ben reached an arm behind Julia, and before she realized what he was doing, she was suddenly pressed against him, and his arms were wrapped around her waist, his mouth on hers. He backed her up further into the island, and se hopped back up, and Ben stood between her legs. His tongue pressed against the barrier her lips presented, and she couldn’t resist the warmth that was spreading form the center of her body, and she moaned into his mouth. Ben’s hands slid under her tank top, and ran along her spine. It tickled wonderfully, and she giggled, accidentally pressing her chest against his. His fingers stroked higher, and after a moment, he realized there was no bra on the nymph like beauty before him.

His lips pulled away long enough for him to glance down at the erect nipples poking through the thin material. Julia didn’t notice. She moaned again, and craned her neck further, trying to reach his lips. Ben grinned in spite of himself, and he obliged, kissing her passionately, His hands resumed their traveling, and he slid his fingers under her firm ass. He lifted her off the island, and she wrapped her long leg around his hips. She could feel something hard pressed against her cunt, and looked down to see a huge erection nestled between her legs. It made her moan harder, and she felt a tingling deep within her. Her tiny skirt rode up higher.

Ben broke the kiss long enough to give her a quizzical look.

“Upstairs.” She groaned. He carried her up the grand staircase, and smiled at how light she was. He knew she was a dancer, and when he saw the door with a little ballerina figure on it, he pushed it open. There was a queen bed opposite the door. He carried her to it and pushed her down. She giggled and smiled up at him as he pulled his shirt off, revealing defined stomach muscles. He straddled her hips, and leant down, probing her mouth with his tongue. Julia’s hips began to writhe, rising to meet him, but Ben Put a hand on her lower tummy, and held her down. She let a frustrated groan escape, and Ben lightly nipped her lip. She moaned, and Ben planted a series of kisses just around her mouth before lowering his focus to her neck, where he bit and licked, each perfectly executed nip warranting a squeak or a sigh from Julia. Ben’s fingers tugged the edge of her shirt up, and in one liquid motion the tank top was off. Ben groaned at the perfectly flat and smooth belly that reached up to the orb like tits, with two pink nipples standing hard. Ben lowered himself on top of her, and started kissing the area just around the nipples. Julia thrust herself upwards, trying to force her beautiful tits into his mouth and Ben just pushed her down again. He finally let his tongue run over the nipples and Julia gasped in pleasure. He sucked the exquisite mounds, before kissing his way down to her navel. By now, Julia was moaning quite loudly, and Ben was physically holding her down. He stroked the inside of her tones thighs, each time reaching higher, but never touching her throbbing pussy, he’s let his fingers travel a mere inch or so from it, then he’s pull away. Finally, after a few minutes of the awful teasing, Ben unbuttoned her skirt, and was amazed to find the lack of panties.

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