Principal Urges by Twistedguy

They stared blankly out the window as he drove. After a few minutes Jenni turned looking back at Katie, “hey squirt, can you get my phone from my bag for me”. Katie playfully stuck her tongue out as she unbuckled herself and turned reaching for jenni’s backpack. It was only with some work she even had a cell phone. It was a prepaid plan that she paid for with the money she made babysitting.

Justin hit a bump in the road as Katie kneeled on the seat. She spread her legs wider to steady herself and let out a slight gasp. Jenni noticed why in a second, the cool air from the AC vent was blowing up her skirt and from the angle she could just barely see Katie didn’t have panties on. She quickly turned around holding out her phone. Jenni smirked at her then glanced at her skirt and back up giving her a questioning look. She took the phone as Katie blushed and buckled herself back in. “Thanks Katie” she turned back and started playing on the phone. Jenni knew she would find out the deal when they got to their place.

Katie sat silent as Justin drove. Feeling her face blush knowing Jenni saw up her skirt. She knew Jenni would ask her why. Its not like it’s the first time her hand-me-down panties ripped, but it was the first time they were ripped this bad at school. “Why couldn’t I stand up for myself.” She thought. “Would she believe that nothing happened even though it was true?” She thought back to lunch.

There she was sitting, minding her own business when John, one of the mean boys and a couple friends walked up to the table she was sitting at outside. He nudged her aside pushing her off the bench. Her panties snagged on a nail in the wood and ripped a little as she fell. He noticed as her legs flailed. “To poor to buy decent panties Katie?” He said laughing. They all laughed. Before she could get to her feet she felt his hand under my skirt. His finger pushed into the hole made by the nail and with a yank they ripped wide open. Katie’s pussy on full display till she pushed back and stood up. Turning she ran to the nearest bathroom. She slipped them off and stuffed them into her backpack then waited until it was time to go back to class.

“Why did I have to be born to such a terrible single mother? She couldn’t even afford to buy us important stuff like underwear unless they became nothing more than almost nonexistent.” She thought to herself. “Jenni wouldnt have even known it if Justin hadn’t hit that bump and made me shift to catch myself, and I wouldn’t have gasped if the AC wasn’t on high and pointed at just the right angle to blow the cool air up my skirt and over my pussy” She sighed to herself as they pulled up in front of their trailer. “It wasn’t anyone’s fault but my own. If I would have stood up for myself it wouldn’t have happened.” She started to tear up thinking. But deep down she knew the truth why she didnt. Deep down she kinda enjoyed the way it felt.

Justin sighed to himself as he pulled up to the beat up trailer these poor girls called home. He wasnt one to judge though since it’s all Anne could afford…barely. He and the girls got out and grabbed their backpacks from the trunk. He followed behind watching them as they walked. He couldn’t help himself as he watched their young firm asses in the swaying skirts. They were both very attractive especially for their ages.

They walked inside and Justin sat down on the couch as the girls disappeared into the room they shared. He heard Jenni’s voice in a muffled tone, “ok, so what happened to them? Did they disintegrate?” Then a laugh. The door closed and then all he heard were whispers to low to make out what was being said. They packed a few changes of clothes and about 5mins later the door opened and they both walked out carrying small dufflebags still wearing their uniforms. Jenni smiled, “just need our toiletries and we’ll be ready.” Katie stood shifting as Jenni stepped into the bathroom for a minute and when she came out he stood up. “All set?” He asked with a smile. They both nodded and they left. He put their bags in the trunk. They switched seats for the ride to his house.

They made small talk as Justin drove. He asked about how classes are going. Jenni was planning to try out for an up coming play of Sleeping Beauty. Katie mentioned she wanted to try out for track, but that would mean having to buy better shoes, and a track uniform so she didnt know if she would be able to.

“You leave that to me. If you make the team we’ll figure it out”, he told her. He absently reached over putting my hand on her knee, “it will be ok. There are perks to being friends with the Principal”. He smiled at her as she looked at his hand then back out the window, “T…thanks Justin”. He let go and put his hand back on the steering wheel.

A short time later he pulled up to the house. It was nothing fancy, a medium sized house with 3 bedrooms, one he was using as an office. They climbed out and the girls went to get their bags. As they walked in he motioned for them to follow him. ” I’m sorry I only have one guest room girls. You’ll still have to share a room, but I’ll go find an air mattress so you at least don’t have to share a bed.” They thanked him as he walked down the hall and turned into the guest room, “here you are”.

The girls looked around the room holding their bags. It was large compared to the one they shared at home. Jenni walked over setting her bag on the bed, “I call the bed Katie can get the air mattress”. Katie sighed, she always did that. Being the oldest she always got the better stuff. She always got the newer clothes, leaving katie with her wore and sometimes tattered old ones. Which was one reason why she spent half her day without panties. Even her dirty mattress at home was newer and more comfortable then Katie’s.

Jenni opened her bag and pulls out some clothes and all the toiletries, “I’m going to get a shower if that’s alright?” She asks looking at Justin. He nod, “yea sure, the bathroom is across the hall”. Katie tried to protest, “Jenni, can I go first?… Please” she motion to her skirt signaling she needed to shower before putting on new underwear. The water had been cut off at home for a couple days so It didnt make sense to put on a clean pair before getting a good shower.

“you can shower at the same time” he said behind her. They looked at each other then at him. Katie studder, “you…you mean shower together?” He laughed, “No…. I have another bathroom in my room. One of you can shower in there” Expecting the master bath was bigger and nicer she reacted before Jenni could, “dibs”. Jenni sighed, “fine”. Jenni walked by them and into the bathroom as Justin told her towels are under the sink. “Come with me” he said as he turned back into the hall. Katie followed him to the master bedroom still clutching her bag.

Katie smiled and looked around the room as he showed her to the bathroom. She set her bag down, “Thanks Justin”. Katie wasnt sure why she did it, maybe cause it felt right but without a second though she stepped forward and hugged him. Justin was shocked for a second but he just put a hand on her mid back. She held him for a minute and then let go stepping back. She look at the floor for a second blushing then turn, “well, I better get in the shower before Jenni uses up all the hot water.”

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