Summer Fun – Chapter 1 – Help Wanted by JTrevor

“These are getting a little warm. Do you want another one?”

“Sure!” We pop the tops on two fresh cold ones.

She flops down alongside me, “Ahhhh, we both needed that, don’t you think?”

“Oh, yeah! We most definitely did!” I whole-heartedly agree. I never knew painting could be so much fun.

She smiles and sheepishly admits, “I’ve kinda had my eye on you and been wanting to do it with you for a while now.”

“Well, I’m really happy you did,” I laugh.

“So, was sex what you hoped it would be?”

“Even better!” I tell her and ask, “Do you remember that day we were rearranging the stock-room?”

I think she knows where I’m going with this, “Yeah, I remember.”

“After you fell on me moving the boxes, your hand accidently touched me here,” I pat my pubic hair, “I know this will sound stupid, but it made me horny for the rest of that day.”

“Yeah… I remember that. And, maybe, it wasn’t exactly an ‘accident?’” Renee admits, biting her lip and snickering, “But, seriously though, let’s keep all of this between us. Please don’t say anything around Pizza Depot, or to your buddies, okay? It could make things super-awkward.”

I make a my-lips-are-sealed motion.

“So, you said there are four more of these apartments to paint? Would you… by any chance… need help with them?” I venture, with a hopeful grin.

“Hmmmm,” she looks up and ponders, “Yeah… I think I could use your help… if you’re offering, that is.”

We finish our second beer and Renee says, “Okay, Sport, you ready to get back at it?”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, does she mean like, right now? She laughs and hits my arm, “I mean with the painting, jack-ass!”

“Oh, yeah, that too…”

As we are gathering up our strewn-about, sweaty clothes, her phone chimes from an incoming text. “My dad is on his way here and wants to know what unit we’re in. Get dressed and get rid of those beer bottles while I text him back.”

Fifteen minutes later, Bill Moore arrives with a large pepperoni pizza for us, he sets it in the kitchen and comes to check-out our progress. I respect Bill immensely, but I couldn’t help feeling very awkward seeing him right now; here is the man that hired me and his daughter is currently walking around with my semen inside her pussy. He looks around the apartment, “Hey, this place is looking great, you two really work well together.”

“Yup, we sure do! Kyle is doing great for his first time, he’s painting like a pro,” Renee smirks and winks at me. Did she really have to say, “his first time”?

“Well, that’s great! Oh, I put a couple bottles of pop on the counter for you too, figured you need them in this heat.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Keep up the good work. I’d love to hang around, but I gotta run over to main office, that damn printer is acting up again. See you two later.”

We enjoy the pizza and continue painting with the addition of loud music blasting. Both of us are singing, quite badly, along with songs we know. Perma-smiles of mutual satisfaction are on our faces when we look in each other’s direction. A few hours later, we finish the work. Renee comes over, puts an arm over my shoulders and nods, “We did good, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, we did. Especially for…” my turn to wink, “My, ‘first time.’”

“That too,” she nods.

I believe I did do well for my first time, she orgasmed with me, that’s good sign for sure. You know what’s different? I actually feel more like a man than I did this morning.

“So, Sport,” she pulls me close and reaches down to squeeze the front of my shorts, “Do you think you’re up to help paint another apartment in three days?”

Yeah… I think I’ll be “up” for it…

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