The Secret Cheerleader Vote – #1 by Red Czar

This didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the girls. The group he had been watching had also been watching him, and right now they all had their eyes on what was going on in Zane’s car, and they all followed as he drove out of the lot with Chloe. In his rear view mirror he could see them all watching.

Chloe has a plan

The drive to Chloe’s house was fairly short. He never knew where her family lived and it turned out to be not so far from his own house. As they drove Zane tried to subtly pry out of her why she was acting like such a little slut. Maybe not in quite those words, but she knew what he meant. Chloe let on that she knew he was the secret vote. He pointed out that it didn’t matter, there was no way she could become captain of the squad anyway. In return, Chloe pointed out that there was still a vote for JV Captain, and it couldn’t hurt to suck up to the secret vote now could it? Besides that, she really really liked kissing him.

What Zane didn’t know at the time was that Chloe had plans for him that day. He was going to take her virginity.

When Haley told her about Zane being the secret vote, she also let slip a few other details as to why. She said that he knew all the seniors. He knew all the juniors and sophomores as well. Plus everyone already knew that he had slept with Julie. That was a pretty well accepted rumor amongst them all since they had grown up next door to each other. There were rumors that he had slept with Sara too, although no one knew for sure about that one. Then she told the story of how she had watched him fucking her sister one day after school. She had thought it was Carly’s boyfriend at first but was shocked to find Zane instead. It was the only time she’d know her sister to cheat on her boyfriend. She couldn’t help but stand there and peep through the door the whole time. Even when he caught her watching, he just smiled and changed positions so she could see better and kept on going, like he wanted her to watch.

Chloe was getting wet just listening to her story.

Then Haley told her of how she had slept with him as well. At first Chloe called bullshit, but Haley went on to tell the whole story, in vivid detail. By the time she finished her story Chloe was so wet and horny that she was moaning and touching herself at the same time, imagining him doing all of that to her.

“Oh my god I can’t believe that.” She said. “That sounds so amazing, I wish I could do that, I wanna have sex so bad”

Haley answered “So go for it! You’re a cheerleader, I guarantee he’d fuck you if you let him”

Chloe said “Oh my god I would SOOOO let him, he’s so beautiful. But he’d never go for me, I’m just a freshman, he wants all the juniors and seniors”

Haley replied “Oh bullshit, I’m a freshman too and he didn’t have a problem doing it with me. All I had to do was be alone with him. Just invite him to your house when nobody’s home, then jump his ass”

They both giggled and screeched at that, and then went on to the more important details, how big is he, did it hurt, how could you fit all that inside you, what does it feel like, how long did you do it, how many times? Chloe closed her eyes and started dreaming of it already.

Plain and simple, Chloe was a raging ball of hormones. She wanted to fuck. She didn’t care about “being in love” or “saving myself” or “making the first time special”. She was just horny. All she really cared about was that itch between her legs, and now every time she saw Zane all she could think was “Oh my god I want to fuck you”

You want to WHAT?

When they arrived at Chloe’s house she insisted that he come inside, as if she could have stopped him. He expected her to offer him something to drink, or maybe a tour around the house. Instead, she locked the door, dropped her school things on the table, took Zane by the hand and led him straight up the stairs to her bedroom.

She pulled him into her room and pushed the door shut. Then she assumed her favorite position, her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips right on his. Zane was thinking damn! She might just make captain after all! They fumbled their way to her bed and collapsed on top of each other. Zane’s hands instinctively all over her body.

As Zane’s hands traveled from her tight little ass, over her sexy tummy, and eventually up to her tits, Chloe started moaning and giggling as she explored him as well. She was electrified by every little touch. She continued kissing and touching anywhere she could find skin. When Zane started to pull her shirt free, hoping to slide his hands up under it, Chloe sat up, looked at him, and asked,

“Did you really sleep with Haley?”

Not what he was expecting. He never did tell Haley not to tell anybody, but he didn’t think she would.

After a moment of fumbling over an answer he just said “What?”

Chloe said “Haley told me she had sex with you. Is it true?”

“When did she tell you that?” he asked.

Chloe answered “Last week, she was telling me about how you’re the secret vote because you’re so tight with all the seniors. Then she said that she saw you having sex with her sister, and then later SHE had sex with you too. Is that true? Did you really sleep with her?”

Zane considered for a quick moment in his head. She had been hanging all over him for the last week, apparently ever since Haley told her this. She had jumped in his car with her shirt practically off and her skirt half way up to her waist. Then she had lured him here to her bedroom with no one else home and the door shut. He figured, what the hell, why deny it?

So he answered, “Yeah well, after I caught her perving on me and Carly I figured the only way to keep her from blabbing was to do her too, so… yeah. But there wasn’t any sleeping going on.” Then he flashed her his biggest, naughtiest smile.

Chloe closed her eyes and threw herself back down on the bed and let out a heavy sigh. She said “Oh my god that sounds so amazing. I thought she was making it all up”

Zane answered “nope, it’s all true”

Chloe lay there for a moment, then rolled over to him, put her hand over his chest and her face right up close to his and said,

“I want to do it too”

“What?” he asked, knowing the answer of course.

Chloe came right out and said “I want what you did with Haley! I want you to fuck me”

Right Now?

Zane was only surprised that she came right out and said it. He looked at her and said “You do? Right now?”

Chloe answered eagerly “YES! Right now!”

Zane thought “Good, cuz that was gonna happen anyway”.

He considered for a moment and then asked “Are you on the pill?”

She answered “No”

Zane replied “Well if Haley told you the whole story, then she also told you that we thought she was pregnant for almost a month. I aint going through that again, and I don’t have any condoms with me. You want to go to my house?”

Chloe didn’t waste a moment, she reached over him to a drawer beside her bed and pulled out a string of about five condoms.

“I stole these from Sydney, she had them in her room. She’ll never know they’re missing!” she said as she proudly held them up.

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