The Yellow Pages Girl – Part 2 by P_Anderer

Gemma cautiously handed me the camera, then leaned against the iron railing, in a pose, the backdrop of coloured boats behind her. I carefully framed a couple of shots, then looked at the display screen. “You’re really photogenic,” I blurted without thinking, unintentionally complimenting Gemma in the process.

“That’s good,” said Gemma, with a grin. I might have a little job for you to do for me later. I’ll explain in due course.” She carefully stowed the camera back into her bag, then we strolled off, arm in arm, more like two close friends than work colleagues. I couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have a female friend and reflected on how lonely I’d been for months. Arriving at Brindley Place, we found a lovely café with outdoor seating, overlooking the canal. We picked a table in the sunshine.

Once the drinks had arrived, Gemma looked over at me and gave a cheeky grin. “So, you want to know about Friday night? Well, it was more Saturday morning really,” she added, laughing.

I did a quick scan round the seating area. There was no-one in our immediate proximity, but I shuffled my chair closer to Gemma’s, so we’d be able to speak more confidentially.

“Well, we got back to his room. He didn’t waste much time… in fact even going up in the lift to his floor, he practically had my tits out and had his hand in my knickers. I almost had to dress again when the lift doors opened!

“Anyway, when we got in the room, we didn’t even bother switching the light on, because there was a nice glow coming in from the lights outside. In a moment, we were both naked, then I was flat on my back on his bed. After a bit of snogging, he moved down to my tits, and without further ado, went south and started giving me a lovely licking.

“After a bit of that, we swapped round, and he got on top of me in a 69. That was yummy — he had a lovely cock, and I was really enjoying what he was doing with his tongue. Mmm, it’s making me tingle, just thinking about it…”

Gemma had obviously noticed that my expression must have glazed slightly. Sure, it was semi-interesting, hearing about Gemma’s drunken sex, but it was hardly newsworthy.

“It does get more interesting… bear with me, while I tell you the whole story. Anyway, after that, he turned round and started screwing me in a missionary position. We did that for a bit, then he got me on all fours. I love a bit of doggy… my favourite position.”

“Mmm, mine too,” I chimed in with a giggle.

“Bear in mind, I was pretty shit-faced, when I tell you that it was several minutes later, when I looked round properly towards the other bed. It took me a moment for my brain to register what I was seeing… there was his roommate lying in the other bed, on his side, watching everything we were doing! From the movement under the quilt, I could guess what his hand was doing!”

“Oh, wow! So… what happened?” This was getting a bit more interesting.

“Like I said, I was pretty drunk… I mean, there wasn’t much point in covering up, he’d already seen everything. Andy just kept banging away at me from behind, my tits were flying about all over the place, and I wasn’t far off coming. So there was no way I was going to tell him to stop, was there?

“So I just asked him if he was enjoying the show. He just nodded and slowly pulled the quilt down, revealing another lovely hard cock.”

“Oh my,” I murmured. “I think I can see where this is going.”

“So I just beckoned him over and…” Gemma paused while a couple walked past our table, before continuing, “a moment later, I had his lovely stiff prick in my mouth. Every time Andy shoved into me, the other guy’s dick went further down my throat.”

I couldn’t help giggling again. “So, you got yourself a spit roast then?”

“Uh huh. That, and some. After Andy had come, he pulled out and the other guy got behind me. I thought he was just going to take Andy’s place, but he didn’t; he just shoved it up my arse.”

I had a sudden image of Gemma on all fours, getting fucked anally by a complete stranger, with another guy’s come dripping out of her puss. I felt both shocked at her sheer sluttiness, and to my slight irritation, I was also tantalised by what she was describing. Not having had anything like enough healthy cock for months, the prospect of having two at once sounded like quite a party.

“While the other guy was poking my bum, Andy moved back round, and got me to suck him hard again. They kept swapping round, taking turns at me in different positions. I lost count of how many times I orgasmed. At one point…” Gemma leaned in close to my ear, “they even DP’d me,” she whispered, with a naughty grin on her face.

Now I must have looked a bit surprised. “You mean… they…”

“Yeah, one in my arse and one in my pussy… at the same time. Yummy, yummy! I just love being filled up like that.”

“I never tried that,” I admitted. “In fact, I’ve never been in bed with two guys. I’m beginning to think I’ve led a proper sheltered life.”

“Anyway, needless to say, none of us got much sleep. That was how I got all the bites. At one point, I had a set of teeth sunk into both of my boobs. It was bloody good at the time. I don’t mind a bit of rough, at the right time.”

“You’re a bit of a dark horse, Gemma. You know that? No wonder you were looking like shit yesterday!”

Gemma laughed. “Honestly, I could hardly walk afterwards. The pair of them literally fucked me senseless.

“By the way, I’m so sorry, I’ve been really rude, hogging the conversation. How did your night go with… oh, gosh, forgot his name?”

“Ben,” I answered for her. “It was actually very nice. He was charm itself, and I have to say, a very good lover. However, he did have just the one penis, so we didn’t have a night anything like you did!

“Being a dancer, he was very fit and supple, so he had some pretty good moves. I might even see him again, sometime. But he’s located in the Manchester office, which is a bit of a drag.”

Gemma leaned in towards me again and placed her hand on my arm. I was beginning to like her tactile ways. Speaking softly, she said, “I need to trust you implicitly. There’s something I want to share with you… but you must swear not to breathe a word to anyone. Have a think, and tell me later if you can honestly keep that promise, OK?”

I immediately began to wonder what this big secret could be, but I’ve always been able to keep a confidence. I assured her, “Being honest with you, I haven’t really got any close friends I’d tend to share secrets with, so whatever you want to tell me, is safe.”

“OK, because what I’m planning to tell you could cost me my job, so it is pretty serious, OK?”

That really got me wondering. Was she running some kind of scheme, fiddling money in some way? I couldn’t see how that would be possible, as we never handled any cash payments.

“Well, you’ve certainly got me intrigued,” I replied. “I can’t deny I’m curious to find out what this big secret is!”

“All will be revealed later,” she said, smiling and tapping her nose with her finger. Little did I realise at that moment, the hidden meaning in her words.

We wandered down through a nice shopping mall and she paused outside a shop specialising in beautiful lingerie. A number of mannequins were arranged in the window, displaying various combinations of sexy panties, bras and stockings.

“Fancy having a look?” asked Gemma. “I could do with some new sexy undies.” I nodded my agreement, thinking that I might find some items I’d like as well. The nice thing about my job, was that my cost of living was almost nil. So I had quite a bit of surplus cash each month, which was rather nice. Plus, my sex life seemed to be looking up — and that was likely to continue while I had the benefit of being teamed up with my busty new friend.

We had a lot of fun browsing through the racks of sexy underwear. The thing that struck me as funny, was that the tinier the items were, the more expensive they got! I settled on a very sheer, pale purple bra and knicker set and another one, both items almost transparent, in a charcoal grey. On impulse, I also picked a couple of pairs of very sexy hold-ups.

Gemma also selected a couple of sets, one, a strapless scarlet and black basque with matching stockings, another bra and knicker set in a deep burgundy red, together with a transparent baby doll nightie.

We took the items to the till but when the woman behind the counter saw the basque Gemma had chosen, she said it would be a good idea to try it on, as they tended to ‘come up small’, as she put it. So Gemma picked up the item and headed off to the curtained cubicle at the end of the shop.

A couple minutes later, she popped her head round the curtain. “Can you give me a hand, please, Char?” she called. I slipped in round the side of the curtain and pulled it closed behind me. Gemma was standing there, in a pair of panties, the basque held to her chest.

“I’m struggling to do it up,” she said, turning round to show me. The back of the garment was open and needed closing, by way of the twenty or so hook fasteners down each edge. I grasped both sides of the silky material and tried to pull them together, in vain. I pulled so hard I was afraid I was going to rip the fabric.

“Gemma, you definitely need a bigger size! Even if I managed to do this thing up — which I can’t — you wouldn’t be able to breathe!”

Gemma agreed and shrugged the basque off, exposing those tits to me again. “Be a sweet, go and fetch one a couple of sizes up, please? Save me getting dressed again.”

Oh well, that was progress. At least she didn’t walk through the shop with her baps on display. I did as she asked and took a larger sized one into the cubicle. A few minutes later, I succeeded in fastening all the hooks for her. She pivoted round to look in the mirror.

“How do I look?” she asked, turning to one side, then the other.

“Erm, actually, pretty fucking hot, if I’m honest,” I told her truthfully. She did. Just trying to look at her objectively, the scarlet and black of the garment complemented her hair beautifully and the basque moulded her figure, accentuating her waist and showing off her substantial boobs. If I was a guy, I would have fancied the pants off her.

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